Is the volume in the amplifier page coloring the sound?

  • Is the volume in the amplifier page coloring the sound? I would like to have that, like a tube powerhead do.More midle and fat compression sound when turning up the powerhead. the tube shape works but I wish it was more realistic. Thanks!

  • The Volume in the amplifier page is a volume control - it does not color the sound.

    Have you tried the amplifier page power sag and compressor?

    yes its cool, I was just thinking that we have tree different volume and none colloring the sound like a tubehead would do. What is it for? we already have the volume knob in front of kemper and it can be saved with the profiles. Thanks!

  • The Gain is a ... traditional gain control. The rig Volume sets the... volume of the rig and is placed before the D/A conversion (critical for preventing digital clipping and to balance levels across the rigs). The master volume is placed after the converter, and determines the strength of the signal feeding the power amp (critical for optimizing the N/S ratio and headroom and for avoiding to clip the external power section).

    the Profiler can't have a "master volume" of the kind you describe because the pre and power sections of the profiled amp are not separated in two logical blocks, so you can't place a volume control before the power section only.

    OTOH, if you feed the profiler's output into the Return of a real guitar amp, the Master volume will act exactly like you want, driving the power section harder.

    HTH :)

  • Any kind of poweramp compression or poweramp- colouring is baked into a profile anyway.
    The different volume control options for amp and cab is to give you more control about the influence of one in case of eparating them and swapping them with other ones.