UnO4Kemper and the new morph feature

  • ok - weather wasn't too good in Belgium tonight, so :

    UnO4Kemper firmware v.1.4 has been released and is being shipped from this moment on. With a few clicks you can configure each of the 2 expression pedals to be used for Volume, Wah, Pitch or Morphing. See chapter 3.2 of the manual at

    I don't need this, as I have a remote. Nonetheless, this is what I would consider outstanding service! Kudos to you! :thumbup:

  • Thanks, purchased! :thumbup:

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • I get that question very often. My reply is always the same. As far as I know looper control was never intended to be available through MIDI, only from the Remote. The Kemper MIDI chart doesn't specify any MIDI commands for looper control, so officially there aren't any. The fact that someone reverse engineered the MIDI communication and found some MIDI commands for looper control in some Profiler firmware version doesn't change that fact. I wouldn't consider it very professional to release UnO4Kemper firmware "with looper control" based some MIDI sniffing. Actually I happen to read somewhere in a recent FW4.0 thread that this looper MIDI control is now "broken" (wrong wording : you can't "break" something which is never released) - if that's the case it just confirms that adding looper control to UnO4Kemper would have been a bad idea isn't it. I have no problem restating what I always said : if you want full Profiler remote control, don't hesitate and go for "the real thing" - go to the Kemper website, it's only a few clicks away ! :thumbup:

    I understand and do respect You view on this!
    But I also think Kempers own stance on this have changed. In 4.0 we can now use any switch connected to the KPA to control the looper without the KFC, and they previously added back the midi protocol that enabled the control from any midi board (that were removed after the release of the KFC). IIRC they also posted some documentation here on what midi commands should be used. I've seen other midi boards that supports the KPA, announced the support of the KPA looper.
    For me, the added support for the looper would make me update my Uno4Kemper chip at once.

    Anyway, thanks for great product!

  • I have another issue after the FW4.0 upgrade.

    When I, for example, load a rig pressing bank 1 switch 2 of my FCB 1010 floorboard, when pushing switch 2 again it loads another rig (I think the previous from my list of rigs).

    Will this be solved with UnO4Kemper 1.4?

  • I have another issue after the FW4.0 upgrade.

    When I, for example, load a rig pressing bank 1 switch 2 of my FCB 1010 floorboard, when pushing switch 2 again it loads another rig (I think the previous from my list of rigs).

    Will this be solved with UnO4Kemper 1.4?

    My old digitech 2120 floor controller had this "feature" (ie, press the same button again and it toggles between this rig and last rig). I actually really liked it.

    It lets you hover over 1 button with your foot and switch between your clean and dirty (or crunch and lead) rigs without looking down.

    Are we sure we want this "fixed"? I found it to be a very useful feature for live gigs.