KPAs different reaction to power blackout! Why do some KPAs do better than others?

  • I just arrived at home from playing a tour in Ecuador (info:

    First thing: next time we'll definitely use a UPS!!

    We played 8 shows, on 2 shows we had problems with Power Blackouts.
    Both Open Air Festivals, on the first one 2 Blackouts at soundcheck and 1 at the beginning of the show, at the second show 1 Blackout in the middle of the set.

    As our live (Kempered)Rack is way to heavy for the plane we took 2 Toasters with us.
    One of them (Powered Toaster) had no big problems with the Blackouts. As soon as the power came back the KPA bootet again.

    The other one (White Toaster) always needed about 5 minutes to come back to live after the power came back. Within this time I thought it would be broken (Fuse?), cause it did nothing at all. No blinkings, no message on the screen.
    You might imagine how happy I was when it suddenly came back to life!

    Has somone else experiences with blackouts?
    Someone knows why only KPA has those problems?
    I guess main problem isn't the blackout itself but the voltage peak? I'll check this by simply unplugging power connector.

  • Well, I have the 5 minutes type of kemper...
    It is a black toaster, and during our first gig the main fuse of the concert hall blew, and both of the kempers (1 toaster, 1 rack) stopped working.
    When they put on the fuse/power the rack kemper started up, but my toaster stayed dead for about 5 minutes...
    Then, after manipulating the on/off chicken head for the hundreth time, it started up...
    I almost wet my pants...

    Now I got a small UPS...

  • It's a safety feature. There's a relay that only resets itself after a certain amount of time once a spike overloads the system (a fancy fuse, if you will). As hjscheffler says, uncoupling it completely from the power source will cause it to reset quicker.

  • It's a safety feature. There's a relay that only resets itself after a certain amount of time once a spike overloads the system (a fancy fuse, if you will). As hjscheffler says, uncoupling it completely from the power source will cause it to reset quicker.

    I tried uncoupling and swithiching on. Didn't seemed to be faster. Maybe it wasn't unplugged long enough.

    Question remains: why do some KPAs come back imediately and others not? Don't they have this safety feature?

  • Same here:
    1 older kemper unpowered (green/black):5-10 minutes waiting, power cabel unplugged /important!!!!(Kemper on).otherweise is waiting much longer
    1 newer Kemper powered (green/black):directly on- no problem
    All the best