Single Thread for Everything, or Individual Threads?

  • I am not a seller. I just thought how the new structure would work for me from my very own point of view and search behavior. I also voted for single threads per offerings from the beginning, but I'm not sure about that at this point. In the end we will see how it works out, and I think we're getting used to however they turn the forum over. :)

    My comment wasn't aimed at you at all, I meant "you" in the sense of "one should blabla", badly worded on my part, sorry! And yeah, I think something will work out in the end too!

    Meh. If all sellers do loud advertising, nobody would stand out ANYWAY.

    @Guidorist : Michael_dk nailed it with that statement. I think part of why that kind of "loud" advertising worked in the forum, was because only very few where doing it. So of course the louder one will stick out.
    But further down the road most others would adapt to that, and when everyone is doing it, no one stands out in the end, as Michael said.
    So you only drive the place down to a point where it becomes unreadable, thus driving away a lot of potential customers to begin with.

    Having some kind of regulation only helps the overall health IMO and makes it easier for every party to get something out of it.

  • Our stance was that it still would have been nice to have been able to include a promotion in our thread title for example - to promote our new offering and get the G.O.T. name out there -- it seems up until this point (where they have stepped in and changed the structure) posts have PERHAPS been abusing the platform with many exclamation marks and ridiculous titles, other gimmicks etc.etc. which is fair enough as its business tactics but has also been the reason for the new structural changes and which in a way ruins it for everyone else who would use the platform more sensibly - ( not attacking / naming any companies here so please don't view it as that - there's enough negativity in the World without causing arguments on an interenet forum and we're all here for the same reason and in the same game)

    Just for an example, (since been reading only parts of this thread when had the time as its already fairly long!) Guido here can now no longer use his slogan that he's obviously (and rightfully) proud / pleased with, and we can now not put a promotion / offer in our thread title as the new changes have restricted that with penalty of deletion... Its a change at the end of the day, shame it has HAD to come about, but like somebody previously mentioned - it's fantastic to have such a platform with our target market so accessible - so still very thankful to Kemper for everything and hope this post isn't taken a way completely NOT inteneded....

    Just our thoughts and also really pleased to finally actually become a part of the commercial community - it seems whilst there is obviously competition here (for customer attention...) it is all still civil competition as we're all in the same game! And have already had some very nice & welcoming comments which is pleasant and what everyone would want if it was them! In this free market, customers have theright to choose THEIR prodcuts - the issue seems to be getting the attention as like somebody else said; not everyone is checking the forum every day!

    Thanks for having us Kemper!

  • am I the only one who really likes this Guido´s slogan? ..for the price of the coffee!.. I find it original, interesting and even humorous.. I did not like the whole title.. it was really too long.. I am not annoyed by anything here in this KPA forum but do understand that commercial section can be pretty annoying for those who are not interested in commercial profiles anymore.. let them have that option: hide all commercial stuff..

    ps: mightypudge has mentioned one very but very important thing.. I would add: esteem it

    Hate to say it but that slogan is far from original. It has been used for a very long time in many advertisements.
    But boy is he proud of it. :)

    Hell, just type it in on YouTube or Google and sit back and watch the hits populate.

    I am sure you all remember the feed the kids in Africa commercials.

    Edited once, last by Inthrutheout (January 8, 2016 at 4:20 AM).

  • How about limiting titles to, say 10 words and no all-caps unless in product names (like JTM45). That seems easy to implement (the word limit perhaps even via the forum software), and then let vendors do what they want. It would force on them some discipline to make the 10 words count and not be wasted on puffery that no one believes anyway. "Price of a coffee" is a good slogan IMO because it is a more colorful way of communicating an important decision factor (price). A word count would leave sellers free whether they want something dryly descriptive or something more colorful, without having to codify in forum rules what good taste or good form exactly means.

  • ow about limiting titles to, say 10 words and no all-caps unless in product names (like JTM45).

    Too many rules prevent creativity. The basic idea for controlling is already defined.
    We should keep in mind and have to accept that business has to pay attention to market situation.
    That means advertising, promotion, try to gain prominence and so on.
    Let us be generous. Ultimately we have benefits for all in some way from their work.
    This forum give the seller of profiles on the one hand this opportunity at the other hand they are also important for Kempers success. A win win situation.
    Without the Profiler and their competition the high quality profiles would be only available for a small group of people.
    This forum is not only a playground for guitar freaks. Big business stands behind it.

    another 50 cents - Harry

  • Too many rules prevent creativity.

    I think he wanted to exactly avoid this, by suggesting how to NOT need say 10 rules, but one rule to rule all rules^^. :)

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • I think he wanted to exactly avoid this, by suggesting how to NOT need say 10 rules, but one rule to rule all rules

    I quoted this one sentence to make a general statement. I did not really comment the posting. (maybe I did not read carefully enough :whistling: )
    My idea is not too much restriction.
    I like that now is only one subforum for advertising and promotion.
    That is restriction enough for me.
    To avoid long titles should be a part of general netiquette. (For all sub forums)
    If I do not like to read advertising, I open the sub forum and press "all forum marked to be as read" (right down - I dont know the exact english expression).
    It manipulates only this sub forum.

    Ciao - Harry

  • Harry - I totally agree with you!

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • I think the problem is to create too many rules that are subjective to enforce or very restrictive for the vendor. A word limit is clear and simple for moderators and sellers, and doesn't get into the murky area of trying to dictate what type of content should go in a title. Anyway, just an idea. I slink off to the day job again.... :)

  • absolutly correct. Ultimately, the success shows whether you off in the right way.

    I could not make proposals to be successful :rolleyes:

    I always tell this to my Marketing students, and always get sniggers when I say with a serious face that marketing is a noble profession. For me marketing is really about market research and product design. Get those things right and the advertising and sales are a breeze (and vice versa). How many advertisements have you seen for the Kemper? I can't recall any.

  • How many advertisements have you seen for the Kemper? I can't recall any.

    That shows that they are professionals :)
    The existence of the forum is advertising enough.
    They reach potential clients all over the world and let the user, the product and/or the use of the product speak for them self.
    To be helpful if problems occurs and transfer the safety that a user does not communicate with an anonymous call center is part of an important positive Image. and..and ..and..
    Advertizing here would disturb the image.
    Is that a part of what you mentioned?

  • I don't know if it would so far as disturb the image, but I think once the task has been accomplished of making people aware of the Kemper (which doesn't take all that much), they'll seek out information by themselves, probably tons of it, so I don't think it would be a good investment. Say if someone were in the market for a top-end digital guitar amp, would it make much of a difference to hound that person with Kemper banners everywhere they go on the internet? IMO, that person will do a very in-depth evaluation of the alternatives (Fractal, Helix...) and more superficial messages like showing the same banner a hundred times, beautiful girls in bikinis posing with a Kemper... are not going to do much to persuade people. That might work a little if it's very hard for people to differentiate between the products in the market, but generally not for more rational, elaborate decisions. Anyway, back on topic, don't want to derail this thread.

  • Well, for the sake of fairness, there is advertisement for the Kemper, at least here in Germany's leading guitar mag. Nevertheless it's the quality that makes the success last. :)

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • Well, for the sake of fairness, there is advertisement for the Kemper, at least here in Germany's leading guitar mag. Nevertheless it's the quality that makes the success last.

    Advertizing is not bad and is need but only one set in the game. And good advertizing is better than stupid one ;)
    On the longer run the product has to convince.

    Yes to dicuss futher in this topic would be another beer. :thumbup:

  • there is nothing better IMO for selling your product than word of mouth. Ive been a guitar teacher for 16 years and when i started i advertised every where, most of my students come from word of mouth.though. I always ask a new student "where did you hear about me" and 99% of the time their reply is "You teach my friend" or "My Aunties brother used to have lessons with you and he said you were good" When you advertise you never want to sound desperate or this can put off your potential clients :)