Would Mainstage be able to Automate KPA switching functions

  • Looking at getting Mainstage 3 for my Mac and since I don't fully understand the concept, I wondered if any of you are using it to automate performance or any of the other functions on the KPA for live use. If so are there any issues and or is there another program that would work better

  • I use it almost every time. One thing I sometimes do, for instance, is to send a MIDI sysex to the KPA to change the input to switch between using the digital input and the front panel input.

    Can you tell me how you are doing this? We are using mainstage for the clicktrack and playbacks and it would be nice if we could use it for changing the performance slots in synchronisation to the backingtracks,for example from verse to chorus and to solo... Thank you.

  • I have the KPA set up as an external instrument channel strip.

    When you select it, in the MIDI attributes there is an option to send a MIDI file. I have some little sysex files that I use for switching inputs. I've posted them here before. When I have a chance, I'll put them here, but I can't promise when I'll have time to do it.

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    Here's a vid of Ken from Unearth using Logic to do it. I am sure MainStage would work the same way.

  • I'm not familiar with Mainstage, but if it can send MIDI, it can control your KPA. Here's a quick overview of the KPA side:

    • Use Program Changes to select the correct performance at the beginning of each song:

    PC 1 = Perf. 1, Slot 1
    PC 2 = Perf. 1, Slot 2
    PC 6 = Perf. 2, Slot 1

    • For every slot change within a performance/song, you can either use the above PCs again, or send a non-zero value for Control Change 50-54 to select slots 1-5, respectively, within the current performance.
    • For the stomps/effects, use these CCs (value 0 = off, non-zero value = on):

    CC#17-20 = stomp A-D
    CC#22, 24, 27, 29 = X, MOD, Delay, Reverb
    CC#7 = volume

    That's the gist of it. You will need a midi output connection, of course; maybe your audio interface already has one, or you could use one of those usb-to-midi cables. Make sure your KPA is set to the MIDI channel (1-16) you're using to send these commands.

    If you have two KPAs in the band, you can connect one of them to your Mac (Mac MIDI out >> KPA1 MIDI in) and then both KPAs to each other (KPA1 MIDI through >> KPA2 MIDI in). Use a different MIDI channel for each KPA and you can control them independently.