Found bug with fcb 1010 program change

  • When I press my patch 16 once it goes to the right sound but if you press it again it goes to the wrong patch , and I keep pressing it and it goes to the wrong patch. But if I press another patch and go back to 16 it works only on the 1st press then it goes to the wrong patch again.

  • Does no one of Kemper noticed this behavior? It's the same for me, and today, I'm looking hard for threads like this, and this is the second one. So I'm sure it happens for all users of Kemper with FCB1010 (are we so few??). I found this behavior since OS 4.x and it is still there in 5.x (didn't try the newest 5.1.1 yet).
    Purchasing the new 1.4 UNO4Kemper won't help.

    So please Kemper do something here! It's more important (for me and all other MIDI-pedal user) than some chromatic delay pitch shifting stuff...

  • I can confirm this behavior.
    (Kemper with OS Release and FCB1010 with Uno4Kemper chip v1.3a).

    First test:

    • I have 13 rigs in browser pool sorted by Name. (rigs order is: 1, 2, 3, ..., 13)
    • If I assign MIDI PrgCh to them from 1 to 13 then everything works well.

    Second test:

    • Now, I resorted rigs by Gain and strange things happened. (rigs order is: 9, 13, 1, 2, 10, 5, 11, 12, 8, 7, 4, 6, 3)
    • First tap on FCB1010's button works well, but second tap switches rig to different rig with other MIDI PrgCh, see table (every subsequent tap after second one changes nothing - Kemper remains in "after second tap" state):
    1 1 9
    2 2 13
    3 3 3
    4 4 3
    5 5 7
    6 6 4
    7 7 11
    8 8 12
    9 9 2
    10 10 10
    11 11 5
    12 12 11
    13 13 1
    14 - 2
    15 - 10
    16 - 9

    It is very strange, isn't?

    I was curious which messages are sent from my FCB1010 so I connected it to my DAW and looked at MIDI Monitor.

    First tap on pedal button send appropriate PrgCh which is correct MIDI message. Every subsequent pedal button tap doesn't send PrgCh, but two controller messages: CC52[1] at pedal button down and CC52[0] at pedal button up. Note: CC** is dependent on button, so CC52 is for button 3, CC50 for button 1 etc.

    From KEMPER Profiler ReadMe.pdf:

    • Profiler Operating System

      • User Interface

        • added: relative addressing via MIDI CC 50-54 also functional in Browse Mode

    I want to believe that relative addressing in Browse Mode is useful as both Kemper and Uno4Kemper implemented it, but some smarter guy could explain why.

    Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.
    Laurence J. Peter

    Edited 2 times, last by chromos: added blue text (February 26, 2017 at 8:38 AM).

  • Now I know, that sending the controller messages was intentionally requested by Kemper, maybe to make the use of morphing possible (as it is possible with the Remote). But in Browser-Mode it has definitly no effect on morphing (I tested that) but changes the rig in this odd and unwanted way. In Performance-Mode there is no rig change by pressing the button twice or more (as far as I tested it very quick).

    So I'm quite sure that this is a bug in Browser-Mode. But I'm wondering that there are so few complaints about that.

    I think it's not a big problem to change this behavior in the next update, but how can we get the attention of the Kemper guys? Up to now, no one of them seemed to take notice of one of the threads about that...

  • Solved! but with a small question mark...

    They fixed it in the end, I think "fixed: Uno4Kemper conflict with relative addressing in Browser Mode" in did the trick.

    Now the next gig is ensured (2.9. at Theo's Farm in Oer-Erkenschwick, if someone is interested :whistling::rolleyes::) )

    But why does the "Quick"-button lights up by pressing the FCB-number-button the second time and switched off by the third time and on.. and off.. and on.. and off...

    Is there a purpose? Is it a bug or a feature?