Pool: What is your favorite rig for classic rock (70's/80's/90's) ?

  • Hey mate!
    yeah I dialed the treble a little back, but not the presence. And I did not increase the gain. The profile is f*ckin' grainy which is what makes a super vintage rockin' sound. It takes well a slight definition reduction as well. It's a profile I will tweak again and again. You made my day as well mate! Cheers

  • Hey mate!
    yeah I dialed the treble a little back, but not the presence. And I did not increase the gain. The profile is f*ckin' grainy which is what makes a super vintage rockin' sound. It takes well a slight definition reduction as well. It's a profile I will tweak again and again. You made my day as well mate! Cheers


    Exactly! I dialled the definition back too.

    Normally I'm not a fan of graininess as it usually comes at the expense of having too much scratchiness, but as we've both found, if you dial the treble back it becomes a feast of vintage, grainy "mojoness"!

    You made my day again, bro'.

  • Well Halle-freakin'-lujah!

    Awesome, pamplemousse. I'm so happy someone else has finally experienced that mojo. I was frankly stunned that tonnes of folks didn't feel the same way.

    Curious: Did you find you had to dial the treble back a tad to magically reveal the full extent of mojo whereas it was kinda scratchy before you did this, and did you find the profile super-vintage (in a great way) sounding and also "grainy" in a good way?

    IMHO, I've not heard another that exhibits these characteristics in quite the same way. It all adds up to mucho mojo IMHO. Yay! You've made my day mate. Finally someone else felt it too! Woohoo! 8o

    Now you know how it is - scratchy itchy and then apply the zero treble linement ... balm, pure balm!
    P.S. my brother was called the guy who got into a box of monkeys and came out without a scratch... 59RR has got some MOJO!!!!

  • Thanks for the heads-up on 59RR profile!
    I was not that fond of the cab in that profile and tested my usual favourites from Guido, Deadlight and SinMix but found it worked very good with one of Tills free samples from his CabLab package. The CabLab 028 sounded great!
    This combination works fine with a guitar with both humbucker and single coils, and are very responsive to pick velocity and the volume control.

  • Just be sure to dial that treble back first, Paul!

    59RR has got some MOJO!!!!

    Woohoo! So glad you like it, Freisegler!

    Thanks for the heads-up on 59RR profile!

    So glad you like it, Janne!

    Oh man, this is great. The lack of a positive response all those months ago kinda did my head in a bit.

    I wondered if maybe I was just way off in the way I judged it or something. Part of what made me consider this was the fact that after listening to (in your cases, actually playing!) it for a while, when I switched over to some of my favourite Profile authors such as Guido and Michael, theirs actually sounded lifeless and sterile by comparison. Given that I've always considered these guys, along with Bert, to be gold-standard setters, I couldn't help but wonder whether or not my entire reference-point for what flies and what doesn't in the recording studio had been obliterated.

    In the end I was forced to come to the judgement that yes, in comparison, the commercial Profiles were somewhat flat-sounding and lacked mojo, but that this was only when contrasted with the RR one. If I'd never stumbled upon the RR one doing random RM auditions while my brother Fingers played, I'd have been none the wiser and surely found that there was (and there is) plenty of variety from tonally-flat and unexciting to full-bodied, woody and possessing mojo within the existing field I was aware of.

    The difference now is simply that, IMHO, the ceiling has been shattered and a new level of mojo has been inserted. That's my experience; I can only speak for this, obviously. The icing on the cake for me is that some of you guys are feelin' it too!

    Woobloodyhoo! 8o

  • trust your ears mate, trust'em.
    It's months I'm telling me I need to load this one. I've been satisfied with many profiles recently and did not take time to do it. it's months now.

    as soon as I stroke the strings on this profile, I instantanely knew it killed many others. very very nice to play, I specially love that all variations sound good with it, from guitar volume to effects & amp settings.

    If I had to make a negative comment, I'd say that this profile may have lots of frequencies everwhere and may be hard to use in band / multi-guitar environment. but so far it's pure mojoness

    monkey mate, cheer your ears for me

  • very very nice to play, I specially love that all variations sound good with it, from guitar volume to effects & amp settings

    Awesome, man.

    monkey mate, cheer your ears for me

    Thanks bro'. Much appreciated. :thumbup:

  • Right now my favourite profiles for my Les Paul is TopJimi's AFD modded Marshall. Absolutely amazing for old school rock n roll :)

    Thanks for this Mike.
    A friend of mine was riffing away on my LP when I changed to this profile, his eyes lit up and immediately started playing The Ocean by Led Zep. He was blown away by it.
    So later I plugged in a Washburn N4 on middle neck + bridge position, and there was most of Nuno's Punchline sounds. Had loads of fun with this