Acoustic Guitar Pickups... to use with the Kemper!

  • Hey there,
    I often use my acoustics with some profiles in the Kemper. Always sounded good... not best, but good enough.
    For weddings I use an old Taylor with the built in Fishman Pickup, but this piezo died a few weeks ago... (over 25 years old, of course, this had to happen some time!).

    With some other acoustics, my loved Furch guitars from the Czech Republic, I put some L.R. Baggs Anthems in,
    but they have too much "wood", which the Kemper can´t handle with? I can´t get a good sound out of this combination... Anthem and Kemper...
    So it works fine with some other preamps - or going directly in the mixing desk...

    Next idea was, to put a dual pickup system in an acoustic (a Furch aswell, OM-like), so I decided to get me a K&K Pure Western in combination with a microphone inside the guitar - with a K&K dual preamp for the STEREO output... my fault, I cannot go directly to the Kemper...
    I also put a K&K Piezo pickup inside this acoustic, but this was not my sound, didn´t like it...

    So my question:
    Does anybody use an acoustic guitar with other pickup systems like some magnetic pickups to use them with the Kemper,
    something like the DiMarzio Black Angel magnetic pickup (difficult to get it here in Germany...), the L.R. Baggs M1 (active or passive) or the M80...
    and if so: what would you prefer an why?
    I will put it in a Furch OM24 with the K&K Pure Mini and microphone, but with an extra output (for the piezo, which I don´t like at all)

    Thanks for some ideas!
    Greetings, Mario

  • With some other acoustics, my loved Furch guitars from the Czech Republic, I put some L.R. Baggs Anthems in,
    but they have too much "wood", which the Kemper can´t handle with? I can´t get a good sound out of this combination... Anthem and Kemper...
    So it works fine with some other preamps - or going directly in the mixing desk...

    Which preamps are fine with it? (then you could look around for a profile of it and load it into the Kemper or even mute the amp on the Kemper, if played into a desk seems fine)

    Did you try a Graphic EQ in stomp 1? I had good success adapting unusual pickups to certain profiles which sounded strange at first. Try cutting between 200 and 400 Hz maybe about -3 dB or so. Slightly boost 2.5 to 5 kHz for more clarity.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Hi!

    It's been a year you asked this questions, but I am in the exact same place as you. I was looking at the Anthem for my guitar but was planning on using it with the Kemper. Did you finally find something you really like?


  • Hi, getzzn mentioned the K&K Pure Mini and that's what I use in my Martin. Does the trick very well plus a good price point. I like it better than my old Fishman (cant remember the model), and the Anthem. I suppose it depends on what pre-amp you use for color but it sounds good all around to me.

    Ps. There are some great packs for acoustic done with high end pre's etc, might want to check some out if you're running direct? :)

  • Hi, thanks for your answer!
    Yes, I sometimes use the K&K Pure Mini swell... especially with the Looper!
    You have to push the signal way further than with other pickups with built-in preamps, but of course, that´s understandable.
    The most time I use the LR Baggs Element Pickup.... it sounds good with the band, more treble and high´s, so I can cut through the mix.

    My plan for next year (the new "wedding season"):
    Build an extra floor board just for acoustic guitars with the Felix Preamp, Delay, Chorus and Reverb Effects, so I can blend the two pickup signals together.
    I have tested everything, sounds just phenomenal!!!
    Everything´s lying around in my music room, but haven´t got the time to build it up.

    Best regards!