What don't you like about your KPA?

    • Balanced monitor out is missed
    • Ethercon-socket for the remote would be nice
    • Integrating the remote for audio I/O. FX-loop is mentioned above, but the remote could also have an alternate input which would be particularly useful for someone with a pedal-shaped wireless receiver. A programmable I/O matrix with lots of inputs and outputs both on the profiler and the remote that can be dynamically assigned to different roles would be a nice improvement for future designs.
    • I'd like to see more hardware add-ons that can be fitted in the cavity of a Kemper head, such as for example a wireless receiver. An amp, which currently is the only option that can be fitted in that space, is of no use to those of us who use active monitoring solutions.
    • I'd love to see a collection of FX in the profiler that has features and sonic qualities matching what you find in an Eventide H9 Max when it comes to reverbs, delays, modulation, pitch-shifting and harmonizing.

    I.e. there is room for improvement, but none of the shortcomings are showstoppers for me.

  • I don't like that I spend more time on the forum trying to learn/fix things than I do playing my guitar.

    I don't like the bugs, the poor quality of some effects, the missing editor, the never ending learning curve.

    I would pay an extra to have the Strymon algorhitms integrated.

  • The only thing I dont like about te Kemper has nothing to do with the Kemper..but with myself..feeling I am "to old" (;) to adopt all the "mass of information" I have in my hands with this powerfull tool now.

    Switching between completely different profiles within a song seem to confuse me.For example switching from a brutal EL34 or a screamy 6L6-highgain amp with a 4x12 cabinet to a "velvet" EL84(1 or 2x12) combo within a fraction of a second.While in the past during recording there have been always some minutes(changing the amp/mics/guitars etc) switching between completely different sounds my ears had the time to "get ready" for a different thing.Now..with the "speed" comes some new kind of "ear fatigue" which sometimes results of "loosing the feel" for the next rig.Dont know how to explain this better..

    The only solution for me is to make these changes either "slowly" or by doing a "plan" how to use just a very few profiles for a recording-day which "fit" together when using them for a song/project or when playing live using profiles which fit together for a performance.

    I wish I would be some 20 years younger with "fresh ears" and a more "open mind" for the "speed" the KPA offers.

    Other than that..the KPA is a genious piece of gear.Actually the future for guitar players which have waited some decades for the "next step" after the tube amps.Ofcourse some guys wont admit this but it is a fact.



    I don't like that I spend more time on the forum trying to learn/fix things than I do playing my guitar.

    I hear you.Had the same "fear" in the very first weeks after I bought the KPA.But IMO this is just a small price we pay for the new capabilities we get.

  • X(

    The name of the thread is "what don't you like about your KPA" and I referred to that.
    I like many things about my KPA and you listed them, otherwise I was already selling it.

    I'm quite old too, but I'm also used to technology, I produce on DAWs I can use most VST and plugins without problems, I can use most digital and analog mixers but I'm taking more time than usual to deal with the KPA, maybe the display is too small (especially without an editor) and mine had burned a line of the display after 4 months of use (and great care) just two days ago ;( .
    I believe that changing many tones quickly is not new, what is new is the upgraded quality of tones.
    By the way, yes, I'm getting old too and I notice that I have less patience and I enjoy playing more than tweaking :rolleyes: .
    Thanks for your answer, it really helped my thoughts :)

  • I don't like that I spend more time on the forum trying to learn/fix things than I do playing my guitar.

    I don't like the bugs, the poor quality of some effects, the missing editor, the never ending learning curve. .

    The learning curve is easy. On first use, you take it out of the box and turn the browse knob. Bam.. Instant sea of amazing amps at your disposal.

    There are a lot of features that for some reason people feel they must learn, understand and tweak to get a good sound. I don't understand this mentality at all. If you treat it like a real amp (and are using a profile in the ballpark of the gain you're after) it's really pretty much plug and play. Turn the eq knobs and adjust the gain like a real amp and well, you have the tones of the real amp!

    I agree some of the effects could be upgraded to be up to par with some of the elite specialty pedals out there (delays!), but for capturing an amps sound - its hard to beat!

  • Quote

    I'm quite old too, but I'm also used to technology,

    I am "used to technology" too but dont like to use it more than necessary.. ;)


    I believe that changing many tones quickly is not new, what is new is the upgraded quality of tones.

    You "nailed it" much better than me.I actually tried to express exactly this.A good sound is " there is something alive in here" and changing to fast between these "characters" seem to confuse me.But this may be just me and my "slowing brain" after all these years spending with just two tube amps and two cabinets.

  • I don't like [...] the never ending learning curve.

    This sound a bit weird to me. Once you read the manuals you basically know everything you need. There of course will always be more things behind things, but isn't this true for any complex device like a computer or a car? We don't need to know everything, just how to have the Profiler do what we want :)

  • The learning curve is easy. On first use, you take it out of the box and turn the browse knob. Bam.. Instant sea of amazing amps at your disposal.

    There are a lot of features that for some reason people feel they must learn, understand and tweak to get a good sound. I don't understand this mentality at all. If you treat it like a real amp (and are using a profile in the ballpark of the gain you're after) it's really pretty much plug and play. Turn the eq knobs and adjust the gain like a real amp and well, you have the tones of the real amp!

    I agree some of the effects could be upgraded to be up to par with some of the elite specialty pedals out there (delays!), but for capturing an amps sound - its hard to beat!

    I don´t see the point of wingeing on about poor quality effects, when you can plug in just about any other effect pedal of your choice - including any one of the "infamous" spring reverbs some require - what is wrong with a mixture of analog to digital in this case? There was a thread complaining about the inability of the Kemper to deal with complex algorithms associated with, inter alia spring reverb effects owing to its slow processing power. Honestly, who gives a flying f**k as to whether these effects are present in Kemper or not, as long as you can connect the little fuc***s as and when you need them? No offence people, but just pull your fingers out and get stuck in... to playing music! I'll get my coat... :whistling: Gotta gig to go to... 8)

  • I don´t see the point of wingeing on about poor quality effects, when you can plug in just about any other effect pedal of your choice - including any one of the "infamous" spring reverbs some require - what is wrong with a mixture of analog to digital in this case? There was a thread complaining about the inability of the Kemper to deal with complex algorithms associated with, inter alia spring reverb effects owing to its slow processing power. Honestly, who gives a flying f**k as to whether these effects are present in Kemper or not, as long as you can connect the little fuc***s as and when you need them? No offence people, but just pull your fingers out and get stuck in... to playing music! I'll get my coat... :whistling: Gotta gig to go to... 8)

    Lol.. love the intensity Freisegler. I used to have my eventide timefactor in the KPA loop for live stuff, but to keep things as reliable as possible I'm now using the KPA delays exclusively (actually, no external pedals of any kind anymore.. sweeeet!). The KPA effects sound fine for live use but I do miss some of the more complex things the Timefactor can do.

    I've been happy as a clam with the KPA since FW 1.XX, but as a response to this thread.. I'd LOVE more delay options!

  • without any doubt the KPA is a fantastic machine that allows to make things at a quality and "feel" level never been possible before. Here some points that would make different:

    - there are soooo many great profiles available. Frankly speaking I could live with a small range of 5 profile to be completely happy. Why not an additional and cheaper machine that provides e.g. 5 only profiles at different gain level. The customer could choose the profiles and would be able to change them against a little fee. The hardware could be based on a floor model.

    - the delays and reverbs do lack some magic vs. competitor or dedicated products

    - looper is time limited (I used quite a bit Digitech loopers therefore)

    - an editor would make things easier as you could place the KPA somewhere... and edit from PC

    Otherwise I think that the KPA is the best ever music hardware invented since digital devices came out


  • I could never understand the complaints about the FX section. I think the KP has some of the best sounding reverbs and delays I have come across. The leslie and the phaser is great as well. I have had Strymon, TC, Lexicon and the likes, I do not think they sound better (in fact I prefer KP).
    I record into Logic X everyday (loaded with waves, NI and other plugins) and often enough I decide to use the delay and reverb from the Kemper.
    OK, the big muff could be addressed in future updates. Tube driver model would be great as well.....


  • I could never understand the complaints about the FX section. I think the KP has some of the best sounding reverbs and delays I have come across. The leslie and the phaser is great as well. I have had Strymon, TC, Lexicon and the likes, I do not think they sound better (in fact I prefer KP).
    I record into Logic X everyday (loaded with waves, NI and other plugins) and often enough I decide to use the delay and reverb from the Kemper.
    OK, the big muff could be addressed in future updates. Tube driver model would be great as well.....


    The delay and reverb are great if you want a simple digital delay or an almost transparent reverb. For many players, that's good enough. However, if you want an analog, reverse, or shimmer delay, you're out of luck. If you want a spring reverb or a spacious, ambient reverb (the ambient preset just doesn't cut it) that blooms or shimmers, you're out of luck. Most of what I play depends on these kinds of delays and reverbs, so I'm stuck with using outboard effects.

    No one has said they're not good. They're just not very comprehensive. It's more akin to having a Boss DD-5 and a Boss RV-5 locked on the Hall setting, which are both really good sounds, but certainly not indicative of what all players use.

    The delays and reverbs are what I'm most excited about in upcoming releases. I doubt I'll rid my rig of my Strymon stuff, but it'll be nice to have a reverse going into a shimmer for some cool effects.

    As far as things I don't like/things I want:
    - I wish the reverb was placeable/positionable like the delay is planned to be
    - I wish the amp block was also placeable/positionable. Maybe I'd like to overdrive the front of the amp with half a dozen pedals. Maybe I'd like to add 7 delays post amp.
    - More (and better, and more customizable) overdrive pedal options
    - Stereo effects (like the stereo FX loop) should be able to be placed in the stomps section and summed
    - A desktop editor
    - Some weird, otherworldly effects (see http://earthquakerdevices.com/shop/Rainbow Machine/cat/13100)

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • I could never understand the complaints about the FX section. I think the KP has some of the best sounding reverbs and delays I have come across. The leslie and the phaser is great as well. I have had Strymon, TC, Lexicon and the likes, I do not think they sound better (in fact I prefer KP).
    I record into Logic X everyday (loaded with waves, NI and other plugins) and often enough I decide to use the delay and reverb from the Kemper.
    OK, the big muff could be addressed in future updates. Tube driver model would be great as well.....


    I compared carefully the Strymon Timeline and Mobius and the Neunaber Wet to the kemper and the difference in quality is clear, even if the Kemper fx are pretty good.
    If you prefer the K to a Waves o Lexicon it is your choice but not many people would agree with you that it is the same quality (or better).

    The name of the thread is "what don't you like about your KPA" and I would feel free to say what I don't like without so many people feeling offended.
    The Kemper is a great piece of gear, it is not a religion or your favorite football team.

    Tonight I was reahearsing and I activated the looper on the remote, it suddenly freezed and turned off. I rebooted three times and always the off display with "waiting for connection", I did a system reset (lost some settings) and after another reboot it came back to life. I'm on OS 3.3. This isn't the first time that something similar happens, I am scared that it happens in front of an audience. Please don't tell me what the Kemper assistance wrote me some days ago; to buy another Kemper for backup....
    The Kemper is really great, but it isn't the Holy Grail, some functions or fx or reliability could be better. Please let me express it, at least in the appropriate topic.

  • {CUT} No one has said they're not good. They're just not very comprehensive. It's more akin to having a Boss DD-5 and a Boss RV-5 locked on the Hall setting, which are both really good sounds, but certainly not indicative of what all players use. {CUT}

    Very well put. This is exactly how i feel. The current delays sound good, but are pretty limited. Very happy the Kemper team are busy working on some more delay options. :)

  • As other's have mention, the biggest thing I don't like about my KPA is that it has no editor software yet. And with the newly announced delays and reverbs, I can only think that some effects are going to be a paging nightmares. I do really miss the easy of use that a editor can bring. The only other thing that bothers me is the firmware upgrade procedure. I was really hoping that when Rig Manager was released it would use the same USB connection to do an update but that doesn't appear to be coming which makes me think it never will.

    Still love my Kemper though so ...



  • Who is brave enough to post over there that if SRV was still alive he'd be for sure be using a Kemper? :D

    If Stevie would still be living and use the KPA, he would have 2 or 3 of them, otherwise he could not get his signature multi-amp sound that he was known for ...

    A feature I sorely miss in the KPA as well: dual-stack/amp !

  • Not necessarily a bad thing... But I've lost the urge to go to guitarstores and test amplifiers. Whenever I go into a shop, I think about what amplifier I am going to download when I get back home... :S
    I can't really think about bad things or shortcomings of the kemper for my use. Only one thing maybe. I don't really like the green scream pedal (tubescreamer) so occasionally I use my maxon od808 in front of it.

  • If Stevie would still be living and use the KPA, he would have 2 or 3 of them, otherwise he could not get his signature multi-amp sound that he was known for ...

    A feature I sorely miss in the KPA as well: dual-stack/amp !

    Even with dual amp possible Stevie would use two Kempers because it's one more. ;)

  • Even with dual amp possible Stevie would use two Kempers because it's one more. ;)

    :P Well Ingolf ... I am confronted with the same "problem" ... and I think that I am going to end up with a second KPA myself to get the "dual-amp" sound I want so much ...
    Not because I want to (or could) sound like SRV, simple because I am aware of the great benefits to be able to have two amp sounds simultaneously and be able to blend them. That would be another feature that Morphing would be great for.

    However, it can be that Kemper will add this feature some day ... but I don´t want to wait that long ;):whistling: