Fractal AX8 ..... US $1,399 ..... thats just CRAZY !!! :) :) :)

  • I am not brand fanboy also. If you like sound of AXE FX II - go for it. Before buying I couldn't try nor Kemper neither AXE FX. But what I saw on youtube was that 90% of AXE FX samples are stuffed with distortion or/and effects.

    That's because the clean to mid gain sounds in the Fractal devices are brittle and clearly lacking. When I tried the AXE II, I thought that the cleans in my POD HD were much better than those in the AXE. I think line 6 Helix will be a much better modeler than Fractal devices. Time will tell.

  • I bought my kemper powerhead 10 days ago. I had been following the ax-8 and helix build up but decided on the Kemper for a few reasons. The concept and execution of the profiling itself is nothing short of astounding. Although my experience with it so far has been limited to using it with a 4 x 12 1960a cabinet, some of the tones i have dialled in are unlike anything i have heard before from any digital gear. My background with regards to gear has always been tube amps, marshalls excusively. I have been through many jmp's, jcm 800's, 900's, monoblocks's and more recently the jvm. I wanted to buy something that i would keep for years to come and I cannot see whay that isnt possible with the kemper. I needed a power amp too so the Kemper was a no brainer. The other guitarist in my band uses the original Axe fx and it is a gorgeous souning piece of gear..some of the clean tones are unreal. His gain tones are equally impressive and cut through the mix very well, however I wanted something more authentic and the Kemper ticks all the boxes. The 5150 tone I am using for my rhythm channel is jaw dropping. I think fractal have priced the ax-8 brilliantly, it will sell an astonishing number of units and will be commonplace on stages everywhere. Still have no regrets on the kemper though. It simply sounds killer.

  • ...The concept and execution of the profiling itself is nothing short of astounding. Although my experience with it so far has been limited to using it with a 4 x 12 1960a cabinet, some of the tones i have dialled in are unlike anything i have heard before from any digital gear. My background with regards to gear has always been tube amps, marshalls excusively. I have been through many jmp's, jcm 800's, 900's, monoblocks's and more recently the jvm. I wanted to buy something that i would keep for years to come and I cannot see whay that isnt possible with the kemper.

    This epitomises the typical tube-guy endorsement that IMHO sets the Kemper apart for the online shopper who cannot audition a unit. Hearing this sort of transition by tube-heads from real tubes to the KPA sealed the deal for me - listened to clips first, then read the stories that confirmed what I was hearing.

    My lil' brother's a Slash-style guitarist who swore for years that he'd never leave his JVM 410H, let alone tube amps. That was until he heard the KPA. He'd laughed at my L6 rigs for many years and continually asked me why I even bothered to do all the editing I did; my answer was always that I was getting closer to decent tones. I was getting closer, but that's a relative term; I was closer, yes, but still a very long way off. How far off I was became evident upon the arrival of my beloved KPA. I didn't even unbox it whilst I awaited a visitation from Fingers (my brother), such was my confidence that he'd be impressed right out of the box. He was, and so much so that by the end of that first night I could see dollar symbols in his eyes and hear the ka-ching sound as he tallied up what he could get for the JVM, how long he'd need to save for, how he'd put a live rig together and so on.

    His lack of a job has ensured that he still doesn't have one, but the desire has been cemented by his taking every opportunity (every time he visits!) to audition rigs and have a tweak. He loves the unit and is absolutely sold, something which both he and I thought could never happen where a digital / modelling / non-tube-based unit is concerned.

    So, I love to hear these stories, ancient mariner, and yours is no exception. More than that, it fits the pattern I outlined to a T... or should I say, tube.

  • People talking about using an AX8 with a kemper well......

    AX8 is currently vapourware in terms of an actual purchase and usage.

    Whereas a Helix as a additional effects unit, expression pedal, Midi foot controller with great colour coding AND scribble strips on the pedals is a reality NOW as arguably the best controller for a Kemper. Where the Kemper lacks midi control in certain areas and misses some FX processing power the Helix can cover that.

    BOTH Fractal & Helix can't compete with Kemper in terms of organic accurate representation of a great tube amps. Where the Kemper fails for me is Midi implimentation and an over priced crappy pedal.

  • @alien

    The Helix just these days starts to be more than Vaporware.Anyway..

    I wont pay 1400 bucks for a Footcontroller with supa dupa Midi and even more supa dupa shiny little strips and flashy does it sound;And are its effects qualitywise even close to the ones of the AX8;

    I will pay 1400 bucks for a very good Footcontroller,supa dupa effects and serious,proven amp sounds which will save me if my main system goes for one evening into the happy hunting grounds of the digital nirvana and no USB-back up can bring it back untill the show is over.And I know exactly this will happen when I dont need it at all..

    Is the Helix such a tool;

    Till yet I have not seen musicians I really like touring with any L6 product.This may change with the Helix but untill I see this this thingy belongs for me even more into the Vaporware-Category than the AX-8.

  • @alien

    The Helix just these days starts to be more than Vaporware.Anyway..

    You are wrong on so many counts. Helix is out ... I have one and lots of big names have Line 6 effects on their pedal board Pete Thorn, Bob Bradshaw etc. .... the amps suck compared to a real valve amp or Kemper but so does an Axe in my opinion. The Live foot edit is insanely good as is the build quality and footswitching. The only Midi controller with scribble strips is the RJM mastermind GT which costs more than the Helix AND has zero effects and cabs and no expression pedal! The Helix display is insanely good as is the build quality, scribble strips and some effects are cool. So while I would rarely use the fake amps the rest of the package is great. It won't replace the Triaxis and other pedals but this is the best controller ever made. Later maybe I'll add a Kemper.

    P.S. AX8 when it arrives (probably next year?) has the same 2 processors as the Helix but uses only 1 for FX also it does NOT support the 4 Cable Method (FA FX8 & Helix do). Helix you can assign all processing power to effects ( both processors) and drop the modelling.

    Edited 6 times, last by AlienSexGod (October 9, 2015 at 8:36 AM).

  • @alien

    Friend,let me be absolutely honest..

    The Axe-Fx is the "absolute limit" I am readdy to accept when it comes to "sound"..everything less is (always for me personally) not serious.The KPA is this digital machine I was waiting for half of my life for "letting go" my tube amps.

    Sorry to say but L6 does (yet) not belong to this category.Have used my Axsys 212 very often for clean sounds but (yet) I just dont trust them when it is about to rock.

    After all we are musicians so if anyone of us dont likes the sound and is asked to pay a lots of money for other gadgets it will not work.We had this issue some 30 years ago with all the 19" and the racks..I even met guys who tried to convince every one that they got the brown sound with the GP-8..:D

    So thanks..but no thanks..

    In the end I agree that it is "good times" to br a guitar player (again) and I will gladly admit that the Helix is a good sound machine when I hear it.


  • @alien

    Friend,let me be absolutely honest..

    The Axe-Fx is the "absolute limit" I am readdy to accept when it comes to "sound".

    I think you miss understand me. I am NOT proposing Helix or Axe FX modelling as a solution to GREAT guitar amp sounds. I am proposing the use of great tupe preamps (or a kemper) along with a midi foot controller and effects unit. I am pointing out that the AX8 doesn't fulfil that task..... its' not designed for 4CM.

  • Well obviously there is a cost-issue.If I could I would go for one more KPA as back up,the AxeFx2XXL "superzise me" only for FX and the Helix only as Midi the latest FRFR(two of them)..

    Or even better(if I had more moaaaarrr than just more money) I would still play my tube amps with two 4x12 each plus. Brad-Shaw rack from the "good ol' times" the 2-3 guys who would carry this stuff into and out of the truck of the major company which pays for all of this..

    Well you see where this goes.

    In reality I need a) a good back up,b) a very good FX c) a robust Midi-Controller and d) all this to cost me not more than I have to buy me also a good FRFR.The life of a musician is a bitch..

  • What's kind of surprising to me (as someone who hasn't studied the technical details) is that I expected the next big thing to be an upgrade from the Axe FX II, basically the FX III. Turns out that even the II was overkill from a hardware point of view, other than for a few people who want synth type tones, double-amping, etc. But Cliff is an inventive guy, so I wouldn't prepare to bury the FX II yet. He'll probably keep evolving the product using the hardware available, putting more space again between the FX II and the AX8.

    For myself, zero regrets or buyer's remorse about my Kemper. The only modeler I have a teeny bit of interest in because the demo sounded so good isn't the Helix, Ax8 or Amplifire, but... Guess anyone? :)

  • The only Midi controller with scribble strips is the RJM mastermind GT which costs more than the Helix AND has zero effects and cabs and no expression pedal! The Helix display is insanely good as is the build quality, scribble strips and some effects are cool. So while I would rarely use the fake amps the rest of the package is great. It won't replace the Triaxis and other pedals but this is the best controller ever made. Later maybe I'll add a Kemper.

    It´s NOT the only one. Don´t you know the Liquid Foot?

  • It´s NOT the only one. Don´t you know the Liquid Foot?

    Yeah I forgot about those... do know know anyone with one?

    Helix sends one message per switch, even if changing preset can send up to 6 commands.
    Please don't put it in the same ballpark of serious midi controller like RJM or FAMC just because it has screens on the switches.

    Fair enough if true but the Helix was designed for 4 cable method and to control a bunch of gear so its hard to believe that only one message pre switch. Even so you could make that msssage send another one from a different unit in your midi chain I believe?

    Anyway this Kemper & Helix looks cool

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