Performance Mode Crashes

  • Using latest firmware 3.2.1.
    Recently I've been re-editing my performances (11 of them) to use different profiles and reverbs etc. 2 problems often occur:

    1) Moving around slots and banks using the rig soft buttons sometimes freezes the screen but still loads the profile - when this happens I have to restart the KPA.

    2) This is sort of linked to the first point. When I copy and paste a profile or an effect from an existing performance slot that I want to use again on another slot it often slows down the KPA and I eventually get an error message saying that I have a corrupt rig or a software error and the screen tells me to contact support. I contacted them once and their advice of powering to browse mode whilst holding down the rig button fixes this problem. I also asked the support staff if this would happen again and they said not likely - happened again within a week. Something's not right here.

    Am I using the Kemper wrong or something? I have 250 rigs and about 150 cabs.

    Anyone else had this problem?

  • having the same problems and more.. renaming slots in rig manager does not change the name in the kpa.. when i move the performance around sometimes - without any clear reason- the name changed.. so when trying to rename the performance or slots i tent to always move the performance around till it changed the names accordingly with the rig manager..

    "We don't see things as they are,
    we see things as we are"

  • This is sorted for me, I find that a near daily reboot by holding down the rig button when turning on sorts this out.

    I'm so annoyed. Today at rehearsal I make ONE change to one slot in performance bank 2 (little less treble) and stored it. The KPA then decided to overwrite some of my best performances by overwriting its self onto a completely different (bank 1). Frustrated isn't the word.

  • This is sorted for me, I find that a near daily reboot by holding down the rig button when turning on sorts this out.

    I'm so annoyed. Today at rehearsal I make ONE change to one slot in performance bank 2 (little less treble) and stored it. The KPA then decided to overwrite some of my best performances by overwriting its self onto a completely different (bank 1). Frustrated isn't the word.

    know how you feel.. been there got the Tshirt...
    VERRY frustrating when that happens especially before a gig or rehearsal.. the more important to make back ups.. hope 3.30 will sort this out..

    "We don't see things as they are,
    we see things as we are"

  • I've sent my backup to kemper and they say it's a known problem:

    "sorry, there is a known issue, which is currently under investigation. We can provoke it, if we combine a few things:
    1. lock the CABINET in Performance Mode
    2. while editing switch Slots via Remote or MIDI
    Do you have same conditions?

    In the meantiem I would recommend not to edit and switch Slots remotely. This is anyhow no good practice, because remote Slots switching is interpreted as switchign during a live performance, therefor the edits are also seen as temporary changes and withdrawn. While editing Performances on the front panel you should also navigate with the front panel through Slots and Performances.

    Burkhard Dinnies
    Kemper Amps Support Team"

    I've had further confirmation that this will be fixed in 4.0 through the Kemper facebook group.

    I appreciate the fast response and that we're getting a fix but this is really annoying, especially because I didn't backup my awesome clean slots :( more annoyed at myself!

  • Sorry for double post:

    This only happens to me when I play live through a cab and lock the cab off. I was informed by further emails that turning on "monitor cab off" in the output section does the job instead meaning I don't have to lock the cab. Don't know why I didn't just do that in the first place...

    Here is the email:

    "if you activate "Monitor Cab Off" in Output Menu that could perhaps do the job. It globally deactivates the cabinet simulation, however just for the MONITOR OUTPUT. So you wouldn't need to lock the switched off Cabinet Module. If you need it switched off for other outputs as well, this would not be sufficient.

    The Remote can stay connected. You just need to remember: If you for example switch off CAB and DELAY, and turn up Presence in Slot 2 of any Performance and then move to Slot 3 using the Remote before storing the Performance those edits will be withdrawn. If you move to Slot 3 using the Rig Navigation Cross instead on the right side of the front panel, the edits will be kept.

    Burkhard Dinnies
    Kemper Amps Support Team"

  • Did you fix this?

    Edited 2 times, last by Daimbandai (May 28, 2016 at 3:27 AM).