Rig Manager getting started help

  • Hi
    I just got a Kemper and starting to learn how to use it and figured I'd download Rig Manager. Downloaded it, unzipped, ran the install and all I have is icon showing computer and CD. Don't know what to do next or launch it see Rig Exchange page. Admit some computer dumbness. Any help appreciated Window 7 home edition, 64 bit. I did install the 64 bit version. Also what is the difference of those 2 choices in 2 drop downs that show during install.
    thanks Gary

  • I'll try again Sunday morning, too busy and too many people at my house and parties. I tried last night to download RM on another computer and it never completed download. Get message, 3 sec remaining, 1 hr remaining, 3hr etc.. So I just stopped. I'll delete RM and try to start from fresh. Good news, I was able to download and upgrade Profiler to latest firmware.

  • Thanks Zapman. I think I'm missing something. Checking another thread there is mention of drivers and Profiler connect to computer. For sure I did not have computer connected to Profiler when downloaded RM. Drivers that part of RM download? But I can't find any info on using/downloading procedure for RM or this stuff. Sorry if I can't find it, any links?
    Got to go, will check link Sunday

  • Here is the startup procedure from Rig Manager manual:

    Getting Started on Windows

    “Rig Manager.msi” and “Rig Manager 64-bit.msi” install all necessary applications and drivers
    along with this documentation. Please note that there are individual installers for 32- and
    64-bit Windows versions. Once the installation has completed, you can find the application in the
    Start menu.

    All you need to do now is connect your PROFILER with the PC using a standard USB cable.


    Once you launch Rig Manager, it will connect with your PROFILER and start syncing. Depending on
    how many Rigs you have installed, this might take a while. The good news, however, is that
    subsequent launch- es will be much quicker.

    ♦ Setting up

    Next, please fill in your e-mail address (user name) and password for the Kemper website. Now,
    Rig Man- ager can connect to RigExchange, providing you with thousands of free, additional Rigs.
    ✔✔“Test Connection” verifies your account info, it does not verify if your Profiler is connected

  • ... I tried last night to download RM on another computer and it never completed download. Get message, 3 sec remaining, 1 hr remaining, 3hr etc..

    Oh man, this sounds just like updating Gran Turismo 6 every month. That "time remaining" estimate sure can jump around, eh?

    I especially like it when it gets down to a few seconds... then blows out to half an hour again. LOL

    Hope you get this sorted, man. On a Mac so out of my depth... on the Mac even!

  • Hi
    All right, got it. That little tidbit of info "you can find the application in the
    Start menu.". Would never have thought to look there. That quote is from the manual, but the manual is accessed through start menu--needed some divine intervention from forum members. Kemper and RM recognized each other, was able to scroll through lists of profiles give a listen hear and there. Now I'll read up and learn how to use it (I ran out of time yesterday), sure I'll have more questions.
    thanks for the help

  • I'm to "this" point. I have the stage model...I have read the manual I have searched videos but I can't figure out where to just learn the BASICS of USING RIG MGR to create performances and SAVE THEM!!!! I've created some stuff and even gigged with them but i'm not sure I understand tthe basics of (storing, saving, performance...etc)...I'm more than willing to pay someone to do a share screen for an hour with me looking at my rig mgr and showing me how to save things and what "everything means"...I pick up very quickly but am not finding any real help with rig mgr ...need to know where to look where they don't assume you know certain things when they start explaining.....