Power amp for Kemper

  • Good evening! Not really sure which forum I should post this in, but you can move it if I am completely wrong. Anyway, I have been running the Kemper through the power amp of my EVH 5150III today, and I have to say: Damn, that's smooth! Really gives me that "amp in the room" sound and feel. Although, I guess that is not the optimal way to run things. Marshall Silver Jub through a 6L6 power section, whaaat? That is not how Jim Marshall intended it to be used.. Haha. So, I have been looking at the Matrix GT1000FX1U, and it looks like exactly what I am looking for. The only problem is, as always, the price... I want a solid state power amp, the tube amps are always so freakin' heavy, and I am kind of anti-tube because I hate everything about tube amps except the tone. They are a heavy, way outdated design that play way too loud to sound good. But enough about that... What do you guys use? I assume that FRFR is a popular solution, and I can see why. My Atomic CLR sounds epic, but it is what it is: a (personal) monitor. There are two main reasons why I still have the EVH: for one, I am pretty f**ked if I want to play somewhere with a weak PA (or no PA) and I only have the Kemper and the CLR. And two, it is always nice to crank up a good tube amp and get that "amp in the room" sound. Actually, I have three options:
    1. Sell the entire EVH stack and buy another CLR (something I have considered in the past, but most likely not a solution I would vouch for today)
    2. Sell the EVH head and buy the Matrix power amp
    3. Not sell anything before I have figured out if the Kemper-cab setup is something that I can really go for. This is the option I am vouching for right now.
    Bottom line: Is it something as good as the Matrix at a lower price, or should I save up some more and get the Matrix?
    Thank you for your answers and advice!

  • Sorry if I'm missing something here, but are you running the KPA power head through a passive CLR? That's what I'm using and my passive Atomic CLR is extremley loud. I haven't tried it live yet though...it just seems to be louder than my Mark V and cab. 600 watts yo lol.

  • Alfi, do you own the rack or the Lunchbox? If the latter, have a look at the Camplifier series.

    Also, would you elaborate on the following?


    There are two main reasons why I still have the EVH: for one, I am pretty f**ked if I want to play somewhere with a weak PA (or no PA) and I only have the Kemper and the CLR.

    Why don't you feel like using the CLR in this scenario?

    Also, I'd note that you can of course crank your tube poweramp up, but you'll miss the original profile's sonic signature. It seems this is not a concern for you tho? :)

  • Thank you for your answers! I run a non-powered Kemper rack through an active CLR. It plays extremely loud, yes, but it does not seem to spread the sound like a regular guitar cab does. I used it in a band, and the drummer could barely hear me... And yeah, I want to get a solid state power amp so I can keep that sonic signature.

  • Thank you for your answers! I run a non-powered Kemper rack through an active CLR. It plays extremely loud, yes, but it does not seem to spread the sound like a regular guitar cab does. I used it in a band, and the drummer could barely hear me...

    This sounds like something is wrong.
    1. The spread from a CLR is BY FAR better than of any guitar cab.
    2. Consequently band members (including drummers) hear you better with a CLR.

  • Looking at the dispersion specs of the CLR which are readily available why is it hard to imagine?
    Paging Mr. @JayMitchell. ;)

    Yep, this is very true. Speaking from my experiences both at rehearsals and gigs, my DXR10 disperses much wider than any 2x12 I've ever owned. At rehearsals I set it up on the floor pointing up like a typical monitor (usually - but not always - directly behind me) and when I walk around the room there isn't a dead spot to be found. My bandmates frequently comment how much better they hear me with this rig.

    And at those gigs where I am not running into FOH and I have to rely on the DXR10 for stage volume, it's absolutely loud enough to compete with the entire band.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • Hmm, strange that my experience is so different from all of yours... Maybe it has something to do with the angle of the speaker? I run it as a regular monitor/wedge is usually pointed for personal monitoring, while the guitar cab is close to the floor pointed straight forward, and I am also sitting off axis. However, I like the idea of being able to run it with a regular guitar cab, if the place has a cab etc

  • Have you looked at the GT800FX ?

    I wanted the GT1000FX but bought a secondhand GT800FX due to funds and I'm glad I did.

    I'm not sure how the 1000 would be any better. The 800 is epic! You'd never need to go any louder than the 800 and it responds like a valve amp in my opinion.

    Great poweramp and less money than the 1000.

  • Actually I looked at the GT800FX first! If I found one second hand I would go for it right away, but if I am buying new the difference is so small.. Especially when people who have tried both says the GT1000FX has a significantly more tube like feel. That is the reason why I consider it, no need for the extra power really, but certainly not a con :P

  • Hmm, strange that my experience is so different from all of yours... Maybe it has something to do with the angle of the speaker?

    Here's the story: a guitar cab has got a great energy component on its main axis: you go aside a bit, and the sound (and the perceived volume) gets lower.
    OTOH, the CLR is designed so to keep most of its energy in a 90° cone around the main axis, and to have SPL quickly drop outside it, in order to not affect mics onstage.

    So - while I don't know the typical (if any) off-axis response of a guitar cab, chances are that for extreme angles (i.e. > 45° off-axis) a guitar cab is louder.

    So I'd conclude that if you can have your drummer seat within 45° from your CLR's main axis he will hear you much louder.


    Edited once, last by viabcroce (December 13, 2015 at 5:23 PM).

  • Hello again! I have experimented a bit with the CLR. When tilted like a cab the spread is really good, probably better than the 2x12" cab without that horrible laser beamy peak of regular guitar speakers. However, I miss that thump and strong low end response of the EVH cab. I sent an inquiry to the guys at Matrix. They explained how it all works, in high detail. It is actually the power amp of the 5150 that is the largest contributor to the huge low end, not the cab. What I really like about that is that I can play at quite low volumes and still shake the floor, but it is of course not anything near a flat response. So I am now strongly considering to replace the EVH stack and maybe the CLR with a Matrix GT1000FX and an FR212!

  • Pretty sure you can create the thumb from within the Profiler... it's worth studying IMO.
    A transparent solution like theCLR gives you one variable less to consider, and ensures that you hear exactly what you do to your sound\tone, and that you'll be able to transfer it more easily on other sound systems.

  • The FR212/GT1000FX setup is also FRFR so I will hear exactly my tone there as well, but with better bass response and moving more air; which is exactly what I am looking for. The CLR is not bad by any means, but it is limited by physics how much air a 12" speaker can move.