Solid State Amp recommendations? Roland Jc40?

  • Hi all…. newbie here so be gentle :)

    I just got my Kemper and am loving having a dig through all the sounds.
    I'm currently sending the main output to my studio Protools setup and Behringer Truth monitor speakers.
    I'm sending the monitor output into the effects loop of my Mesa Nomad 45 head/Marshall 4x12 setup with the "cabinet off".

    I realise there's some colouring happening with sending the monitor through a tube amp and doubling up on the tube path…. even though it's still sounding pretty good for most profiles. The major drawback is obviously the differences when I A/B the studio sound to my amp sound.

    I was thinking of getting a smaller setup for playing live/rehearsing with the Kemper and am looking at a small solid state combo amp as recommended.
    Has anyone used a Roland JC120 for this? or even the new JC40 that's coming out?

  • Yeah ok, i saw some posts about doing that. I guess you have to decide if you want to monitor the "true kemper guitar sound" from a wedge in front of you or have volume behind you on stage from an amp (or a mix of both). I'm a lead singer while playing, so ideally with some in-ear monitors you don't need anything on stage (assuming the Kemper isn't coloured too bad thru a pair of decent Shure's)

    I'm at the point where I haven't used it in rehearsal with my band or live. So I'm only going by what i read on here. Worst case would be setting up all your rigs and performances in the studio or rehearsal only for them to sound bad out to the crowd at your first gig through FOH. Using your Yamaha DXR10 suggestion for all rig setups would prevent this I assume.

    Sorry… just lots of questions, need to get in a room and listen for myself :)
    Thanks for taking the time to help.

  • You can use the ROLAND JC 40 , by plugging the KPA in the return Fx loop of the JC40 , without coloring the sound ...In this case you only use the power amp of the JC40 , which is pretty transparent , and the speaker from JC40 is a FrFR

    Keep Rocking !

  • You can use the ROLAND JC 40 , by plugging the KPA in the return Fx loop of the JC40 , without coloring the sound ...In this case you only use the power amp of the JC40 , which is pretty transparent , and the speaker from JC40 is a FrFR

    This is wrong.
    While the poweramp of the JC may be pretty transparent, the speaker definitely is not, and is NOT FRFR at all.
    Definitely go the true FRFR route like Paults recommended.

  • From , jc40 product


    Ideal for Pedal-Based PlayersIf you create your sound with stompbox pedals, there’s no better platform than the classic JC clean amp. The rich, neutral sound won’t color your basic guitar tone, perfect for hearing exactly what your pedals put out.

    Keep Rocking !

  • Atomic CLR are one of the best FrFr . If you adjust jour profiles for the CLR , can't go wrong with any FOH . The sound guy might do some tweaking , but should be only Mixer Eq , in order to make your sound sit in the mix...

    Keep Rocking !

  • From , jc40 product

    While the above statement may be true for a neutral guitar amplification system (and for guitar players using different flavours of distortion pedals in front of a clean guitar amp) it is no FRFR system by any means.

  • Thanks Ingolf,

    Funnily enough I just came across your youtube clip comparing the Yamaha DXR10 and the Atomic CLR.
    They sounded quite different as you note and choose the CLR to personal taste. This comes back to my question a couple of posts up. Whose to say the FOH speakers won't sound vastly different again to either of those two FRFR speakers? I guess I'm just wondering if it's worth spending $1000 to try and solve a problem that can't be solved?

  • Sure the CLR has more clarity than the DXR, still to this day I choose to gig with the DXR. And you're right about FRFR speakers, you can't know how they will translate. The best you can do is to tweak as neutral as possible (which I do with the CLR).

  • Hi all,

    Unfortunately the DXR or the CLR FRFR is not everyones taste. For me it is not what I'm looking for. I always was hoping that the Kemper team would look into this long discussed issue. The Kemper sounds fantastic using the headphone and of course it is great for recording, but
    for me there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to speakers like a real Cabs or any another solution. The FRFR might sound very good when used as a PA, but for me as a guitarist to have the best control for my sound and playing it does not work very well.
    I just played over some of my amps this morning and here I have to say, the Kemper is fare away when is comes to playability and develop your own sound. This is just my personal opinion and might not be the same for other people around here.

  • Hi all,

    Unfortunately the DXR or the CLR FRFR is not everyones taste. For me it is not what I'm looking for. I always was hoping that the Kemper team would look into this long discussed issue. The Kemper sounds fantastic using the headphone and of course it is great for recording, but
    for me there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to speakers like a real Cabs or any another solution. The FRFR might sound very good when used as a PA, but for me as a guitarist to have the best control for my sound and playing it does not work very well.
    I just played over some of my amps this morning and here I have to say, the Kemper is fare away when is comes to playability and develop your own sound. This is just my personal opinion and might not be the same for other people around here.

    Personally I disagree wholeheartedly, but this is the paradigm shift that has been talked about here often.
    PureCab helps smoothen the transition BTW.

  • You don't have to point the DXR right at your face - it can even be used as a backline cabinet, if you prefer.

    I don't have the DXR pointed right at my face - I sidewash it, and it is two to three feet behind my vocal microprohone. (This is the same location I used for my Marshall). I get the same "in the room" sound as I did with a tube amp, but I get it at any volume :)

  • Ingolf,
    I saw on another post that you have a Voicelive 2 also (so do i). Even though we're debating FRFR monitors, I'd much prefer an IEM system which also recieves my VL2 vocals and am wondering about the setup below for the band rehearsal room and small gigs. (This is to be able to mix my in ears myself without relying on the guy at the desk).

    Have my Kemper living behind me onstage in a 6U rack.
    Take a line out of the Kemper headphone jack, take a line out of the Voicelive 2 headphone jack. (I'm going to use the other Kemper outputs for my H9 FX pedal in the rack)
    Feed these both into a small 2 input mixer (living in the rack) to be able to mix Voice/guitar levels (possibly a Behringer Xenyx Q1002usb)
    Feed the small mixer output into a wireless Sennheiser IEM300 which transmits to my pack and my Shure in-ear headphones.

    I'd be relying on Drum/bass stage sound to bleed in and would possibly remove 1 earbud as I do already while montitoring vocals.
    I don't imagine having to continually adjust vocals in proportion to guitars once set.. Only an easy overall volume tweak on the reciever pack.
    Am I dreaming here and haven't considered some big problems? (being a Kemper newbie!)

  • @J__Bro: This might work well, depending on the bleed of drums and bass into your IEM.
    If possible though get a feed from your PA's main out back to your own mixer. This was you have a balanced full signal in your IEM's plus a 'more me' option for you when you add your VoiceLive2’s and Profiler'ssSignal to it.