Profiler mode Slot 1

  • Got something weird going on within Profiler Mode.

    Issue: Within every Performance # Setting (i.e. Performance #1, #2, #3 etc) the upper right "Slot Enabled" in only Slot 1 is greyed out.

    I tried Deleting Performance(s) in Rig Manager, but when I attempt to re-create a Performance, Slot 1 trumps to a Crunch setting and the upper right Slot Enabled remains greyed out.

    Other Slots, 2,3,4,5 can be either enabled or disabled without any problem.

    I expect this is something simple, that I just missing somewhere.

    Happy Kemper

  • Update: Looks like what I'm seeing has to do with a previous update installed prior to the latest OS Release.

    Profiler Operating System
     Rig Manager 1.5.x required!
     Performances created under this operating system are not downward compatible with for example 3.0.2 operating system! Modifications will get lost!
     Global functional assignments to pedals and external switches connected to Remote get lost during upgrade and need to be redone. All pedals and switches connected to either Remote or Profiler need to be calibrated before first usage.
     Issue under investigation: sound anomalies if Rigs get loaded via MIDI in Browse Mode This operating system introduces the following new features and fixes: User Interface
     added: support of mono and dual switches connected to Remote
     added: enhancements of “Pedal” pages in System menu for pedals/switches connected to Profiler as well as Remote
     added: symbols on Play Pages indicate receiving MIDI commands as well as activation of bi-directional MIDI-protocol
     added: global option “Send MIDI Clock” on MIDI OUT (permanently) and on MIDI THRU (if used as auxiliary MIDI OUT2)
     added: RIG navigation cross buttons now also functional in list and edit screens
     added: new Performance tags (Author and Comment) and parameters (Key and Tonality)
     added: new page “Audio Setup” in System menu introducing new parameters to control FX loop level, Rig cross-fading
    added: new “Performance Load” options “Pending”, “Slot 1”, “Keep Slot” replacing “Performance Autoload”

    My current notable System Interface "System Page 3" settings are:
    Rig Autoload = Off (Unchecked)
    Perf. Load Trying to set with Pending, Slot 1 or Keep Slot yield no functional difference.

    All Slot 1 Performance slot enablements show offline/disabled and unable to be edited ON/OFF.

    I guess a help ticket is next unless someone here can set me in the right direction.

    Happy Kemper