Couple of things I am trying to fix for live volumes...

  • Overall I am really digging the KPA... So, I want to get that out of the way, not bashing, just trying to fix things...

    It makes in IEM's sound great on stage, the tones are great and all that jazz and I could go on and on as you know about what I like. There is very little I don't like, this list is small.

    A couple things I noticed that I really don't like and I'm sure it's because I have not figured out how to deal with it is all.

    • I have always been a controlled feedback guy. I have used controlled feedback as a tool on stage my whole life... that appears to be kind of gone to me and I do miss it.
    • When I get a lead tone I really like at home with moderate bedroom levels example STEAVE LEAD has been a killer lead tone I have been working with (I think it's a factory one that came with it) once brought up to stage levels, I will encounter a very high squeal (the bad feedback nobody wants, you can't even call it feedback, it's a stabbed pig still alive!!!).

    What I did last live show for this squeal issue is brought that noise gate knob up on the KPA and got rid of the squeal, but I did lose quite a bit of the responsiveness/sensitivity/saturation that we all like (most of us, anyway). I had to have that noise gate at 7+ or better to get through the night. It didn't fit the operator manual description on how to use the gate (don't play and turn it up until the noise is gone concept which for me is around 4).

    I am sure this is a noob question that comes up all the time, so forgive me if this topic has been run into the ground already.

    Are there any quick tips for these two items? :D

  • 1. If you have the KPA cabinets turned on when you play, try turning "Pure Cab" up ( you can find it in the Output Menu). I think mine is set around 3.

    2. Bad feedback comes from the effect high volume and or high gain has on microphonic vibrations in the pickups. Single coils are especially prone to it, and some covered humbuckers (if the cover is not sealed to the pickup.).

    You may be experiencing number 2 because of how you are trying to solve number 1.