Recorded KPA in Logic sounds different

  • Hey everyone!

    This is my first thread in this forum here so first of all: Hello All!
    Most of the time I only read topics in this community, but now I got a strange problem recording my KPA.

    While recording my KPA via SPDIF into my RME Fireface UCX everything sounds wonderful through the speakers (I listen to the whole thing via SPDIF out of the RME through my fathers HIFI system, which sounds just incredible).
    The sound is rich/open/natural/tube amp like, in other words just what I want it to be! Most of the time I record the "Master Stereo" signal, cause thats what I need (including delay and reverb). No dry guitar signal for reamping needed.
    I recorded with various profiles (clean, crunch, heavy), mainly by TheAmpFactory (which all sound great while playing).

    Now my problem: Listening to the recorded guitar track gives me NOT the same sound! I use Apple Logic 9 and all settings like 44.1kHz with 24Bit, KPA as SPDIF master, recorded files as WAVE in 44.1kHz 24Bit and so on are
    (in my opinion) correct...The sound is much more boxy, harsh not nearly that open! No plugins or so used! I just listen to the naked recorded file! Routing in TotalmixFX: SPDIF in => SPDIF out 0dB, DAW software playback stereo (chanels 1+2) => SPDIF out 0dB (so I use the monitoring of the RME, no software monitoring in Logic).

    So that´s what I tried yet:
    1. Record the analogue signal => same result
    2. Tried a different DAW (Ardour) on my Mac => Maybe a bit better but that´s really hard to tell => Still not close to the recording sound I listen to while recording!
    3. Tried to bounce the track => Same quality (as expected...)
    4. Recorded a lick, panned it to the left speaker, looped it and played the same lick on the right speaker while listening => Left sounds strange, right is the desired sound!

    That´s what I want to try: (just some more ideas i haven´t testetd yet)
    5. RME analouge outputs into the HIFI system (with the RME as D/A converter)
    6. Record/listen via headphone
    7. Another different DAW (for example Audacity)
    8. A different interface (which I need to borrow from a buddy)
    9. Record the guitar direct into the RME interface without the KPA and compare, if there is a difference, too.
    10. Try software monitoring in Logic (with maybe a bit of added latency...)

    The RME Fireface UCX uses the latest available drivers and firmeware. No other problems with the interface apart from that. Everything else sounds just fine and as expected.

    So it seems to be more of a recording/interface/DAW/whatever problem I guess and has probably nothing to do with the KPA itself...
    Or is it just something else like a different feel of sound while playing a guitar that is recorded?! Because of the "in room sound" of the strings and the vibrations of the body?!
    Do DAW´s record a SPDIF signal bit by bit?! That´s what I would expect at least...
    Anyone else here with a similar problem?!

    Thank you for your help!

    (And sorry for my bad English ;) )

  • Sounds weird...

    When you say "I listen to the whole thing via SPDIF out of the RME through my fathers HIFI system, which sounds just incredible", does this imply that the RME has a direct monitoring for the s/pdif in? (Guess so, but don't know.) If so, is it engaged and the monitoring in your DAW turned off? Because otherwise - in case you're connected to your computer all the time - you might sond fatter because it's doubled. From what you describe ("no software monitoring in Logic") you got this already, but did you use the same scenario when just playing without recording? Just an idea... but I guess you would have felt it when playing.

    And just to make sure, your analog outs are not involved, right?

    P.s. Welcome! :)

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • Hi!

    Yes, you can direct monitor the SPDIF in with the RME! No software monitoring in Logic enabled. Logics software monitoring would add latency so the doubled signal would sound strange.
    The same problem occurs with the analog outs!

    Thank you anyway!

  • It's not something simple like a volume mismatch? The recorded track in Logic might be at a lower level when played back than when monitoring live through TotalMix. Another thing I'd suggest is to switch the audio settings in Logic to record aif instead of wav. I've experienced anomalies in the past on Logic Pro 9 where the sound of a recorded wav was somehow more digital-sounding, as if it had been run through Melodyne a couple of times, compared to when recording aif (which is Apple's native audio format).

  • It shouldn´t be a volume mismatch...I listen to the KPA via SPDIF (KPA to RME SPDIF in => RME to DAC SPDIF out) with no volume change in Totalmix (0dB level). The DAW software outputs (chanels 1+2 as stereo chanel => SPDIF out) are set to 0dB as well! I hope Logic is NOT changing the level at all!

    I´m going to try the AIF format as well but I would prefer WAVE for compatibility with other DAW´s.

    Thank you!

  • Well, it should be easy enough to check if there's a volume mismatch. Download a decibel meter for your smart phone and leave it next to one of the hifi speakers while recording and note the value. Then set Logic to play it back and check the value again.

  • Yes this is very common when playing the guitar + speakers compared to just listening to a playback.

    I second few earlier opinions, that while recording there is acoustic sound of the strings strummed, as well as "wow! I can play this pretty well!" factor, which adds to the equation ;)

    This went away for me when I got CIEMs and was no longer able to hear bleed from the room.