Looper and Tuner Buttons - Kemper Remote HOOOOOOOOLD to engage please

  • RE: Kemper Remote
    Playing my Gig last Saturday I had THREE issues with my sound the whole night.
    ONE: I hit the tuner button while trying to engage an effect button and it silenced me while playing.
    TWO: I hit the Looper button while trying to stomp fx button and wound up with a situation that was just embarrassing for me and my band.
    THREE: Our guitar sounds were top notch. (2 Kempers)

    PLEASE make these buttons engage after 3 seconds or let us decide how long the engage time could be or let us disengage them per slot of a performance.
    ANYTHING is better than accidentally bumping them and having the show get stopped.
    HOLD TO LOAD would work for me.

    Thanks for the greatness!

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • This has been requested before and I totally get your point. I am pretty sure, something in the direction you suggest will have to be implemented, because more players are likely to encounter the same problems. For the looper, some users use some plasitic tubing in order to "fix" the switch so you can't accidentally activate the looper. But on such a high-end device, it's not the way to go. And it doesn't fix your tuner problem.
    Have you contacted support and let them know your issues?

  • A very good idea endoverend! The same happened to me.

    Skating away on the thin ice of a new day
    Last Exit Rockband

  • 5 seconds are an eternity and 3 seconds are also too many!!!
    IMHO "Hold to load" is much better.

    I don't use the tuner during a song or in a short break. So in my opinion 3 sec are short enough. Hold to load means i have to push the button permanantly during tuning my guitar? That would be unconfortable imho.
    Maybe a selection in the system menu between 3sec or hold to load would fit all needs. :)

  • I don't use the tuner during a song or in a short break. So in my opinion 3 sec are short enough. Hold to load means i have to push the button permanantly during tuning my guitar? That would be unconfortable imho.
    Maybe a selection in the system menu between 3sec or hold to load would fit all needs. :)

    "Hold to load" means that that you have to push the button for a short time (approximately 1 sec), not pemanently, just to avoid that you activate the tuner unintentionally.
    Many pedalboards work this way. ;)

  • +1

    I don't like like buttons or +1 or whatever, but if there is a like button you should use it. Nobody can tell the number of +1s from looking at the thread from outside. On top of that one of the officials here has encouraged users making use of the like button because then it is easier to see the most supported requests right away.

  • Great idea, Ive had both of the same problems, the tuner one at our biggest gig yet, a bit embarrassing! Maybe the same with the performance up and down buttons if it could be toggled on and off, my feet must fly everywhere but I've changed performances mid song before without realising only realising when I changed slot.

  • All these requests sound like customizing the remote and I hope the direction goes in this way with the next remote FW updates. For my user profile e.g. I don't use the reverse and half speed loop function, but a 40 sec. Loop would be useful.

    zuviel thread macht blead

  • A hardware solution could be a threaded cap that screws onto the exposed threads with a spring that encircles the button giving the button twice the pressure to engage.
    Think "coil over shock absorber" for a car.
    This could prove useful in a few other button scenarios and probably cheap to manufacture.
    The switch company could make it and get a ton of sales for all of the pedals on the market that need these if the threads match.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • Hi Everyone,
    I think this is generally a very sensible and practical request. However, I use the looper in one song where I need to record the loop on one rig (performance slot) then change to different slot to perform the solo that goes with it. This means timing the loop perfectly, restarting it, switching out of looper mode, engaging the next performance slot, (all in two bars at 128 bpm) then I
    play the solo, while re-engaging loop mode to stop the loop in time to enter the chorus which is on another performance slot.
    All slots have different rigs!
    A 'hold to engage' function would screw this fine art right up!
    Choice is king! By all means make hold to engage an option but not as a default.

  • A 'hold to engage' function would screw this fine art right up!
    Choice is king! By all means make hold to engage an option but not as a default.

    Even easier is parameter to turn it off for those of us who don't use.....on for those who do.

    There was a hint from Burkhard that Kemper Amps *might* think about making the looper button a multi-purpose assignable button to other functions.

    Even better!!! :thumbup:

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • +1 For this. Had my first rehearsal with my KPA yesterday and accidentally hit the tuner button when going for my solo boost on button IIII. Maybe a nice solution would be press and release for tuner without mute or press and hold for over 2 secs for tuner with mute.

  • Hi at all
    Tuner mute function you init by soft button in tuner menu.

    A time function for looper mode would caused another problem.
    During looper mode you can not change the rig or performance.
    If you want to make a overdup with another sound you have to leave the looper mode by pressing the looper button,
    change the rig or performance and press the looper button againn, before starting overdup.
    This will be hard to manage with a time function.
    Maybe this procedure for changing the sound is not practical, but I do not know another.

    A physical protection seemed to be the only solution at the moment.
    A soft button to init the looper function would be desirable.

    keep rockin' Harry