3.2.1 FIXES THE DIGITAL CRACKLING / HASH :) => 3.2.0 ....BUG ..... still has the hi-freq-digital-crackling / hi-freq-digital-hash when Changing sounds in Browse mode ...

  • Hey Kemper

    Just loaded 3.2.0 and did a fill " init " and a " full reset " .

    That "hi-freq-digital crackling" / "hi-freq-digital hash" is still there.

    Tested it [again] just by manually using the L+R "arrows" going through sounds [ My Favorites ] whilst in Browse mode .... I didn't test it in Performance mode.

    It goes away by itself after 2 seconds or so .... and the Input / Output / Cab lights are all in the green - no " red'ing " at all.

    Its still random .... unfortunately, it seems to be occurring a little more often now.

    FWIW I'll send my new 3.2.0 backup for you to look at.

    Also - I know from the posts here that others also have this same problem .... with 3.1.4 and now 3.2.0 so if you do, PLEASE do a backup and send it through to Kemper.

    They are awesome at fixing "bugs" but they cant fix stuff that we don't show them .... and they can only analyse the problem with one or more "buggy" backups from real-world users ..... ie: US !!!


  • Hey,

    I had pops and cracking on 3.1.4 between changing the rigs.
    1:)I made full reset : it flashs all the memories ( you lost all rigs/performances but keep the last os)
    keep pressing the 1st button (above/left from the screen) and start the kemper.

    tips from this topis - thanks warlus1
    BUG:- 3.1.4 Release and Browse Mode Midi Switching ..... anyone else getting intermittent " digital cracking " when changing rigs ?

    2: then loaded 3.2.0 public beta

    For now I have not noticed cracking problems.

  • What about all the custom made rigs one has tweaked for months? Can't imagine you lose everything?

    A full reset does not retain any user rigs.

    BUT - If you ever are told to do a full reset by Kemper Support, here are a few ways you can prevent losing any rigs:

    1. Copy all the "My Profiler" rigs into a folder in Rig Manager (you can drag them back in after the reset)
    2. Export up all your rigs to a USB stick (after the reset, insert the USB into the Kemper, and Load the rigs)
    3. Make a back up file to a USB Stick. (after the reset, insert the USB into your Computer, open it in Rig Manager, and drag them back into the Kemper)

    NOTE: you will be happier in the long run if you get in the habit of using one of the above methods to regularly make safety copies of the rigs in your Kemper.

  • It is a difference between starting the Kemper by holding the System button or the left button over the display.
    The button over the display guide you to the option to delete every preset/rig on the Kemper.
    With the second option all factory rigs will be installed.
    Only the latest installed firmware remains the same.

  • Thank you for the explanation! I make backups regularly, i just thought that a Profiler backup saves the whole system at once - and what's the point of making a reset if you're gonna restore it after that with the USB stick, right? Now it makes more sense: the Profiler backups only the rigs, performances etc, not the system.

  • Now it makes more sense: the Profiler backups only the rigs, performances etc, not the system.

    and what's the point of making a reset if you're gonna restore it after that with the USB stick, right?


    The backup archive will contain all your Rigs, Performances, Module and Section Presets, Snapshots, and global settings

    I suggested a Backup File on USB could be used with Rig Manager to load just the Rigs.

    If you load a backup file with USB into your Kemper, it would load Rigs, Performances, Module and Section Presets, Snapshots, and global settings.


    A quick update.

    - I was on 3.2.0 with the crackling / hash issue
    - [yet again - for the 3rd time] I did the a full reset
    - put my " My Favorites " back on
    - went in to Browse mode
    - started manually go L + R [ up and down the presets ]

    Weird outcome .... I got the " crackling / hash issue " a few times in the first few minutes of going around the sounds ...... and then for the next 45 mins = all good !? :) ?!

    I'll keep playing / trying / testing over the next few days but it seems to either now (a) be a lot less frequent if not (b) gone completely ..... its almost like it needed a few initial changes to " self-correct " or " self-configure " this issue for itself.

    Anyway ..... I'll report back in the next day or so.


  • Awesome! Sounds like it worked, Ben.

    This has popped up now and then, and a full reset has always seemed to do the trick (I think). Pity you had to do it 3 times, but you got the result you were after, and that's the main thing.


    Damn !!!

    Good and Bad news.

    I have now done this 4 or 5 times over a fews hours.

    - Turn the KPA on
    - go between a few presets manualy in Browse mode
    - Crackling / Hashing occurs a few times during the first minute or 2 of rig changing ... and then Crackle / Hash free after that ... for ages.

    - Shut it down

    -Turn on the KAP
    - come back 30 mins later
    - go between a few presets manualy in Browse mode
    - Crackling / Hashing occurs a few times during the first minute or 2 of rig changing ... and then Crackle / Hash free after that ... for ages.

    - Shut it down

    ...... repeat the above sequence numerous time .... each time ... same thing !?!?!?!?!
