• @skoczy:

    I received it, and played through it once for about a half hour. Then life got in the way. If all goes well, I will get to work with it this weekend.

    My initial impression is positive, but I did experience an issue that requires me finding some place to play it other than my house, which is an RFI nightmare. In other words, I got a lot of buzzing and noise that I don't expect are an issue with the Alto itself, but until I can play it in a more 'stable' environment, I can't rule it out as an issue, and its so annoying that trying to do stuff at home is almost impossible.

    Thanks @flyingheelhook, I appreciate! Hope you will sort out that RFI thingy and have the time to play it well.

  • The RFI will only be resolved whenever either:

    a) my wife either dies or leaves me - she loves the 'dimmer switches' that are prevalent through out the house. I will never be able to change them out and the general opinion from the electric community is they are the culprit. However, I suspect even if they were gone there are other issues including but not limited too aluminum wiring.
    b) we move - this is the option I am hoping for. Most likely in about 4-5 years after my daughter goes to college.

    So, I just deal with it!

  • First impressions last night at practice are extremely positive. I cannot offer comparisons to any other monitors, but having the wedge on the floor in front of me definitely makes it easier to hear myself without garnering the wrath of my bandmates. The M. Britt profiles I use sound better than ever! LOL!

    Now I just have to figure out a few tweaks and methodology for further control of my stage volume. We are a very dynamic band and it seems like the 'range' of volume I get isn't adequate without the ability to increase that range with multiple options. Not sure if that makes sense but let me try to explain...

    Right now, for every rig, I have a EQ boost in the X slot for solos. In the course of our 'regular dynamic range' I would only use that for soloing. However, if we get into a particularly tasty jam, with all cylinders firing, when I am playing strictly rhythm I have to utilize that boost just to hear myself. So, If in those situations, I need to solo, I will need to add an additional boost of sorts. Not sure how I will address yet, am waiting to play with 4.02 before I even think about bringing the expression pedal into the mix and maybe it will be that I have to have two pedals - one for volume and one for morphing? Or two boosts or _______.

    But I digress... summary - I really like the Alto TS210 and think its a great investment for the money. At some point I will try to A/B it against a QSC K10 and K12 since our band has those monitors but for now I am very happy.

  • First impressions last night at practice are extremely positive. I cannot offer comparisons to any other monitors, but having the wedge on the floor in front of me definitely makes it easier to hear myself without garnering the wrath of my bandmates. The M. Britt profiles I use sound better than ever! LOL!

    Now I just have to figure out a few tweaks and methodology for further control of my stage volume. We are a very dynamic band and it seems like the 'range' of volume I get isn't adequate without the ability to increase that range with multiple options. Not sure if that makes sense but let me try to explain...

    Right now, for every rig, I have a EQ boost in the X slot for solos. In the course of our 'regular dynamic range' I would only use that for soloing. However, if we get into a particularly tasty jam, with all cylinders firing, when I am playing strictly rhythm I have to utilize that boost just to hear myself. So, If in those situations, I need to solo, I will need to add an additional boost of sorts. Not sure how I will address yet, am waiting to play with 4.02 before I even think about bringing the expression pedal into the mix and maybe it will be that I have to have two pedals - one for volume and one for morphing? Or two boosts or _______.

    But I digress... summary - I really like the Alto TS210 and think its a great investment for the money. At some point I will try to A/B it against a QSC K10 and K12 since our band has those monitors but for now I am very happy.

    Thanks for reporting @flyingheelhook ;)

  • First impressions last night at practice are extremely positive. I cannot offer comparisons to any other monitors, but having the wedge on the floor in front of me definitely makes it easier to hear myself without garnering the wrath of my bandmates. The M. Britt profiles I use sound better than ever! LOL!

    Now I just have to figure out a few tweaks and methodology for further control of my stage volume. We are a very dynamic band and it seems like the 'range' of volume I get isn't adequate without the ability to increase that range with multiple options. Not sure if that makes sense but let me try to explain...

    Right now, for every rig, I have a EQ boost in the X slot for solos. In the course of our 'regular dynamic range' I would only use that for soloing. However, if we get into a particularly tasty jam, with all cylinders firing, when I am playing strictly rhythm I have to utilize that boost just to hear myself. So, If in those situations, I need to solo, I will need to add an additional boost of sorts. Not sure how I will address yet, am waiting to play with 4.02 before I even think about bringing the expression pedal into the mix and maybe it will be that I have to have two pedals - one for volume and one for morphing? Or two boosts or _______.

    But I digress... summary - I really like the Alto TS210 and think its a great investment for the money. At some point I will try to A/B it against a QSC K10 and K12 since our band has those monitors but for now I am very happy.

    Great to have confirmation of my first impression! :) I have had other rehearsals in the meantime and I am definitely satisfied with the Alto TS210.

  • Just got a TS210 today and I was plesantly surprised with the quality and volume. A bit bass-heavy as expected but that's easy to correct with the EQ section of the KPA monitor output along with a subtle boost of presence and treble. I listened to the Yamaha DX10 as well but I didn't think it was worth twice the price compared to the subtle difference in sound.

  • Have a pair of Alto TS210 and they are excellent, cheap, loud and clear,
    and need very little tweeking when i go from headphones to these, just a tad in the
    output EQ, worth every penny!

    Edited once, last by ETS (June 25, 2017 at 12:24 PM).

  • I have a TS210 and a TS212. Both sound great with the Kemper. They are so cheap and light. I have QSC K10s as well, but haven't compared them yet. I am very pleased with the coverage from the TS210. It is compact and light. The TS212 is bigger as a floor monitor and little more awkward to carry vs the TS210. The TS210 is perfect.

    When on the floor they are more bassy than if on a stand off the floor. So if you plan to use it as a wedge on the floor you would need to take some of the bass out to make the Kemper sound right. When I have it off the floor on an amp stand in wedge formation it sounds perfect.

    I have not compared them to anything yet, and all I've got to compare it to is my K10, which I haven't done yet.

  • I am looking at getting the Alto 212. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't need a powered speaker if my Kemper is powered? If that is the case, will the passive version sound just as good as the powered?


    You are correct, though I don't think there is a passive TS212. There are passive TS112, SX112 though. https://www.altoproaudio.com/series You'd probably save money with a passive speaker and possibly weight. The TS212 is $399 28lbs. TS210 is $299 22lbs.

  • I bought a TS210 and I didn't really get on with it tbh. Great value for money but way too boomy (better off the floor) and the high end grated on me.

    I ended up running a regular cab until I could afford a XiTone which is killer but obviously a different price point.
