Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • Do people honestly believe that FAS have anything to do with TGP?
    Might be a language thing, but to me it sounds so?

    Scott Peterson is part owner or full owner of the digital modeling gear forum " part of TGP and he's always Betta Testing AXE FX firmwares. He's 100% biased in favor of AXE FX and would delete any content not favorable of AXE FX. He might leave it for a few days. It's an emotional thing, as I doubt he gets anything from Beta Testing. It's actually counterproductive and bad for business as he's really hurting his business "the modeling forum" since clearly many people have experienced the bias and censorship and don't frequent that forum anymore.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (September 7, 2015 at 5:26 PM).

  • Scott Peterson is part owner or full owner of the digital modeling gear forum " part of TGP and he's always Betta Testing AXE FX firmwares. He's 100% biased in favor of AXE FX and would delete any content not favorable of AXE FX. He might leave it for a few days. It's an emotional thing, as I doubt he gets anything from Beta Testing. It's actually counterproductive and bad for business as he's really hurting his business "the modeling forum" since clearly many people have experienced the bias and censorship and don't frequent that forum anymore.

    I disagree. I'm a long time member there (as well as having been a member of the old PRS forum that TGP morphed from), and I have seen plenty of examples of negative thoughts on the Fractal not going anywhere, as well as nothing but objective responses from Scott regarding every product mentioned. Things only get deleted when they break the forum rules, and anything Fractal related that is deleted is done due to excessive arguments or trolling. Objective and rational criticism never gets deleted (unless it's part of a thread that goes sideways and gets hosed).

  • ..., and I have seen plenty of examples of negative thoughts on the Fractal not going anywhere, as well as nothing but objective responses from Scott regarding every product mentioned. .

    I've also seen negative comments at the gearpage, but when I tried to search for the thread again, it disappeared, even the members disappeared, so I would search using google, and I would get something in the google search result, but when I click on the link I get the gearpage message indicating page no longer exists....Interestingly I found those same members name who disappeared from the gearpage in the Kemper forum and I know they weren't trolling or using any offensive language.

    I personally don't put any credibility in the gearpage because I know beyond doubt that it censors its members specifically relating to the AXE FX. I don't want to make a political thing out of this except to say that I'm an American and I think what they do at the gearpage is unamerican and an embarrassment to anyone who believes in free speech. Members shouldn't be deleted because they argue or disagree about anything, it supposed to be a discussion forum where people can argue if they want to argue,it shouldn't be an undisclosed fan club for the AXE FX and if it is, announce it and save members the trouble of thinking it's an open discussion forum when it really isn't.

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (September 7, 2015 at 6:46 PM).

  • Cripes!

    I've lived at the unofficial MOTU forum (UnicorNation, not MOTUNation) for at least 10 years, and the consensus there is that it's rude not to include your plug-in, I/O interfacing and computer hardware specs in your sig. It expedites troubleshooting for obvious reasons.

    I've included a rough "contextual" summary of my "rig" in my sig since day one here, thinking it was the proper thing to do. I appreciate this "European" take on the matter 'though; the aforementioned forum is a US one after all.

    Sorry if my sig gave the impression I'm an arse. I mean, I am an arse, but I'd prefer not to give that impression. You know the one - two dents in the sofa imparted by a pair of butt cheeks.

    Consider it removed (the sig, not either of my cheeks) until someone convinces me to reinstate it.

    No worries - put it in your sig if you want to! And I agree - it helps troubleshooting. And you can sometimes guess which genres the person in question plays/prefers. So you can e.g. weigh the opinion regarding metal tones between the guy with 3 seven strings versus the guy with a 1961 telecaster :)

  • ...include your plug-in, I/O interfacing and computer hardware specs in your sig. It expedites troubleshooting for obvious reasons.

    This is exactly why.

    Instead of constantly telling people what you have in your rig when asking for help (which is a pain to have to list it every time), it's already there. I do this on other gear forums as well.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Nothing bad in listing your gear\tools in your signature!
    I do see this as a US thing culturally speaking, it seems to me that in EU this is less frequent (or, let's say it is less frequent in the South Vs. Anglo-Saxon Countries).
    I am not referring to those forums where people mostly talk about troubleshooting (computers, A\V, cars... I am a member on a Sony-related forum and it's part of the community's rules to list your A\V devices).
    It seems to me that listing your 10 guitars is not strictly needed for troubleshooting, and is more a cultural thing. By this I'm no way bashing or criticizing the habit of course! Just a "note of colour", as we say here :)

    Edited once, last by viabcroce (September 7, 2015 at 9:55 PM).

  • No doubt it serves or may serve a number of purposes. It also has some drawbacks tho: whatever you write about some device, most people will check your sig in order to "determine" how biased you are. This is also done by checking some users' post history, which is something I personally don't like, specially because it's most done by... the most biased users! LOL

  • No doubt it serves or may serve a number of purposes. It also has some drawbacks tho: whatever you write about some device, most people will check your sig in order to "determine" how biased you are. This is also done by checking some users' post history, which is something I personally don't like, specially because it's most done by... the most biased users! LOL

    I think it's very relevant to check how biased people are!! People tend to recommend what they already have. It's nice to see if somebody recommending a specific preamp ONLY has that specific preamp etc etc. :)

  • I disagree. I'm a long time member there (as well as having been a member of the old PRS forum that TGP morphed from), and I have seen plenty of examples of negative thoughts on the Fractal not going anywhere, as well as nothing but objective responses from Scott regarding every product mentioned. Things only get deleted when they break the forum rules, and anything Fractal related that is deleted is done due to excessive arguments or trolling. Objective and rational criticism never gets deleted (unless it's part of a thread that goes sideways and gets hosed).

    I've known Scott since the PRS Forum days as well. I bought my first Rivera Rake from him and he also helped me significantly through a round of P90X. I've always found him to be a standup guy.

    Before I decided on the Kemper I got in touch with Scott to ask his opinion because I know he went digital a few years back and I figured he could offer me some insight. He had every opportunity to sell me on the many virtues of the Axe-FX if he were so inclined. Instead he wrote me a very impartial message and told me I couldn't go wrong with either the Axe-FX or KPA and that it just depended on my personal tastes.

    I wound up with the Kemper. :)

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I have followed TGP for many, many years, and there is a clear bias shown by the owners and moderators. Many of them are Axe-FX owners, and it's clear over many years that they favor Axe-FX positive posts while often censoring the negative posts. They'll also frequently pseudo-troll any posts that are positive towards the competition like Kemper and Line6. I am sure the huge Line6 Helix thread (something like 300+ pages!) is driving them crazy right now since they clearly can't shut it down, but it is giving so much limelight to the Helix and "upsetting" their baby which they so dearly love. But hey -- more posts and free content means more page views and clicks -- and more $$ to the forum owners. They should be happy!

    Regarding the new Quantum FW ... yet another FW which is "more realer" than the last and "a gamechanger." How many times have I heard that from TGP and SP? The previous poster is correct. You need a double-blind test with all previous firmwares -- as well previous HW -- like the Standard and Ultra. And use similar patches that have been tweaked to their best. And then do the listening test with -- of course CLR monitors! My guess is that people can tell some of the early FW from the latest, but is FW 20 really a quantum leap over FW 19? And is an optimized patch on the Ultra that much worse than one on the XL II, etc, etc. ? I doubt it.

    BTW, I own a KPA and an Ultra. Did not feel the need to jump on the "Apple-like" marketing train and upgrade every 2 years and get an XL II, Mark blah, blah. The Ultra is used as an excellent effects unit. I like the KPA better for amp tones.

  • There are currently six Kemper-related threads on the first page of the digital section on TGP, and only two for Fractal. Not much trolling going on in the KPA threads, either.

    Yes, that is today. But it certainly was not the behaviour in the past. Just give it some time -- esp when the Helix gets released. I am sure the Fractal fanboys will be out in full force to badmouth the unit and tell us all again how much better the Axe-FX is ...

  • Yes, that is today. But it certainly was not the behaviour in the past. Just give it some time -- esp when the Helix gets released. I am sure the Fractal fanboys will be out in full force to badmouth the unit and tell us all again how much better the Axe-FX is ...

    There is a small handful of them that are definitely waving that flag loud and proud, but not really as many as I have seen in the past. Scott actually recently mentioned to one of them that his condescending attitude (toward non-Fractal products) was causing some issues with others.

    I guess if you're actively looking for something you'll find it every time, but I don't ever log on there with the anticipation of encountering that stuff, so maybe it just slips under my radar where somebody who is thinking about it will notice it more. Really, though, just about every forum has a small group of people that adhere to certain beliefs that they get all worked up about. One forum I frequent has such a group, the "Nobody ever needs more than fifteen watts, and if you do you're playing too loud" group. I just let all of that stuff roll by without allowing it to bother me.

  • I think it's very relevant to check how biased people are!! People tend to recommend what they already have. It's nice to see if somebody recommending a specific preamp ONLY has that specific preamp etc etc. :)

    Are you saying that if someone recommends something only they should not use it in order to be more credible? :p

    On a more serious note... what people say about anything won't make it sound better nor worse than how it sounds, IMO, regardless if they own the gear or not. Many people like things I don't (and the other way around).
    What I want to get from someone else's advises is not how they like a device, but some food for the mind. "It's incredible!" or "it's crap!" doesn't help the least.
    Granted, opinions will always be opinions, but "keep in mind that if you switch Cab off for the power oputput you'll have cabs off on the Monitor out as well" would be something useful for mer to know, regardless the poster owning the unit or not.


  • I used to visit the gearpage and had some members that used to send me messages to my email address. I watched one who got banned and all his content deleted for no other reason except he had many negatives things to say about the AXE FX. I warned him he would be banned but he didn't believe me. He emailed me later and he was furious, because they also reported his IP to some anti spam website. He got his IP removed from the website almost instantly and actually was told that the gearpahge had a history of false reporting valid individuals as spammers so they can justify the ban for their records.

    He was actually considering suing them and I told him, he was out of his mind 8o ,. Sure he could sue them under many laws that they're breaking (falsifying records etc. , freedom of speech is protected under the law in the united states) but who gives a crap to waste time about some petty nerds who's childish behavior will eventually run them out of business. At any rate, if anyone reading this who got banned from the gearpage, check your IP address by doing a quick search and make sure those nerds didn't report you as a spammer. :D

  • freedom of speech doesn't mean you can use someone else's property to broadcast your beliefs. Only the content of your speech is protected, not the method of distribution. Otherwise, forums couldn't censor at all, like posts full of spam and personal attacks.

    Not defending The Gear Page, and after I learned the truth about them, I stopped going there. That's the best you can do - just ignore them.