• Hello Everyone

    I think I made a mistake posting this, so I wasn't sure if it actually did get posted, so here goes again, just in case !

    Sorry if you are forced to read it a 2nd time !

    I have a question about the Loop Distortion. I have a few Gain & Fuzz Pedals I like. I have
    tried them in front of the Kemper, depending on the Rig chosen, have gotten OK to good results.

    I'd like to try them in the Loop Distortion, to see if they sound better or different, but not sure how to hook it up.

    I have my Delay / Reverb stuff in the Standard Effects Loop and I add that by going to X Effects slot and
    choosing the Loop Mono when I want to add it to a sound. I had read that on this site and it seems to work
    very well.

    So, for the Gain Pedals, do I just run them in the same standard Effects Loop right along with the Delay / Reverbs
    but instead on Loop Mono, I use Loop Distortion to add them to the sound ?

    If so, can I still chose Loop Mono for Delay / Reverb within that same Rig ?

    I keep reading you choose Stomp A - D.......maybe even only D for the External Gain Pedals, so is that where I
    would access my above Loop Distortion idea ? Thus enabling me to still use the Delay / Reverb under the Effects X ?

    I feel confused, but not sure....something just doesn't seem right ! ?(

    As usual, any and all help along with suggestions are welcome are always greatly appreciated.


    Mr Giggles

    PS: I did try a few things, including a few of the above thoughts with horrible results ! So, I guess the same confusion and questions remain !

  • Hm...I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve, but the KPA has only one physically send and return. Therefore you can only choose one of the loop "stomp boxes", either Mono Loop or Distortion Loop. With these "limitations" you can only hook up your external gear in chain and this way your external distortion will always be post stack as I can't imagine you want your external delay and reverb pre stack. :)

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

    Edited once, last by Kempermaniac (September 24, 2015 at 10:07 AM).

  • Hm...I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve, but the KPA has only one physically send and return. Therefore you can only choose one of the loop "stomp boxes", either Mono Loop or Distortion Loop. With these "limitations" you can only hook up your extermal gear in chain and this way your external distortion will always be post stack as I can't imagine you want your external delay and reverb pre stack. :)


  • Hi Kempermaniac and Ingolf

    Thanks again for the replies.

    I've read quite a bit about the " Loop Distortion" and wanted try it for myself, just to see if sounded any
    different than running the Gain Pedals in the front......that's really it.

    I did more experimenting and found what Kempermaniac mentioned, only one loop at a time. No matter
    how I hooked things up, they sounded pretty poor.

    So, I think I'll just stick with Delay / Reverb / Mod through the Loop Mono or Stereo if I use my Pedalboard and just
    throw the Gain Pedals in front.

    I'm just starting to work a bit more with the on-board effects and I'm liking them pretty well. Still like my own seperate
    Reverb units however ! I have a Mobius that I like, but as I start to like more Kemper effects, I may sell the Mobius.

    Thanks again

    Mr Giggles

  • Running your pedals in front the kpa should sound virtually identical to running them in a mono loop in slot A. The distortion loop would be only slightly different as it has a noise gate. The only real benefit to using a kpa loop would be that you could bypass all the pedals simultaneously by diasabling the loop

  • Try it as mono loop. That dist loop noise gate can do that. I cant imagine the kpa can guarantee the same signal level going to the pedal as straight from the guitar though.

  • Hello

    Thanks to meambobbo & deadpan for the extra info on the Loop Distortion !

    So far, nothing I've tried, including all the suggestions from the replies I've received has sounded better than just
    putting the Gain type pedal right into the front of the Kemper !

    So for now, that is the way to go for me, anyway !

    Thanks again everyone !

    Mr Giggles

  • I haven't tried the distortion loop personally, but I have a Timeline and a BigSky in a Stereo Loop in the X slot, and I'm not about to take that out. However, I run a volume, a wah, and three overdrive pedals in front of the Kemper. Sounds great. Every bit as good as plugging into the real thing.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack