Ethics and kemper! henning pauly with his axe in the throat

  • Now we have video number 3 which should most probably have been video number 1...except on this video his coffee is too hot.

    He thinks the world wants him to find a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

    Listen to this nonsense.

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    Okay, so I managed to listen to this entire video cause it's only 17 minutes.

    Honestly the only part that matters is the first two minutes where it's obvious he's really knows nothing about the modeling/IR/profiling/plug-in industry. By that, I mean it's all new to him -- he'd never heard of BIAS or Amplitude. Really???

  • Besides this guy (who indeed imo talks nonsense under the cover of "being logical") it is a fact that everything,every company which has to do with music will have big difficulties in the next years.I saw it since I moved from germany into a south european country where "the crisis" urges people to "re-direct" their expenses and there is one big,huge truth out there;Music,arts in general is the first thing to "be cut" if things get serious.I now start to hear similiar things from all over europe I have friends/musicians.

    The "war" for shares in the market will become furious by the same amount as financial worries deepen all over the places.Talking who "steals" jobs in a world in which everyone is trying to take advantage of the last shares available by (a term economists created) "begging your neighbours"-policies it is sure not the fault of a small company when a whole industry sinks into a crisis.

    If this eytsch-guy "talks to the industry" as I (and so many others-I am sure-here in this blog) did in "my time" and also is an expirienced musician who "knows about life" as a musician he would also know (and talk about it) that in a time in which bigger venues close down because they cant pay the rent or(since Henning is a guy from germany) the "Ordnungsamt" (well.."ministry for "law & order";) is there in five minutes (or seconds;) if anyone calls the police when he only believes he heard something like live-music then he should not blame it on a new technology.Actually the whole amplifier-industry "reacted" to the new wishes and needs of the customer and offers now 5-25 watts-tube amps.Maybe there is a reason for this; <X

    Not talking about all the other much,much bigger problems the rest of the former great music-buisness has and which have cost 10000000000x more "jobs" than any "new technology" sold by a 4-5 people strong company but to blame it on any small company is a joke.

    Dont feed this troll.

  • 17 min I wanted to give him again. (Part 2 was to long).
    I find him quite likable and somehow feel sorry for him. He wants to find the squaring of the circle . His argumentation technic almost looks like clinging at straws.

    Progress would be well and good, but people are suffering. Even for the staff of producers of tubes and transformers we should feel sorry.
    That was the moment when I turned off.

    For feeling compassion, I know an innumerable amount of people and nations that are sacrificed to the economic progress of corporations, companies, banks and entire economies.
    Technological progress itself does anyone hurt. Only how it is used and by whom.

  • just to chime in here. I am was mentioned in this discussion on FB and I know Henning from back in our days at Berklee college of music. I had brought up the idea of derivative work Nd this is what I posted.

    "The KPA's sound comes from the users work of profiling it to taste. Just like what you'd do in a studio. An amp can and will sound in many different ways depending on mic, mic placement, blending of mics, mic pres or consoles, cabs, speakers, cables, room, guitars used etc. you basically get a very specific chain of sound. As you know, this requires skill, knowledge, trial/error and hard work. So, the profile itself generated is an accumulative work of hardware and human skills, practically creating something new. Just like all the different amps did after developing their version of sound. As I said, I have the amps and I created my own profiles which I only use. But I also understand that my profiles are a derivative work."

    i think he is trying to raise awareness about the copying and free distribution of amp sounds and he is comparing it to piracy and theft of music through the modern means of sharing communities or streaming services stc. While I can see his point of view, I also think that his logic is not quite consequential. But hey, it's an opinion and we are humans. I also called him out about not having given the KPA a fair shot testing it and really understanding it, as well as giving a judgement without proper knowledge and a recommendation of not getting the kpa on his first video and he did recant his last statement etc...
    anyways just my 2 cents

  • Wow. Too much to say about his personality and arguments, so I won't bother.

    I've known way too many people like this in the past, and it contributed to my long-term health problems!

    EDIT: I felt it only fair to "give him his time", but that's 45 minutes I'll never get back. :D

  • If he REALLY wants to point fingers at who has put the biggest obstacle in the longevity of tube amps, he should be looking at the militaries of the western/NATO countries. They were the biggest customers for tube manufacturers, and when they went solid state in the eighties the demand for tube production dropped so significantly that it actually ceased. That's why the only nations still producing vacuum tubes are China and Russia-they're the only ones still using them. Once they catch up with the technology of the late 20th century the supply of new tubes will disappear completely.

  • It's also telling that Bogner Amplification has been sharing these videos on their facebook page.

    If anyone has heard or tried the Guido's profiles of the Bognar XTC, and they realize that anyone can have the awesome sounds of Bognar XTC for less than 5$ if they own a Kemper, it quickly becomes a bit or really hard to swallow

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  • If anyone has heard or tried the guido's profiles of the Bognar XTC, and they realize that anyone can have the awesome sounds of Bognar XTC for less than 5$ if they own a Kemper, it quickly becomes a bit or really hard to swallow

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    Here's another thought: How many people who have loaded Bogner profiles (free or commercial) would have actually purchased a Bogner to begin with? They're a small company catering to a niche market, as is the Kemper-but they're actually not competing in the same market at all. Tube amp purists are not going to buy any digital solutions (KPA, Fractal, Line6, or any of the others) anyway, so that market is about as secure as it's ever going to be as far as having a relatively loyal customer base.

  • Here's another thought: How many people who have loaded Bogner profiles (free or commercial) would have actually purchased a Bogner to begin with? They're a small company catering to a niche market, as is the Kemper-but they're actually not competing in the same market at all. Tube amp purists are not going to buy any digital solutions (KPA, Fractal, Line6, or any of the others) anyway, so that market is about as secure as it's ever going to be as far as having a relatively loyal customer base.

    I agree, it can also be argued that modelers might actually be free advertisement for tube amps.

  • Ha, seat position changes, think he only wants to show us his room.
    But why did he post not only the room with backingtrack. He can record one with a kpa very quick without micing time!


    I posted this comment. in a similar thread, over on The Gear Page:


    Allow me to paraphrase the first 5 minutes of Mr. Pauly's original video (#1 of 3, and counting):

    "Look at me...look at how many expensive amps I have in my expensive studio".

    "I don't need no stinkin' digital amp because I have a wall of actual boutique tube amps, prominently displayed in the background...just in case this subtle point is lost on anyone".

    "Everyone is looking at me...right???"

    "Now allow me to posit an outrageous claim, couched in a very serious manner, while I then sit back and watch the hits to my channel/site roll in."

    A classic example of the Reality TV / YouTube Generation. The art of being famous for being famous. In this case, writ small instead of writ large. But the general principle is the same.

  • Exactly, well said.

    I asked him what proof he has that guitarists are buying an amp, Profiling it and returning it.
    In four years on this forum and other forums I've seen no proof of this actually happening.

    He says, many amp manufacturers have commented on his videos.
    So I asked him to name them, only one I saw was Bogners comment, and that's weird considering Bogner teamed up with Line 6 to produce a modelling amp.

    Amp manufacturers are complaining their sales are down in the last few years because of Kemper?
    Hehe, how about the worlds been in an economic recession for the last few years and that's why amp sales are down...guitar sales have never been worse in the last few years and Kemper doesn't make a guitar. :)

    He reckons Kemper should co-operate with Marshall and make Profiles and pay Marshall? lol
    Err, Kemper is in competition with Marshall, CK spent years working on his algorithms mastering his invention and now he should work in tandem with amp companies to help them earn money.

    The guys delusional, maybe these amp companies should invent their own new stuff instead of sitting back on their asses and relying on technology from 60 years ago.

    Edited once, last by Guitartone (February 14, 2016 at 9:13 PM).

  • ..

    I asked him what proof he has that guitarists are buying an amp, Profiling it and returning it.
    In four years on this forum and other forums I've seen no proof of this actually happening.

    I've had KPA for about 5 months, when the idea crossed my mind to rent an amp to profile it, I wondered if some kemper owners would actually consider buying an amp only to return after profiling it. It didn't make any sense at all.

    By the time they drive to the store and the time it takes to profile, the money they spent on gasoline is more than the cost to get a professional profile that generally would be better or at least same as available already in Rig Exchange.