Inaccurate direct profiles...

  • Very strange! When my rack was almost completely new (firmware 3.2.1 or something) I tried to profile my EVH 5150 and it sounded good, none of that subwoofer horrible low end stuff. My Kemper had issues with 3.3 only, but I have no idea if if is actually related because I assume the big profile makers need reliability in their making and still run 3.3. At least for you, it does not seem to be related. I do not have the same Kemper anymore, I sold it for a Powerhead which I updated to the beta straight away. Really hope you will find a solution, it is just incredibly annoying! Every time you make a new profile you think "maybe it sounds better this time!" but it does not... Keep us updated! :)

  • I've been trying all afvices from technical support, we are still in the process. I've tried to profile some pedals and it worked ok. I've made a profile of a single cable and it worked ok. Seems that those Randall RG100ES monsters are impossible to profile, or at least is what they are suggesting at tech support... if we continue down this path, my Kemper + Looper + Kemper DI + Power Amp will be on sale in a few days. :((((((

    I´m really pissed off that I can't profile the amps I've been working with for the last 12 years. :((((

  • I've been told by tech support that may be the Kemper profiler just can not profile the RG100ES due to amp architecture. Very sad and dissapointing news, and a Kemper + Looper + Kemper DI for sale in a few days :(((((((

    how long do you have your profiler? did you check out the 5 RG100ES profiles on Rig Exchange?

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • When I first started this topic, I had issues profiling my Marshall SL-5 amp. After I installed the 4.0.2 firmware the exact same amp and rig was all of a sudden possible to profile! People told me that tubescreamers often don't profile well etc; sorry, but I do not agree. This issue of mine had absolutely nothing to do with the TS, and my latest amp (Fargen Mighty Plex) profiles exeptionally well with my TS! Unfortunately I cannot explain why you and I experience(d) this, I wish I could! But one thing do I know for certain: the issue is Kemper related one way or another, your rig is certainly not "unprofilable". I also think it is related to the software, and not the hardware. Could you please tell me, does this amp develop a lot of noise when you profile it?

  • Just wanted to say that I've had the same problem when profiling my mesa recto preamp going into a 2:100, effectively a dual rectifier. What I font understand is how other people are able to profile the amp just fine, but mine cannot replicate it without the bass sounding clipped, and very loose.

  • I had a difficult time trying to DA profile my Mark V:25. This was my setup:
    Guitar -> Kemper -> Mesa + Cab -> Mesa Second Speaker out -> DI box -> XLR Return. Didn't work. DA profiles was loose and undefined.

    New setup: Guitar -> Kemper -> Mesa + Loadbox -> Mesa Second Speaker out -> DI box -> XLR Return -> Kemper Speaker Output -> Cab.
    Profiles are now spot on. And I can A/B through the same cab when I refine the profile. You can download them from RE.

  • I had a difficult time trying to DA profile my Mark V:25. This was my setup:
    Guitar -> Kemper -> Mesa + Cab -> Mesa Second Speaker out -> DI box -> XLR Return. Didn't work. DA profiles was loose and undefined.

    New setup: Guitar -> Kemper -> Mesa + Loadbox -> Mesa Second Speaker out -> DI box -> XLR Return -> Kemper Speaker Output -> Cab.
    Profiles are now spot on. And I can A/B through the same cab when I refine the profile. You can download them from RE.

    The DI box should be between the power amp out and the cabinet. Maybe this is why it's off?

  • I had a difficult time trying to DA profile my Mark V:25. This was my setup:
    Guitar -> Kemper -> Mesa + Cab -> Mesa Second Speaker out -> DI box -> XLR Return. Didn't work. DA profiles was loose and undefined.

    New setup: Guitar -> Kemper -> Mesa + Loadbox -> Mesa Second Speaker out -> DI box -> XLR Return -> Kemper Speaker Output -> Cab.
    Profiles are now spot on. And I can A/B through the same cab when I refine the profile. You can download them from RE.

    What Loadbox are you using? It seems that cab interaction makes profiles sound not accurate. I've found that if I have both speakers outputs connected (with the Kemper DI between one of them and the cab) profiles sound awful, not usable at all. But if using just one speaker output (leaving the second speaker disconnected) profiles sound much better. Still, NOTHING to do with the Randalls: profiles lack gain, punch, and palm mutes have nothing to do with the Randall chainsaw. :(

    I had faith in using the profiler live... but no way, my Randall heads win all the time. :D

  • The DI box should be between the power amp out and the cabinet. Maybe this is why it's off?

    You can do i this way also. Have tried it both ways on my 5150, and profiles came out identical.

    What Loadbox are you using? It seems that cab interaction makes profiles sound not accurate. I've found that if I have both speakers outputs connected (with the Kemper DI between one of them and the cab) profiles sound awful, not usable at all. But if using just one speaker output (leaving the second speaker disconnected) profiles sound much better. Still, NOTHING to do with the Randalls: profiles lack gain, punch, and palm mutes have nothing to do with the Randall chainsaw. :(

    I had faith in using the profiler live... but no way, my Randall heads win all the time. :D

    I'm using a THD Hotplate.
    This method worked for me on this particular amp. I usually do it like it's described in then manual.

  • With regards to my recto/2:100 rig (mentioned above), I had a thought that it might be down me setting the channel volume(ie preamp volume) too high, as opposed to the master volume of the power amp. Although it wasn't crazy high, it could have certainly been quite a bit lower. I've tried turning down the power alot and it doesn't make a difference to the poor profiling, so I figure it must be down to this. Anyone else tried turning down the channel volume with any success?

    Will test and report back.

  • It seems to me that I am experiencing similar problems when creating a direct amp profile of an EVH 5150III (which has obviously been DI profiled successfully a thousand times). I must say, that I'm quiet confident I took care of everything as suggested as I read almost all the info I could find on this forum and the web:

    - Connections: Just as shown in the manual, guitar->Kemper->Kemper direct out->Amp Input->Amp Output->DI-Box (PAD -40dB)->XLR-out->Kemper return Input, + DI-Box->Cabinet
    - All cables are okay, DI-Box (passive) new and without any Cabsims
    - All FX (stomps and post stack) switched off
    - clean sense low enough so that the input LED remains green all the time
    - return level low enough so that the Output LED remains green, too (tried many different levels, though)
    - DI-Box is the admittetly cheap Millenium DI-E from thomann, but it was sold 998 times, 4.4 out of 5 stars... well...

    Every time the result is a sound with too much rumbling in the bass which simply doesn't exist in the reference amp. Strangely, when comparing the dry Kemper-DI-profile (without cab) to the reference-amp-output-signal (again without cab) there was a significant difference: The bass rumbling only occured on the Kemper-DI-profile. The reference amp, eventhough monitored through (!) the cheap DI-Box, sounded as it should. (That's why I hopefully can eliminate the DI-Box as a source of the problems.) Well, we swapped the amp for another EVH and the results were better, but the rumbling remained at least audible. BUT here comes the even worse part:

    The kemper's presence knob as well as the treble show some really strange behaviour when tweaking the DI-profile:
    - dialing the presence up results in metallic/shrill and unharmonic overlapping sounds while even becoming kind of out of tune...? I cannot find such a behaviour in any other profiles I own nor on the reference amp itself.
    - the same is true for treble, worst results occur when dialing up presence above 2 o'clock and treble at the same time. It just does not sound like something you would expect these knobs to do... well, not even a heavy metal guitar amplifier ;)
    (- less severe, but the same goes for the gain: the knob's behaviour is not reproduced accurately, the highest levels of gain seem digital and unpleasent)

    Now, my questions:

    What am I doing wrong? Is it possible that the KPA gets into trouble, when trying to reproduce higher values of any knob setting on the reference amp?
    When profiling an amp, what settings should be used on the reference amp? Is it okay to dial in presence (or anything else) at 3 o'clock or should I use "flat" Settings at, let's say 12 o'clock? Or should "the perfect sound" be profiled "as is" in any case? Apart from clipping: Does the return level have any influence on the resulting profile? (The manual says that it doesn't, because the KPA adjusts the level anyways... but as of now it remains the only questionable part I can see, apart from the cheap DI-Box of course.)

    Thanks a lot for any help!


    Edited once, last by MattUlbricht (October 14, 2016 at 11:02 PM).