STOMPBOXes - copy from one rig to another

  • Usually I have exactly the same stomp setup for all my sounds - wah, compressor, dist, dist.
    1) Can I copy the whole stomp setup to a new preset/rig?
    2) Can I do the same for the stero efx (x, mod, dly, rev)?

    Edited once, last by Mattias700316 (April 19, 2016 at 2:22 PM).

  • Individual Stomps/Effects or entire Stomps/Effects sections can be saved as a preset. So using your example you could have wah, compressor, dist, dist. set up, highlight the Stomps button (so it is blinking) and STORE the preset with a name. You can then call it up (or copy/paste) into other rigs.

    One weakness with this approach is that it does not cascade/propogate changes. So, if you go back and tweak the settings on any of the effects, it will only save them for that rig. You can save a new preset but it won't overwrite the previous one and you will have to bring it in to all of your rigs again.

  • You have 3 ways of doing this, as it's been said:

    1. Hold the stomp button and Copy/Paste the entire stomp section
    2. Save your stomp as a preset, load the preset on another rig
    3. "Lock" the stomp section with your presets (if you don't want to have it lock all the time for everything, go to your other rig(s), save the rig with the locked components, then unlock).