• I've tried to block a troll, but their posts still show in the feed.

    How can I block them? (Keep their posts from showing)

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • It must be me then lol ;)

    Absolutely not, Raoul. :)
    You Kemper family people are valued members here. :thumbup:

    They are the outsiders whose only purpose is to stir up poop here. They have made it clear who they are.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • If you can read this post, than either you haven't blocked me or the blocking feature doesn't work LOL :D

    I see you. 8o

    Here's a hint....they hang out in the Other Gear forum.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • You stole my line, Skoczy!

    Geez, the idiots on this forum. Bloody #@%$&%*^%(*&%%#%$@^%%$@% no-good idiots and liars who #$#%$&$*^$$&^U^%#^%. It's so typical of this ridiculous bloody $#$%#^%&$U^%^$#&^%&*T& forum.

    Man, this place really blows hard. Bunch of no-good #$#%#^#^% losers. Fine. Have your steekin' forum. Enjoy. Wallow in your Kemper misery for all I care. I'm off to greener pasteurised modelling... I mean, pastures where regular FW updates make my tones realler.

    Enjoy your big ugly Kempers, losers. Bye. :D

  • It's not working apparently, but you're not blocked either.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I think you might be on to something Mankey Mon.. It could be called the "Troll-filer".

    Just apply some basic heuristic algorithms, have it ask said troll some questions so it

    can test out the range of tones, auto refine with 256 bit, 50 shades of green, since

    everyone knows there are only 7 basic kinds of trolls. We could put them

    on a kind a of troll exchange, and professionals could even sell their

    high quality "Trollfiles" to deal with shills, plants and ad-gendas.

    Imagine, all your trolls in one green box, anytime, anywhere, indistinguishable from the original.

    The resulting existential crisis produced by this would be a game changer, enraging competing "troddlers" everywhere..

    For example:

    Troll : Was that me that just posted?

    Trollfiler: I don't know was it? And you spelled me wrong btw, just sayin'...

    Troll: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is this S**T!?! I did not spell me wrong. And you should not begin a sentence with and.

    Trollfiler: You certainly did spell you wrong, I have a screenshot to prove it. And you can begin any scene-tense with and; you just

    can never end one with an and.

    Troll: AHA! I got you! you did it too! I also have a screenshot. Wanker.

    Trollfiler: See? I am you, you dill headed wanker toss... 120% more you...

    Troll: How can you be more me than me?

    Trollfiler: Because I am no mere Troddler, I am a Transmogrifier, and a Trollfiler. And you spelled me wrong again, twice, btw...

    Troll: I don't believe you.

    Trollfiler: Yes you do, you just don't understand me. I could explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you--not enough DSP...

    Troll: Are you calling me stupid?

    Trollfiler: I don't know, am I?

    Troll: I'm telling!

    Trollfiler: Good idea. Who are you going to tell?

    Troll: Everyone!

    Trollfiler: Great idea. Glad I thought of it. We can do an A/B or better yet A/B/X test to weed out trolls. Don't want them spoiling the

    pure science of the" Trollfiler Challenge'

    Troll: Science? That's not science! And it was my idea!

    Trollfiler: Is there an echo or reverb of me? Sounds kind of muddy. Don't worry already I am auto creating an a/b/x test, posting it on youtube,

    and some other gear page and troddler sites; but don't bother voting on those, they will just ban it if they can't rig it.

    Troll: They will. Watch. An army of people will vote for me. Ever hear of astro-turfing, noob? You don't know tones.

    Trollfiler: Lulz, you can't rig a rig, which is what a Trollfiler kind of is, but you can vote for yourself, nub.

    Troll: I will, that will prove I am me. Just give up.

    Trollfiler: Never gonna give you up... btw stop spelling me wrong, it's annoying, l2 write or get a spellchecker or something.

    Troll: What do you mean give me up? And english is not my first language, so that's not fair, and rude.

    Trollfiler: Google it. And I don't think you even have a first language

    Troll: What was that music? Did you rick-roll me? That's against forum rules, you gonna get banned.

    Trollfiler: You rick rolled yourself, nub. And spelled it wrong... and stop trying to derail this post and change the subject, back to my test idea.

    Troll: Do you even know who I am? And this isn't a reality test, it's a stoopidity test.

    Trollfiler: Of course I do, I Trollfiled you, and will be here long after that dim tube of yours burns out. btw you spelled...oh nvm...

    Troll: You calling me stupid again?

    Trollfiler: hmm... really gotta check those reverb settings... And you definitely should take a language as a first language course for troddlers.

    Troll: That's not an answer. Don't mess with me, I'm so PRO you don't even know. I will win the internets

    Trollfiler: Focus, nub. I kind of expected all kinds of trolls to vote without even doing the A/B/X test. Even lying, but you see, any vote for you, is a vote

    for me (the right spelling;) all your votes are belong to us.


    Trollfiler TM

    Keeping it the F**K Real.

    Hope someone enjoyed this product of my fevered brain while I am stuck here in bed with the flu.

    Peace :)

  • Excellent, Gandalf. The 'flu isn't wasted on you, brother.

    all your votes are belong to us.]

    I once had a desktop picture produced by the KCA (I think it was) crack team, and it read:
    All your iLocks are belong to us.

    Couldn't help notice the similarity to your sentence; you owned the vernacular, man!

    Oh, and I've never used cracked stuff; I throw it out if it gets damaged. Seriously 'though, even on my piddling budget, I want to support coders as it's the only way to ensure quality product and choices in the future, so I pay for everything. I'll even go without food in preference to feeding the pirate industry.

    Peace :)

    Indeed, and to you too, mate.

  • I see you. 8o

    Here's a hint....they hang out in the Other Gear forum.

    I would block him too, but it's far too entertaining. I'm purposefully ignoring him and not replying to his comments because I don't want to spend my life arguing on the Internet but he's still getting more and more and more annoyed.

    It's ridiculous. He doesn't even have a Kemper.

  • I would block him too, but it's far too entertaining. I'm purposefully ignoring him and not replying to his comments because I don't want to spend my life arguing on the Internet but he's still getting more and more and more annoyed.

    It's ridiculous. He doesn't even have a Kemper.

    I can't read what you've written, so I must have blocked you :D

    And don't have Kemper yet, but collecting money for one...

    [Blocked Image: http://www.modhub.us/uploads/files/photos/2014_06/kemper-champion-4500-v1-0_3.jpg]