BJDevices TB-12 MIDI Controller

  • I received my TB-12 a few hours ago and I want to give a quick "first impression".

    First, I was in the middle of an arduino project to make a MIDI footboard that was easily programmable etc. Time constraints and massive "coding headaches" forced me to move in a different direction. I already had built 2 EXP pedals I just needed the footsboard. Not being able to afford the official remote (would if I could) I found a link to BJDevices in Russia and ordered the TB-12.

    Shipping time from Russia to Virginia was 20 days order to doorstep. Much better than I expected.

    First impression is this is a professionally built piece. All the specs are here.

    Second, I fired up the kemper and hooked up the TB-12 via 2 MIDI cables. Immediately the screen on the TB-12 flashed Kemper and I knew that was a good sign. I had browsed the manual over and over while waiting for it to arrive so it took me literally no more than 10 minutes to set up a simple config that turns stomps on and off and set up 4 switches for the looper. Easy as that.

    I will give a more in depth review once I really dig into the TB-12 but this is the easy to configure MIDI pedal board that pretty much everyone is looking for. If you are looking for something that works and is fairly easy to configure, check these guys out. Props to Sergey and BJDevices.

  • It's really amazingly well built and works wonderfully. I have been super busy since I received it and I wanted to make a video showing how well it works but haven't been able. I'm finally using the Kemper looper and have started messing with performance mode. Works perfectly!!

  • I'm seriously leaning towards getting one of these, and am looking forward to your next report.

    One question, though: why did you use two cables to connect this to your KPA? Would not a single cable from the TB-12 MIDI Out to the KPA MIDI In have done the trick?

    This is for two way communication which allows things like the state of effects stomps to be displayed. Though I don't have a tb12

  • And the light bulb comes on...

    It's the TB-12 - and perhaps other third-party controllers - that need two MIDI cables. Stupid me, I'm using a Remote.


    ...but I got interested in the TB-12 because I need to control two other MIDI devices concurrently with my Kemper and need to send PC messages to them every time I change rigs. I'm aware that, in Performance Mode, one can send MIDI PC numbers to two different external devices via two independent MIDI channels, but I only want to send them once for each performance. If I look at Performance Mode as each Performance representing a specific song, am I right in thinking I would enter the the MIDI information only into Slot 1 of each performance and not enter any MIDI info in the remains Slots?

  • Hi Jack. I'm BJ Devices's software developer, my name is Sergey. I'm not sure I understand your questions correctly, but I try to answer

    I'm aware that, in Performance Mode, one can send MIDI PC numbers to two different external devices via two independent MIDI channels, but I only want to send them once for each performance.

    TB12 able to send upto 2 different PC messages, no any problem to send just one message and switch on any performance.

    If I look at Performance Mode as each Performance representing a specific song, am I right in thinking I would enter the the MIDI information only into Slot 1 of each performance and not enter any MIDI info in the remains Slots?

    What do you mean "enter the the MIDI into Slot"? In TB-12 you able to set any Program Change number to any button and enter to any slot of any performance by one button push. If you don't need others slots except slot 1, just don't attach this Program Change numbers to buttons.

    Forgive me if I misunderstood you

    Best Regards
    Sergey Burenkov
    +7 903 580 02 86
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  • My apologies again for inadvertently hi-jacking this thread. My questions were in regard to using the Profiler Remote, not the TB-12.

    I'm confident I would have no trouble programing the TB-12, but after using MIDI for so long I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around using Kemper Performance Mode with the Profiler Remote and how to send MIDI info to outboard devices.

  • Using the "performance" mode will allow you to send a specific set of PC messages to 1 or 2 external devices per slot. Granted, their implementation isn't the best - if you move a slot, the MIDI data doesn't go with it. It was my biggest gripe and the reason I went with a RJM Mastermind GT in lieu of the Kemper controller - I can manage it completely on my computer via a USB cable and I don't have to worry about moving around things, and I can keep my base rigs saved as individual performances.

    The thing with MIDI is this: If you don't send a MIDI message, nothing changes. That means that if you always use slot 1 as your entry into a song, and you don't want to change the MIDI devices' programs in the entire song, set it on slot 1 and you're done. However, that also means that if you step on slot 2, nothing has changed.

    This is common - MIDI messages are sent per preset on any device. This is because people use MIDI devices in many different ways to sit their needs. For me, I keep my "base rigs" as performances, and use MIDI to control my external pedals (via a switcher), delay, and reverb. Some people set up their performances on the Kemper to be 1 slot per sound per song. I found this a little too tedious for me. But, in either case, maybe you have a MIDI-controlled delay pedal. You probably want that off for a general rhythm part, but you want a certain sound for a melodic lead part during a chorus, and possibly a different sound for a lead.

    As far as MIDI is concerned, it's really not all that complicated. As a brief refresher, you send a message via MIDI (the protocol, the cable type is irrelevant, though typically a 5-PIN DIN cable) to a particular device that exists on a particular channel (1-16, or OMNI/ALL to send the message to everything). That message is one singular statement. A PC (or Program Change) tells a device to change its preset (or program). A CC (or Control Change) tells a device to change a particular feature (tremolo depth, delay decay, etc. - you can remember CC by remembering you are controlling a parameter of a device). There's also SysEx and a few other things, but that's advanced stuff, and most people don't need to get into that.

    On the Kemper, Step 1 is setting up your devices by programming their name (if you want) and it's particular channel it receives messages on. MIDI Out generally works well - keep it on that setting unless something doesn't work right. On your performance slots, for each slot, you can configure it to send PC messages (you cannot currently send CC messages with the Kemper) per device.

    Hope that helps.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • Thanks much for the in-depth reply, Doug. I do have a fair amount of experience with MIDI controllers, but you did clue me in to a couple of Kemper/MIDI things of which I was not aware. For what is worth, here's what I'm trying to accomplish:

    I need to control a DigiTech Vocalist Live Pro and a Roland GR-33 via MIDI. Since the Digitech creates harmonies based on the chords one plays, I would only need to send a single MIDI PC # to it from Slot 1 of each Performance to cue it up. Ditto for the GR-33, which is set up very much like Performance Mode on the Kemper. A single MIDI PC# will call up a "bank" of 4 synth sounds, which I can then choose between as needed on the GR-33 itself.

    Sounds good in theory anyway. Now to put it into practice.

  • And the light bulb comes on...

    It's the TB-12 - and perhaps other third-party controllers - that need two MIDI cables. Stupid me, I'm using a Remote.


    ...but I got interested in the TB-12 because I need to control two other MIDI devices concurrently with my Kemper and need to send PC messages to them every time I change rigs. I'm aware that, in Performance Mode, one can send MIDI PC numbers to two different external devices via two independent MIDI channels, but I only want to send them once for each performance. If I look at Performance Mode as each Performance representing a specific song, am I right in thinking I would enter the the MIDI information only into Slot 1 of each performance and not enter any MIDI info in the remains Slots?

    I use the Remote to control My GR55 and control different patches on the Gr per rig depending on the song. For example foir cover of Rockin in the USA: performance 4, slot I calls up crunchy basman for rythem guitar , slot 2 mutes Kemper and calls up GR55 recorder for the break intro, then slot 3 mutes Kemper and calls up GR55 cheap organ for outro of break.
    Now as soon as they implement MIDI CC messages I'll be a Happy camper

  • This BJDevices TB-12 MIDI Controller is a realy neat find!

    Put some info on TGP so the "other" modeller boys can have al look!

    BTW does is it accept 7 pin midi plug for phanthom power?

    And made in Russia should be better then made in the USA ( :whistling: )

  • BTW does is it accept 7 pin midi plug for phanthom power?

    It accept power to pin 4 and 5 of midi out. We produce special midi cable for phantom power, which will work with Kemper…60-64-65-detail

  • We start taking pre-orders for TB-11P from 1st of April at a reduced price - $265 instead of $310. Don't miss the chance!

    TB-11P is the first MIDI controller by BJ Devices with built-in expression pedal. TB-11P is one of Travel Box Series controllers and it takes the best advantages of this series - the small size and wide functionality. TB-11P has new top and back print view and improved hardware.

    What's new:

    - Expression Pedal with multifunctional 3-color LED lines
    - Power from the USB.
    - Standard input polarity expression pedals (tip-to-viper instead of the previously used ring-to-viper). You can now use almost any expression pedal without cable modification.
    - Automatic reset when upgrading the firmware. There is no need to turn off and turn on the power while updating the firmware.

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