FW 4.0 beta experiences thread.

  • For morphing with a pedal, use CC#11.

    Just alter settings when the pedal is either in the heel (default sound) or toe (morphed) position.

    If you want to reset a morphed parameter, adjust the parameter (in heel position) beyond the morph position and back again.

  • Is it like that, that all FX Presets , done before 4.0, don't work anymore?
    I cannot even find them in KPA, so it seems that all FX forms example mab cannot be used anymore ?
    Or did i oversee anything ?

    SORRY was my fault, hit the wrong button all FX Presets are there, no reason to worry

    Edited once, last by digbob (April 5, 2016 at 1:11 PM).

  • Looper? Any idea how to work with the looper using momentary switches? I can define a start looper, stop looper and looper mode option under system button, but til now I did not make it proper working as I would think a looper would do.

    Any infos, manuals, or ideas about that? Or is that still a beta option not yet finished to work?

    Update: Just started a thread about that!

    Edited once, last by ACY (April 5, 2016 at 1:29 PM).

  • Quote from Antipodes: “I have installed OS 4 beta. In patches where a delay was installed in the usual slot, this now shows as Legacy Delay as expected. I am not seeing Legacy Delay or any other "delay" when I scroll through effects from the Delay slot…

    Where are the others delays? in a type don't show..

  • Quote from iorio: “Quote from DamianGreda: “Quote from Antipodes: “I have installed OS 4 beta. In patches where a delay was installed in the usual slot, this now shows as Legacy Delay as expected. I am not seeing Legacy Delay or any other…

    Now, only a one delay?

    changed: “Tap Delay”, “Free Delay”, and “Analog Delay” are consolidated into one Delay Type called “Legacy Delay”. Former Rigs and Presets will automatically be migrated to this new type without any tonal changes.

  • Quote from iorio: “Quote from DamianGreda: “Quote from Antipodes: “I have installed OS 4 beta. In patches where a delay was installed in the usual slot, this now shows as Legacy Delay as expected. I am not seeing Legacy Delay or any other…

    Ok, then only there are the legacy delay type, ins't?

    Thank u very much

  • Not sure I got this right, I'm on 3.2 now; I need to upgrade to 3.3 before I upgrade to 4.0 if I want to downgrade sometime, and still keep my saved presets, is it correct?

    You can upgrade from any software revision since 1.8.2 directly to 4.0.0,


    as soon as you start to store Rigs or Performances or Presets or Snapshots under 4.0.0, those cannot be read and might cause errors under software older than 3.3.0. As our "fallback" revision 3.3.0 doesn't support new features like Morphing, but can handle the latest file formats and therefor process those files potentially with limited capabilities.


    Let's assume you upgrade to 4.0.0, add Morphing capabilities to one Rig and store that one Rig. If you now downgrade to 3.3.0, the Rig will still be in your Browse Pool - however, Morphing isn't possible, so you have just the base sound of that Rig. But if you don't store this Rig under 3.3.0 and later return to 4.0.0 or any future firmware ... Morphing will be back. So the Rig doesn't "forget" its Morphing settings under 3.3.0.

  • I have installed OS 4 beta. In patches where a delay was installed in the usual slot, this now shows as Legacy Delay as expected. I am not seeing Legacy Delay or any other "delay" when I scroll through effects from the Delay slot or any of the others. WTF?

    You are probably dialing the BROWSE knob instead of the TYPE knob. The TYPE lists the effects types, while BROWSE lists presets. There is a FAQ with more details.

  • I am also trying to figure this out.

    Uno4Kemper supports Morphing in principle similar to the Remote. So reading the Addendum 4.0 is helpful.

    First hit of button 1 loads a Rig in its Base Sound. The next hit of the same button toggles Rig into Morph Sound, which at the beginning sounds like Base Sound until you start to edit Rig parameters. In Morph Sound all parameter changes are associated with Morph Sound, in Base Sound all parameter changes are associated with that sound. Subsequent hits of that button 1 toggle between Base Sound and Morph Sound. At the end don't forget to store Rig including Morphing before you load another Rig.

    Any other MIDI users can configure a Morph Pedal (control change #11) to set up and control Morphing. Such a Morph pedal can then be leveraged to opportunistically control Wah and Pitch (read about MorphPedal to Wah and Morph pedal to Pitch).

  • Zitat von FTUcub: „Zitat von Stefans-Kemper: „Does anybody know how to use the morph function with the FCB1010?“

    I am also trying to figure this out.“

    Uno4Kemper supports Morphing in principle similar to the Remote. First hit of button 1 loads…

    Can a normal midi controller also be used as a morphing button? How would that work? Does a consecutive midi PC trigger the morphing in browse mode?

  • I have read all I can find, but I cant find the delays, I find the legacy,, but none others no matter where I look or what knob I turn,, no delays, could someone enlighten me? Thanks

    Yes it takes much longer to boot up,, and I was hoping for shorter boot times,,