• Hi everybody!

    Only one month left and I will finally own a Kemper...very excited. I did lots of research, regarding the right speaker for my Kemper. Since it do not want to use a guitar cab, I am looking for the right FRFR speaker. But there are so many out there.

    Do you guys have any suggestions? I found 4 models I really like, but still not sure which one to go with.

    • Dynacord AXM 12A
    • QSC K10
    • Yamaha DSR 112
    • Camper 212

    I usually play lots of high gain. Currently I'm playing a Peavey 6505 with a Marshal 4x12 Vintage 30 cab. I don't want to miss that burtal sound on my Kemper, just because I took the wrong speaker.

    Thanks for any feedback!

  • I can only speak on the DSR 112.

    It is absolutely loud and after only 2 half hour sessions with it full blast my ears have developed tinnitus and have been ringing for 6 months straight.

    My fault, yes, but be warned. This speaker is super loud and reliable. Oh, and it sounds amazing.

    Note though that there is not a meaningful internal EQ or mixer. If you want to use as a wedge on the floor you will have to apply EQ in the output section as this speaker is tuned to be off the floor and away from corners. Some of the other speakers may be more flexible in this regard.

    I use mine about 2 ft off the ground and on its side and it sounds glorious. When I first got it though I placed it in wedge position in the corner and holly hell it was muddy, undefined and boomy. I applied quick EQ which helped but moving the speaker with flat EQ immediately made it perfect.

    This speaker is amazing at all volumes. There is a contour button on the back, while this may be good for music at low volume I dislike it with the Kemper.

    I play metal and it works great for drop A and E and everything else 6 to 8 stings and beyond. When getting down to drop E on 8 string adding a sub would be ideal though.

  • I use Mission Gemini cabs with a Matrix power amp and use a lot of gain. The combination seems to have that punch that was missing with other FRFR systems I had tried, including the QSC K10 which sounded harsh to my ears. There are many other choices out there that will get great sound but if it looks like a cab and sounds like a cab I'm not shopping anymore.

  • The Camper 212 isn´t FRFR, it´s GFR, but would work for you.

    It´s hard to get the pressure of a 4x12 guitar cab out of a 1x10 or 1x12 active FRFR. You should try at least a 2x12. There are some bigger amps, like the BlueAmps "Ultimate" or the "Spark…

    Thanks Gitarrenschlumpf. BlueAmps do look very interesting. Especially because these speakers look like real guitar cabs. The ultimate sounds almost to extreme and since I don't need stereo I might go with the 212 FR-A. Seems like a reasonable compromise between the Ultimate and a FRFR speaker. Need to ask for prices though.

  • I have used a Yamaha DXR10 in the best, as well as, a Marshall cab powered by a Crown XLS. Currently, I am testing out the new Friedman ASM-12. So far it has been the only one that feels and sounds like an actual guitar cabinet. For cost effective purposes I honestly believe it is the best solution. Verdict still out on how it sounds with clean tones and the higher register, but for beefy high gain, it is the tits.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • Although it's passive, I've got a Matrix FR212. It sounds stunning. Matrix claim "Whether you are a "heavy" player looking for a deep response for your 7 or 8 string guitar ... a clean Jazz/Acoustic player looking for the ultimate clarity and maximum headroom, the FR212 is the perfect solution."

    I don't play 7 or 8 string but can believe it possible, I've not been able to overload the cabinet, no matter how bassy and over the top the tones I've used. It always retains control even when the practice room is shaking to pieces....

  • Hi,

    last weekend I played the Dynacord AXM 12A for monitoring purpose and via main out direct into FOH. I play hard rock to metal and after 4 decades as a musician I have now the best guitar sound ever. And I played a lot of heavy weight tube amps (Marshalls, Engls and 4x12 walls etc.) over the years. The Dynacord sounds really sweet and is the better choice compared to an Engl tube Amp and 4x12 I used before. The profiles including the cab sim sounds really authentic and is the best thing you could do for you and your Kemper. Okay, the pressure of a 4x12 isn´t physically possible, but you will have a wide range of a first class sound on half of the stage and everything else for the audience is done by the PA - no matter what amp you use.
    All in all, the AXM 12A is very flexible (3 inputs inkl. mixer), light weight (!) and superb in terms of manufacturing, BUT ... quite expensive, compared to some other FRFRs. So I´m still struggling with myself to invest in this monitor (owned by the PA company) or to search something cheaper. On the other side, christmas is coming and my wife is still looking for a gift :rolleyes:

  • I've got a PA-rig with Yamaha DSRs (2x112, 2x115 and 4x118w) for FOH sound and have used the DSR112s quite a bit with my KPA. The DSR112 is really much more powerful than anyone need on a stage or for practise. It sounds best upright, preferably on a pole. The DSR112 tends to be a little boomy as a wedge unless you hold back on the lower (<200Hz) frequencies. It does have a 120Hz HPF, but that isn't quite what you want for guitar. Stacked up in the backline or on a stick this is among the best there is for any profiler or amp-simulator.

    I've now got a pair of Dynacord AXM12A for my profiler and couldn't be happier. They are excellent for just about any purpose and I would swap out all other wedges in my PA-rig for AXM12A's if I could justify the expense.

    Edited 3 times, last by heldal (November 16, 2015 at 6:39 PM).

  • Hi everybody!

    Only one month left and I will finally own a Kemper...very excited. I did lots of research, regarding the right speaker for my Kemper. Since it do not want to use a guitar cab, I am looking for the right FRFR speaker. But there are so many out there.

    Do you guys have any suggestions? I found 4 models I really like, but still not sure which one to go with.

    • Dynacord AXM 12A
    • QSC K10
    • Yamaha DSR 112
    • Camper 212

    I usually play lots of high gain. Currently I'm playing a Peavey 6505 with a Marshal 4x12 Vintage 30 cab. I don't want to miss that burtal sound on my Kemper, just because I took the wrong speaker.

    Thanks for any feedback!

    I play a rcf 10" sma. Magic!