Strange issue saving Performances

  • Sometimes, when saving a performance after altering the settings for one slot, the profiler gets stuck. That means the tap-LED keeps on showing the unique blinking pattern, that it usually shows only for a sec or do, during saving. Then after some time, it will say that the saving is done. In between, I can play, switch around (using FCB1010 with or without Uno4Kemper and/or regular Uno-Chip). What happens is, that the slot, that I just switched to gets overwritten with the preset I wanted to save somewhere else. The problem first showed up in an earlier Version of 3.xx firmware. It gets really annoying, because this messes up my performances and rehearsing becomes a pain in the a..., when I can't tweak anything without messing my presets up.

    Anyone else had this problem? Could it be caused by faulty performances or maybe even bad memory or something? have completely reset the Kemper and did a memory reinitialisation without any success... :(

    Thanks for any opinions about this behavior!

  • Hi there,

    i have the same problems too and this is going on for a long time now.
    Had Some help from Kemper support and that helps for a an couple of hours.
    The problem comes and goes.
    Its not reliable anymore during a gig and it drives me mad!!!
    Axe fx the best option?

  • Hi there,

    i have the same problems too and this is going on for a long time now.
    Had Some help from Kemper support and that helps for a an couple of hours.
    The problem comes and goes.
    Its not reliable anymore during a gig and it drives me mad!!!
    Axe fx the best option?

    Keep on working with support.
    What other advice do you expect from users who don't have this problem (like 99% or more of the users).
    Axe - FX is the best option? Well, only if you want to go for inferior amp tones.

  • Okay, happy new year all! Sorry for the late response and thanks for your suggestions. I seemed to have fixed the issue. I have contacted support, but figured it out myself somehow. There must be an issue with locking the cabinet in Performance Mode, which I had done before the problem first appeared.

    Since I use one of Tills Cabinets for all my Sounds live, it seemed reasonable to fix this one cab. Anyway, the profiler doesn't seem to go along well and after unlocking the cab and after setting it up for each performance slot manually, the behavior weird behavior hasn't appeared for the last two weeks, even after some copying, pasting and changing parameters, which usually triggered it within minutes.

    gilvie: Have you locked something in Performance Mode? Cabinet maybe? Regarding the AxeFX suggestion - I think each unit has it's issues and bugs. Support told me, they never encountered this problem before and locking the Cab in PM is a rare scenario, noone really does it, except for me. Can't say much about AxeFX, but I generally prefer the Kemper approach with useful and versatile sounds available everywhere as a basis for "your" sound. I own the unit since 2013 and even with this (avoidable) bug, there is less tweaking and fiddling around then ever before with any gear i owned. So i would definetely stick with the Kemper.

    Edited once, last by baktishari (January 4, 2016 at 1:42 PM).

  • gilvie: Have you locked something in Performance Mode? Cabinet maybe? Regarding the AxeFX suggestion - I think each unit has it's issues and bugs. Support told me, they never encountered this problem before and locking the Cab in PM is a rare scenario, noone really does it, except for me. Can't say much about AxeFX, but I generally prefer the Kemper approach with useful and versatile sounds available everywhere as a basis for "your" sound. I own the unit since 2013 and even with this (avoidable) bug, there is less tweaking and fiddling around then ever before with any gear i owned. So i would definetely stick with the Kemper.

    Thanks, this solved my problem with erratic led flashing and saving.

  • I have had the same problem...I locked the cabs in performance mode and using the Remote ended up overwriting another Performance bank when switching banks. This part of the problem has been fixed working with support - they had me unlock the cabs and restart the device pressing system, rig, quick to clear buffers. It is no longer overwriting Performance banks.

    What has also happened, though, is that the Remote was also corrupted by locking the cabs in Performance. The Remote screen shows switch IIII assigned to effects slot 2, however, switch IIII is not actually controlling effects slot 2. In essence, switch IIII cannot be "unassigned" from effects slot 2 in the Remote screen. One set of LEDs for switch IIII go on and off like they are controlling something, but nothing is actually being controlled. Support was not able to fix this issue...basically saying just pay attention to the LEDs to see if it is controlling the effect and ignore the screen on the remote, and that the developers are aware and working on it. Well, 1/2 the LEDs on switch IIII are changing and doing nothing, so looking at them is maybe like a tool for hypnosis, but certainly not for controlling the device :)

    Maybe it is just me...this seems like a unacceptable answer. I paid a lot of money for the remote just to ignore what the screen says and what the LEDs indicate?

    In the end, I guess all gear has problems - my SLO100 has had issues that are difficult to diagnose...all my other gear takes messing around to have it work right. What concerns me is this looks quite unstable and unpredictable.

    All of this happened the very first time that I travelled via plane to rehearsal somewhere only bringing the Kemper. Maybe it was my fault for not bringing a backup and expecting it to fail? Failing the first time really kills the confidence.

    Any recommendations are welcome....I've looked around the boards here and elsewhere and can't find anything on this.