3.2.1 FIXES THE DIGITAL CRACKLING / HASH :) => 3.2.0 ....BUG ..... still has the hi-freq-digital-crackling / hi-freq-digital-hash when Changing sounds in Browse mode ...

  • I'm on 3.21 and it still happens, not as often but still does in Browse mode using Rig manager on a windows PC if it matters. The specific of what happens is the sound goes into chaos for 2-3 second as I move to another preset.

  • I'm on 3.21 and it still happens, not as often but still does in Browse mode using Rig manager on a windows PC if it matters. The specific of what happens is the sound goes into chaos for 2-3 second as I move to another preset.

    Just a wild guess, but when I read the press release about OS 3.2 on the KPA site, it mentions that:

    "But this is not all what is new in Kemper Profiler OS 3.2, the also new Rig X-Fade Time Parameter guarantees seamless preset switching.

    As most digital audio devices create an unpleasant gap in the audio
    signal, when a preset is changed. The Profiler performs a cross fade
    between the previous and actual rig instead, producing a seamless and
    smooth transition. This cross fade time can be adjusted in a wide range.
    It affects both Browse and Performance Mode."

    Could the Rig-X-Fade cause the problem? Because it specifically operates when switching rigs ... Just a thought.

  • I also can confirm that - very few times & very irregular & only in Browse Mode - I have that phenomena happening - I'm also on the latest OS 3.21 ... not a big problem for now as I'm using Performance all the time, but still hoping for a fix ;)


  • I also can confirm that - very few times & very irregular & only in Browse Mode - I have that phenomena happening - I'm also on the latest OS 3.21 ... not a big problem for now as I'm using Performance all the time, but still hoping for a fix ;)


    Same here, not a big problem, but the issue still happen sometimes in ..3.2.1

  • Just a wild guess, but when I read the press release about OS 3.2 on the KPA site, it mentions that:

    "But this is not all what is new in Kemper Profiler OS 3.2, the also new Rig X-Fade Time Parameter guarantees seamless preset switching.

    As most digital audio devices create an unpleasant gap in the audio
    signal, when a preset is changed. The Profiler performs a cross fade
    between the previous and actual rig instead, producing a seamless and
    smooth transition. This cross fade time can be adjusted in a wide range.
    It affects both Browse and Performance Mode."

    Could the Rig-X-Fade cause the problem? Because it specifically operates when switching rigs ... Just a thought.

    Good tip. I tried Rig-X-Fade but couldn't recreate it.

  • Just a wild guess, but when I read the press release about OS 3.2 on the KPA site, it mentions that:

    "But this is not all what is new in Kemper Profiler OS 3.2, the also new Rig X-Fade Time Parameter guarantees seamless preset switching.

    As most digital audio devices create an unpleasant gap in the audio
    signal, when a preset is changed. The Profiler performs a cross fade
    between the previous and actual rig instead, producing a seamless and
    smooth transition. This cross fade time can be adjusted in a wide range.
    It affects both Browse and Performance Mode."

    Could the Rig-X-Fade cause the problem? Because it specifically operates when switching rigs ... Just a thought.

    Sounds like a very good possibility to me!


    And by 100% I mean "one hundred percent"   ;)

    Well, not that weak sound when switching rigs but I got some serious digital crackling while playing one rig and I can recreate. It is Pure CabinetReverb & Headphone Space related.

    So here we go:

    1) OS 3.2.1
    2) Headphone output (don't have speakers or cab now)
    3) select SPLAWN 3RD GEAR rig
    4) Enable Reverb as FX - Hall Reverb, Mix 13.2%, Del+Rev Balance +58%, Time 0.6, Damping 7.1, Predelay 160ms, rest of parameters at 0.0 - that are my settings right now
    4) go to OUTPUT menu (hold OUTPUT for a while)
    5) turn off Pure Cabinet, make sure Headphone Space is not engaged
    6) start turning Pure Cabinet let and right - it will engage the Pure Cabinet automatically
    7) engage Headphone Space and keep rotating Pure Cabinet knob - it's cracking like hell

    When I disengaged Reverb it was not there
    When I engaged Delay (Reverb off) it was not there

    IMPORTANT1 - I am on Headphones so when I engaged Headphone Space at 6) it started cracking. When you're on Monitors you may experience it when you engage Space Effect in the OUTPUT

    I checked another rig and now it is cracking with Reverb on and quickly turning Pure Cabinet knob, without touching Space/Headphone Space effect in OUTPUT.

    IMPORTANT2 - and what I noticed Space/Headphone Space is not Space effect that you can load to STOMPS or X, MOD - it (Space stomp) has different spatial effect and haven't caused the cracking when engaged in point 5) of this procedure.

    So I hope this will help Kemper team to track this down, maybe the same issue causes 2 seconds weak sound while switch rigs, or at least this will help them. And why can't I be rewarded with Remote for X-mas for discovering it? :cursing:?(X/<X[Blocked Image: http://forum.budujemydom.pl/style_emoticons/default/hahaha2.gif][Blocked Image: http://forum.budujemydom.pl/style_emoticons/default/hahaha2.gif][Blocked Image: http://forum.budujemydom.pl/style_emoticons/default/hahaha2.gif][Blocked Image: http://forum.budujemydom.pl/style_emoticons/default/hahaha2.gif]

    Please check this procedure and return with your results.

    IMPORTANT3 - this hasn't happed on clean rig, both rigs where it happened were hi-gain ~70% and more.

    Edited once, last by skoczy (December 3, 2015 at 11:20 PM).

  • Send them a support ticket.

  • Make sure you send this to support with a backup so they can test it out, they don't read every thread in this forum even though they are quite active here :)

  • Ive noticed crackling while tweaking pure cab before but just thought by its nature its not an "assign to exp pedal friendly" param. Its not really an effect and isnt tweaked in real time in normal use.

    I think the bigger issue is getting crackling for about 1-2 secs immediately on switching rigs, which can occur with pure cab off and no pure cab setting change.