Can I plug an expression pedal for wah into the remote?

  • Can I plug a wah expression pedal into the Remote? What limitations are there ?
    I ask because:
    A while back it was said that the wah expression pedals only operated when plugged into the back of the Kemper itself.
    When was this fixed? Or is it...
    Please reply with the kind of pedal you think works best as a wah and why, thanks!

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • Please specify when this was fixed as I see a thread saying that 3.0 firmware did not address this bug.
    Which firmware repaired it?
    I am running the latest official Release not any Beta FW - beta releases are not my thing.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • Please specify when this was fixed as I see a thread saying that 3.0 firmware did not address this bug.
    Which firmware repaired it?
    I am running the latest official Release not any Beta FW - beta releases are not my thing.

    As of this moment there are no beta's out - everything has been elevated to release so the latest is the latest.

  • The expression pedal has always worked with The Remote for wah. I have used it since The Remote first became available. The "turn on with pedal movement, turn off when pedal stops" wah function has always worked with The Remote.

    FX On/Off switches did not previously work when connected directly to the Remote. It was necessary to connect them to the back of the KPA. This has been updated. They will function when connected directly to The Remote with the latest official OS.

  • My question was "when" did this get fixed as well.
    If it was fixed only in the latest release then that's good but it will be a sign that I should keep my eyes open for any unexpected issues.
    I just don't want to troubleshoot something like this if there's any intermittent issues or brand specific anomalies.

    The past issue with wah pedals was "click to engage" did not work - move pedal to engage did work - yes or no?

    Some users wanted the wah engaged at rest so that it would not drop off when moving all the way back and forth while playing and I am assuming the wah travel will cut the effect off if full travel is applied to the pedal with the way the remote and external expression pedals communicate on this current FW release.- yes or no?

    I'm cool with this type of setup as long as there is a spring loaded pedal that will definitely keep it OFF when I let go like a Morley Bad Horsie.
    Any expression pedals have this feature? I am asking because it may be hard to find in pedal specs as this is not "tension".

    Thanks a lot for the help!

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • I might add that at the time I wrote my questions on this thread the latest FW Release was 3.0.2 10951 at 7pm PST USA on Friday.
    As this was the official release at the time, I was possibly correct in some of my assumptions.

    It was not in the download section yet as far as I could see that day...
    I am a power user of products like the Kemper yet I am NOT a Beta tester as my reputation is a stake when I use the unit for music business.

    My positive thoughts to balance this conversation:
    I am a 100 percent backer and a walking advertisement for the Kemper when I KNOW the software is solid.
    Nothing can touch the sound of this unit, the weight in shipping and the volume leveling flexibility- oh and my favorite buttons: the ground lifts when using it live.
    Yea it profiles amps but the tones I have come across have me stunned and finding more of a need to collect them online than to make profiles.
    It's actually faster to find the right tone in Rig manager than digging through plugin presets in software and time is the most valuable thing when the clock is $$$$.
    I cant wait to be able to edit some features from my PC and that said, I would be the happy to pay for an editor even a subscription program so we can keep it updated.
    I use the Mission Engineering Gemini 1 Powered Cab and matching Tolex Head Enclosure for my Power Rack. My band has 2 of these rigs and they are awesome.

    Have a great day.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10