Powered Kemper lunchbox with at a case $1700!!!

  • Hey JJ what you been doing?

    I may be interested. I can't email you since the Nazis don't allow PMs unless I am already a Kemper user!

    Would you please email me at (email removed by admin)

    You're an asshole trolling. You should get banned for this.

  • Not cool asg.

    I remember your posts from before, and they seemed to have a kind of caustic drama to them, and a massive lack of tact.
    Some might even say an agenda, other motives.

    I looked at your profile to see what's up. One post you accuse Kemper Gmhb of buying Ambrosi Amps on the down low, shady, and
    an illegal action depending on details and place.

    You are also kinda saying that A.amps sold out.... well now, I've got some ad-vice for you little buddy... before you point your finger...

    On a serious note:

    1 You may be suffering from some kind of disorder, mental, emotional, even physiological. This is the main reason that got me to post. I think
    you should go see a doctor, because if you have some condition and don't know it could be very serious. If you already have/know about something
    it might be time for Dr. Frankenstein to tighten those bolts on your neck to get you sorted... Honestly not trying to be rude here, health of a person is more important than all of this shit.

    2 What you wrote may not be legal in some places, as in civil, and criminal, and possibly prison, I'm no expert tho, you should see a lawyer.

    3 Ingolf may be absolutely right, and you are just being an asshole troll doucher nimrod bigot shithead dumbkoff dill headed wanakertoss
    asshole shithead gimp... wait did I say asshole twice?
    Back under your bridge, troll, you are powerless here...

    4 Crappy writers rage pitch crappy articles every hour somewhere...

    5 You responded wanting to buy a KPA from someone in Chigago or that area, and someone from Australia if I read the abbreviations correctly.
    Why here? Most would buy local and those 2 places are not, and in this case local means same country or even continent... I'm guessing even ufo gas would be expensive.

    6 I think you should do the right thing and apologize for this behaviour.

    But, enough about you. Let's talk about this forum.

    I don't like the idea of banning, but would really have nothing to say if this was the result since it would be justified. Voting to ban people could lead to problems also. Besides it is hard to enforce, anyone can open an account from a library etc...

    Hope people don't let this upset them too much.

    I think that post was edited after it was quoted.

    I remember reading a lot of your posts Ingolf, with lots of good info, and the old forum had occupation listed as a Physician, here that can mean a practicing doctor, able to diagnose, prescribe, prognose, etc. Does this mean a troll can now be a disease? I'm guessing DSMV will be if not already classifying and categorizing such things. I can see it now, asshole troll stage 5 irreversible. Palliative care only.

    I have a feeling Kemper Gmhb will deal with this, since joking aside it does cross some serious lines.

    Have a nice day all who read this, this is a pretty good forum to be in, so don't let BS get you down; trolls are meaningless if you don't let it get to you, and hope my words helped out.


  • Selling my powered Kemper lunchbox with ata live in case for $1700 shipped and PayPald. Have a ton of paid profiles from Tonehammer that I will include on a USB stick.

    note I will not be able to ship till after Christmas.

    Pedals are SOLD!

    Please contact me JJcor I am yet to receive your email.

    I am genuine person and just hated having to post my email address to contact you. I can document my USA & Au eBay id with extensive 100% positive seller and buyer feedback. I won't post it here since I apparently have guys out to get me for just asking questions and posting an very early negative review of a Line 6 Helix here it seems.

    Edited once, last by AlienSexGod (January 10, 2016 at 8:26 PM).

  • You're an asshole trolling. You should get banned for this.

    You are mistaken as well as quick to jump to conclusions..... I never saw your post till today (next day) I deleted the word about an hour after I wrote it because I got a feeling some one might get upset but I was just expressing my frustration at the over the top insanity of not allowing forum users to PM unless they are registered Kemper owns! It's sooooo frustrating!
    Maybe you guys should treat new people looking at buying a Kemper more respectfully?

    @AlienSexGod - I don't care what your motivation was for your comment, my vote is that you get banned. There are a lot of conversations tolerated on this forum, but this one crossed the line (and then some).

    Well you are shallow, judgemental and one would have to be glad you are not an admin!

    Edited once, last by AlienSexGod (January 10, 2016 at 8:28 PM).

  • WoW you spout all sorts of abuse and false accusations and then say "Peace"!!!

    On what planet does someone attack a person and then say "Peace"?

    Very strange!

    When I say the false accusations I mean the extensive diatribe not me previously using the N word which by the way I deleted promptly before seeing anyone's routrageous responses on the current refresh.

    I am genuinely looking at purchasing a Kemper and since this one is used and would have no warranty I have no issue with purchasing out of the USA I do it all the time and I have a USA address and am fully PayPal verified! it has power and a flight case and you harass someone for wanting to buy it get a grip man!

    For the record asking if it was Kemper that bought out Ambrosi amps is not a statement it is a question and you accuse me of delusion?


    Edited once, last by AlienSexGod (January 10, 2016 at 8:33 PM).