Highly unpleasant surprise from UPS

  • Andertons agreed to issue full refund, but declined my offer to resend a replacement. The bottom line is no atomic amp for me, still haven't even tried it :/

    This I don't understand. Surely Andertons will get the money back from UPS. Don't they want to sell you a CLR?

  • No, they don't. Their exact words:
    "Given the experience you have had with this model I think it would be best for us to issue a refunds as we would be concerned that the same problem may occur with a replacement order."

    Surely they more need to be concerned with how UPS deals with issues like these, provided they must be a HUGE customer of UPS.

  • I live in Bulgaria. Never had a delivery problem like this. According to tracking, the package has been delivered by ground via 6 transit europian countries. It doesn't mean nothing either - all of my gear and twelve guitars has been delivered the same way (including 40kg Vox AC-30 and my Kemper) - all without a scratch. As one user mentioned above, this is just a case of shit-happens:)

    Edited 2 times, last by damariachi (February 21, 2016 at 12:51 AM).

  • I have a feeling that the true source of the problem is rather the manufacturer.
    My first impression when I saw the picture of the damaged CLR in its cardboard box was: "What an amateurish padding of a speaker (weighing over 20 kg) that will be shipped and kicked around the globe before it arrives at its final destination" ...

    I have seen ten times better packaging padding for speakers weighing a fraction of a CLR.

    Perhaps not the only CLR that was returned to Andertons, hence their reaction.

  • Wow!

    sorry for your troubles d....
    those pictures do look nasty. no wonder andertons was frightened. I would be too. not typical logistic shit happens damage but wtf?
    ups has it's moments, but losing a Boeing 747 wheel? Yes i know how big they are, and heavy too, also very $$... wow. never heard that b4, thats pro talent.... no telling what they can do...

    Looking at the damage, very few if any human beings are capable of generating that much force--even smashing it onto a solid steel floor.
    throwing it off the truck, or even off the top of the truck might not be enough. A moving truck possibly, but then the box would be trashed.
    perhaps it lost a fight with a forklift-- lot of compact energy and iron weight there. or godzilla? monster truck force?

    If people are saying it looks like orig packaging, then you should contact atomic directly, send them pics and let them know what is going on, send em a link to here. I dont think any company would like to see their top selling items arriving DOA and only refunds.

    I have a feeling there is more going on that is NOT being said. Highly unlikely that they would blame you in any way, huge shitstorm there.
    Also going via 6 countries, as much as they may try, it would be hard for them to find a throat to choke. An even bigger shitstorm if they blame atomic or ups.

    My guess is it is not the only issue, and andertons, atmoic, ups, and some others are having a quiet wtf conversation about some more than usual carnage. The fact they dont want to/cant risk more shipping, and a quiet, unusual response is telling here...

    On the bright side...

    1 You should ask what andertons suggests you do with the wreckage. disposal fee? -do so in writing ..fax
    2 your time wasted etc. mebbe a 2 way plane ticket to get one yourself ;)
    3 check the speakers if you can for any damage. since you have a refund you can see if you can get it fixed--if speakers are ok worth a look.
    4 any amp repair shops around? if its powered, don't try to fix it yourself, unless you know what you are doing, could be lethal volts/currents inside
    if you are not sure about even one aspect of it, dont mess with it... knowing /= winging it or learning etc.
    4 if not powered, a lot safer, take a panel or 2 off and make sure wires are all connected properly. get a cheap amp,one with short circuit protection, test it out,

    what i would do is see if the speakers work, then fix it, @ pretty cheap repair cost. think ~20 bucks wood glue and spray paint--at least you will never worry about scratching it....
    mebbe even get atomic to send you a free unit, ... it would show goodwill on atomic's part even tho it is very unlikely they had anything to do with this. good pr for them too.
    most solid companies dont mind turning disasters around to a positive message like "no matter what we got you covered"

    even if no help
    a cheap / free sub par clr > trash bin,

    who knows, they might even send you one themselves, they have a bit of a rep of hiccups, some delays, but making things right in the end

    as for packaging, if it is standard, and arrived ok in so many cases, why add more. some very tough packaging would be needed to stop this savagery

    Seems new that atomic is working with retailers again, they have not in ages here, but only from what i heard. There will defo be issues. My guess is they dont send units to andertons, but use a kind of drop ship method, andertons relays order, atomic ships, but who knows...

    legal stuff:

    1 copyright those carnage pix, could make some decent $$
    2 contact csi Bulgaria. this was no mere accident.

    hope you get it all sorted out, try an not let it get to ya, laugh about it if you can

    another idea would be to sell a "UPS Reliced Atomic CLR" on ebay to match those 8k gibsons and fenders

  • Bright side:full refund issued, actually next day after delivery. That one I give to Andertons hands down.
    The amp is still with me, nobody called for it so far. The initial shock is gone, so I'm ready to open it and evaluate the real damage. Anyways, expect more disgusting pics:)))

  • Such results are not exclusive to UPS. My friend had a beautiful Santa Cruz Brazilian rosewood acoustic guitar (probably would cost around $8k or more today and was the single best guitar I have ever played) returned from Santa Cruz after a repair. It was in the Santa Cruz HSC and their packing, packed by them after the repair. My friend just happened to step onto the loading dock at work when he saw the FedEx delivery guy throw it out of the back of the truck onto the concrete dock. The throw crushed the box, case and guitar (which was a total loss). It did end well because he was going to sell the guitar, Santa Cruz has their own third party shipping insurance, so he ended up getting a settlement greater than what he paid for the guitar or expected to get from selling it. But it still hurts to see such a great guitar be killed by incompetence.

    One way a buyer can help avoid shipping damage is to insist every item be double boxed. But looking at the OP's pics, it was double boxed, and if there is about 1" or more foam between the first and second box, you can't get much better packing than that. Someone must have severely mistreated that package in transit.