The EDITOR Thread - What should the Editor do?

  • There are a lot of Threads asking for an Editor.
    NAMM 16 didn't gave us an Editor but I hope and think Kemper will present us one someday in the future.
    But why do we need one? Of course, like with every feature or utilitie not everybody needs one. I'd like to collect your thoughts on this topic and your wishes what the Editor should do.

    Here the first few things i'm wishing for:

    -Access to ALL settings with an layout similar to the hardware Kemper.
    Practical for those who got their Kemper Rack mounted / not easily reachable.

    -connection via USB

    -Firmwareupdate via Editor

    -Backup/Restore directly from/to Computer

    -Dropdown fields for choosing presets (fx, stomps etc..)

    -Easier editing of multiple Rigs/Performances/Slots
    THIS is what I need the Editor for. Example: I use Performance mode. One performance for each Song. Always the same Rigs (Slot 1: Clean, Slot 2: Chrunch...). They differ in Tempo, effect status and effect settings.
    Lets say I rehearse with my Band and want to try how the sound of another amp (with its 5 Gain stages) fits to our songs. I need to go to each slot of each performance and change the amp and save each rig. This would be a LOT of work. The same if I say it would be great to always use Remote Button IV to de/activate Delay. Need to change it in each rig/slot/performance.... In fact this was the only thing that was easier with my pedalboard and real Amp vs Kemper. E.g. I would have just turned up Gain in channel 3 once on the amp. Or wired another effect pedal on my board to check wich song it fits. No way back to an real amp for me, but this realy bothers me.

    I got a lot of other Ideas and also got an possible Layout in mind. I'd post this as soon as I got the time to.
    What are the reasons u need an editor :?:

    Edited once, last by BobbyKa (January 25, 2016 at 10:46 AM).

  • What are the reasons u need an editor :?:

    For me it would be convenience.

    I use the Kemper solely for recording and so use Rig Manager to select all my profiles from my Local Library, so it would be great to have a tab system integrated into Rig Manager to control all parameters. Ideally (for me) the editor would include:

    1. Lock buttons to lock any section (Amp/ Cab/ Fx etc)
    2. Control over any parameter via a tab system (Amp section/ Cab Section / Fx Section/ Input - Output section etc)
    3. Ability to save a profile to a specific folder within the Local folder.

    As a side note I would love Rig Manager to allow more than one level of nested folder.

  • I don't need an editor to change parameters as such, as i think the Kemper is user-friendly enough to just turn some buttons. Updating firmware and doing backups in the Rig Manager would be a nice addition, though.

    I think it's not a matter of use friendliness - I'm sure most people who would like an editor would be perfectly fine with the exact same interface on the editor as on the unit itself. It's more a matter of convenience, especially if the kemper is in a rack as opposed to sitting on the desktop.

  • Id like to be able to choose quickly and easy different effects. Drop down menu...
    Afterwards I would love to be able to simply copy paste them to other rigs.
    Sure, it is possible with the kemper itself, but not so easy...

  • I think it's not a matter of use friendliness - I'm sure most people who would like an editor would be perfectly fine with the exact same interface on the editor as on the unit itself. It's more a matter of convenience, especially if the kemper is in a rack as opposed to sitting on the desktop.

    That's a situation in which I could totally understand wanting an editor. I'm not in that situation though and was just trying to say that if there are no plans for an editor, implementing those features in the rig manager would already make for a nice update. :)

  • I think its best to integrate the Editor completely into RM.
    For Managing Performances, Copying Settings between different Slots/Rigs/Performances the overview the RM already has is best.
    We just need more Rows for all the information the Rig/Slot... has. As all those Rows don't fit on the screen We need several Tab layers or just Quickbuttons to change wich rows are visible.
    Also Option to (un)fold groups of information. So unfolded you see e.g. the list of rigs and the fx/stomp slots similar like on the remote (empty if slot is empty, with name but greyed out if inactive, or bold if active). Here you can copy and paste Things from one Rig/Slot... to one or several others. The same way you do it in other software like excel. (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl or Tab to select more than one, Del to remove Stomp....). If you unfold an FX, you see all the settings the FX has, you can sort the rigs for all the values and you get a nice overview on all settings.

    Double Click on Rig or click on dedicated button and you change from the list view to "Kemper"view. Here you got the Toaster View and can edit things like if you are in front of the Hardware kemper.

  • What I am currently missing most is a complete and coherent management of cabs and presets. Also, I'd like the performances management would be more robust as well.

    With the latest version, I believe that performance management has matured and can be considered robust. what's the issue you are facing?

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • This topic is becoming a running joke.

    Kemper team, be cool and just come out and say whether or not you are working on this or are planning on, regardless if there would be a timeline.

    This is getting ridiculous.

    If you are not planning on it, that is fine, if you are that would be fantastic.

    Just sitting back watching all of these threads pop up and ignoring them, as far as answers go, is just rude.

    Being so secretive is not clever, nor does it make this company
    stand out as being cutting edge or customer friendly.

    Is it entertaining to just watch these threads with your customers going back and forth arguing pros and cons and whether it is necessary or not, etc.?

    Yeah, we get it, it is your decision what you put out and whether you communicate it to your customers but it is getting to the point of being annoying. It is not cute, quaint, or clever. It is annoying .

    It is understandable that you weigh the options and need the time to make decisions before putting out your plans but this has been running for years. Seriously.

    At this point you do not owe us these upgrades, you can do what you want, but being a bit more transparent would be a bit more appreciated by all of your customers, even the brainwashed ones. Whether they would admit it or not.

    You even have a few members so brainwashed that they keep chanting "When they are good and ready".

  • Kemper has clearly shown in the years they are not keen to discuss (much) their future plans here, so no surprise we don't get straight responses.
    This is a users' forum and chat. As I see it, if you have inclination and time for taking part it's nice. But don't expect much, this is not like contacting Support.
    OTOH, I am pretty sure that comparing different visions such as ours is interesting for both us and them and has its weight on their final decisions. Many times their plans have changed to respond to the userbase.

  • viabcroce schrieb:
    What I am currently missing most is a complete and coherent management of cabs and presets. Also, I'd like the performances management would be more robust as well.

    With the latest version, I believe that performance management has matured and can be considered robust. what's the issue you are facing?

    @ G String
    The answer is not complete and ends with a counter question.
    The statement has 2 parts :
    1 st) something is most missing -
    2nd) somthing would be liked more.
    First is not touched
    Second one is made as a part of believe.

    I can imagine that there are reasons, that RM do not manage Presets, Cabs, stomps etc.
    But it is a legal request and could be answered in some way.

  • Sharry - i can comment on things which available (performance mode). i'm happy to help and put things on lists once i understand that there's something we can do better.
    but as for what the future might bring. you and Inthrutheout need to understand that we do not comment on it. we just don't. and we are not up for discussing the reasons why either.
    if you don't like that, fine. i don't have a problem with that either. just note that it doesn't mean that we don't see what you want.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Look, I am a realist. Probably too much at times but this is just silly so I am pointing it out.

    Ok, they continue going the way they do. These threads will continue to pop up.
    Ultimately as shown over and over, little arguements will sprout between members.
    What is the sense in this?

    Yes we are going to work on this or are working on this.
    No we are not working on this and don't plan on it because we feel the KPA does not need one because it is laid out as such we feel it unnecessary even though many would find it quite usefull.

    Although I was a bit bias in the latter, it is their decision but a simple reply would be nice..
    As for myself either answer would shut me up. I would never say another word about it.
    If they say yes, fantastic.

    If they say no, that is fine too but we would know the direction we would want to go if this would be such a problem.

    It wouldn't be a deal breaker for me but if my KPA takes a dump, I wouldn't have a problem looking elsewhere. Not saying I would or not but all of these little things help my in my decisions to be brand specific
    or not.

  • Sharry - i can comment on things which available (performance mode). i'm happy to help and put things on lists once i understand that there's something we can do better.
    but as for what the future might bring. you and Inthrutheout need to understand that we do not comment on it. we just don't. and we are not up for discussing the reasons why either.
    if you don't like that, fine. i don't have a problem with that either. just note that it doesn't mean that we see what you want.

    I did not read the posting from Inthrutheout before I wrote.
    I was referring to a reply from you to viabcroce.
    It is topic that interests me.
    I can live if you do not reply, but I reacted on a reply of you.
    The name of the thread is "future request"

    Anyway I considered you already als helpful - Harry