Ambient Rigs

  • I'm pretty new to the Kemper and I love it. One thing I have noticed though, is the absence of ambient rigs on the unit and in the rig exchange general. I know that the prime purpose of the Kemper is to profile amps but I want an all singing all dancing unit - something to replace all of my pedals! Things like pitch shifts after delays and that sort of thing. There is the "use your v knob" rig which is the sort of thing I'm talking about and there have been things online like the LA '80's Michael Landau sound. I am talking about more keyboard/pad type sounds, the sort of thing you can get out of the strymon delay and reverb pedals. I don't want to use external pedals and I'm fairly certain it's possible to create these sorts of sounds with the Kemper but so far I've been fairly unsuccessful! Any pointers would be most welcome and gratefully received.

  • Have a little patience, our requests have been heard. We are going to get new delays soon in an update and new reverbs are coming also later this year. Right now, we're all waiting for OS 4.0 which has some cool new features. And it can happen any day now, as the K-team is probably working on the last changes for the 4.0. Look forward to it and enjoy the amps so far :) .

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • I don't know what rig this is from but sometime a few months ago I sat down and tweaked some settings on some other profile (Maybe it was from TAF, I sadly don't remember)

    I did a really quick recording of some tapping stuff I'm working on. I know it's not perfect yet but it's just about the Sound anyway

    Vintage Chorus (Pre Stack)
    Rate 5.0 Depth 5.0 Crossover 20.6Hz Mix 13%Ducking <0.0> Volume <0.0>
    Tap Delay:Mix 97.4% Clock Left 2/16 (8th) Clock Right 3/16 (8th dot) Feedback 60.5%Bandwith 4.9% Center Frequency -0.6 Modulation 7.9 Ducking <0.0>Volume -1.6
    Hall Reverb:Mix 26.8% Del+Rev Balance -54% Time 8.6 Damping 5.4Predelay 70ms Bandwith 5.8 Frequency +0.7 Ducking <0.0>Volume +3.7
    I use these settings quite a lot.
    If it is too atmospheric I just use the Specific Knobs on the Kemper (Feedback, Mix, Time and Mix) to adjust it to my needs.
    If you want to use it mono use only 2/16 or 3/16 for both sides of the Tap Delay. I had some problems with it otherwise.
    If you're stereo though the little Ping-Pong effect right after every node really ads something to it.

    Edit: again some bad englisch I had to correct so maybe it'll get better some day :thumbup: