• Sorry to rain on your parade, but to me a bug list as requested is not very useful.
    Here is why:
    1. For the support team itself it is not useful because a user experiencing a bug would read the list and perhaps decide to not communicate the bug with the support team again ( in case it is already listed).
    Support team OTOH has often stated that they depend on as many bug reports as possible to confirm bugs and track them down.
    2. For the users it's equally not very useful except maybe for a 'I'm not alone with having this bug' feeling. Because, as I said before, a list would likely prevent too many users to to not report their own bug properly and thus prolong bug fixing time.
    So all in all I think it's a rather bad idea.

    I can understand this view, but i dont agree. This is a community that works very well. All users are very kind and helpful and for me it's important that all these users know what happens with bugs and if they are solved. No bad thoughts behind it. I think it's also not so easy to decide to put a bug list online, because many others can see what really happens if a beta or official fw is out. If you read the threads there are lots of bug reports in different posts. Maybe it looks very bad if they all where listed in one document and the document is very long after a release. It looks a little like r&d with the users. Whatever, for me it would be helpful to see all things that happen on one list and the list is also a good to do list for the kemper guys.
    If we haven't a list we have to wait of a new fw release and we can read in the notes of the release what kind of bugs are solved. This is also interesting because the most of us see solved unknown bugs and they are amazed.

  • I understand the idea of a bug list, but I walk with Ingolf in this one.

    In addition to Ingolfs points I'd like to add:

    A bug list would become a topic of its own to discuss - it would draw attention and give the impression of a very faulty product - even when many bugs only appear under very rare circumstances. A focal point for negativity. A bad strategy for a business in my opinion.

    Not all users are very kind - we have registered users who don't even own the Kemper. Nothing could prevent people from taking a bug list out of context and taking it to other places to support other products by talking about how "flawed" the Kemper still is. The idea - supporting the Kemper & its users - would be turned into the opposite immediately. Also not a good strategy.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • I understand the idea of a bug list, but I walk with Ingolf in this one.

    In addition to Ingolfs points I'd like to add:

    A bug list would become a topic of its own to discuss - it would draw attention and give the impression of a very faulty product - even when many bugs only appear under very rare circumstances. A focal point for negativity. A bad strategy for a business in my opinion.

    Not all users are very kind - we have registered users who don't even own the Kemper. Nothing could prevent people from taking a bug list out of context and taking it to other places to support other products by talking about how "flawed" the Kemper still is. The idea - supporting the Kemper & its users - would be turned into the opposite immediately. Also not a good strategy.

    Yes, this is what i have written above "many users can see what really happens..." and you are right, it's not helpful for a business to show those things to every one, i totally understand. Buisness first.
    After your statement i think we can close this thread. Maybe it's helpfull to post bugs in "profiler related issues and troubleshooting" bit by bit.



  • Sorry to rain on your parade, but to me a bug list as requested is not very useful.
    Here is why:
    1. For the support team itself it is not useful because a user experiencing a bug would read the list and perhaps decide to not communicate the bug with the support team again ( in case it is already listed).
    Support team OTOH has often stated that they depend on as many bug reports as possible to confirm bugs and track them down.
    2. For the users it's equally not very useful except maybe for a 'I'm not alone with having this bug' feeling. Because, as I said before, a list would likely prevent too many users to to not report their own bug properly and thus prolong bug fixing time.
    So all in all I think it's a rather bad idea.

    I see Ingolf's point here. For their statistic it is probably an important performance indicator.
    I would solve this with a poll/count option in the buglist.

    On the other (quite good) arguments, it's aquestion of perspective, I think:

    • One collective bug list


    • an amount of single bug experiences

    Which one is better for a public image? Hm...

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band: vimeo.com/10419626[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • One question besides this:
    Is it possible that the output-bug, Elzejupp reports, causes the following behavior of my Powered KPA?
    Live I'm using an alto-floor-monitor and an additional guitarcab in my back and I recognized, that increasing the volume makes the guitarcab become louder than my floor-monitor. (the alto is driven by direct output, the guitarcab by powered-monitor-output).
    Until now, I thouht it was because of a different speaker-efficiency of the alto-speaker and the Greenback-heritages.

    Concerning the thread I would also appreciate an official bug-list, though I think this would run contrary to the Kemper-company-interests (would be a nice blog on the axe-fx-website). So I'm not that convinced this will be installed (and I do understand).

  • One question besides this:
    Is it possible that the output-bug, Elzejupp reports, causes the following behavior of my Powered KPA?
    Live I'm using an alto-floor-monitor and an additional guitarcab in my back and I recognized, that increasing the volume makes the guitarcab become louder than my floor-monitor. (the alto is driven by direct output, the guitarcab by powered-monitor-output).
    Until now, I thouht it was because of a different speaker-efficiency of the alto-speaker and the Greenback-heritages.

    Concerning the thread I would also appreciate an official bug-list, though I think this would run contrary to the Kemper-company-interests (would be a nice blog on the axe-fx-website). So I'm not that convinced this will be installed (and I do understand).

    Hi, solved my problem with this procedure:
    start the kpa; Higher the master volume a little; press output level knob; have a look at Main volume and Monitor Volume; if it's different turn them both down to Zero; be shure that Main out link and Monitor out link are setted; bring the Master volume up to the point you like and look at Main Volume out and Monitor out; After this procedure both volume out are the same. Dont close the Master Volume to zero again because than you have different output volumes again and you can start the procedure again. You have to do it with every new start of the kpa.....