Any plans for a Kemper 2 amp?

  • The only thing I feel needs a mk2 is the remote....! Kemper can be updated greatly (as already has been) with firmware/software updates - but only really the FX and management/organisation side of things that really needs attention now as they have nailed the profiling algorithms, the tone it can recreate is sublime and quite frankly, surprising.

    I just feel they could have gone that little extra with the remote (having the same kind of screen as the profiler itself where it could change colour would have been a nice feature...) and scribble strips for the FX buttons / 1-5 patch recalls would have been most welcome as I forget what FX I have programmed to each switch (the colour coding only helps so much....!)

    (FLOOR) Kemper Remote w/ Mission exp + EB VP
    (RACK) Kemper PowerRack

  • I have just read this entire thread. I also, very recently, just acquired a Kemper toaster.
    As for wishing for a MK 2 Kemper, I don't feel one is needed. Certainly there are things that you more experienced users desire, and I hear the comments on the remote, which at this time, unfortunately, I do not own, but plan to buy.

    However, aside from some software changes that some feel are needed, the unit works flawlessly and gives everything one needs to build and tweak the profiles. What more can one ask for. Who cares what Axe FX designs and builds. Certainly I don't. After listening to some Axe offerings on line and in the Rig Excnage, I am perfectly happy with the Kemper offerings. Even the profiles on the exchange that may, in one's opinion, need some tweaking to get what the user desires, certainly sound inho more like a tube amp then what I heard from the Axe. This in no way disses the Axe, but I was always taught to not worry about what someone else designs and builds, as long as what I am using does everything I need from it.

    I have also learned over time, after thinking initially, that the ability to ultimately be able to tweak away, was the way I wanted it. However, I played Mesa amps for 18 years, and the longer I owned them and continued buying the new models as the came out, the more I realized that I wanted the sound I desired with far less wasted effort. This is what the Kemper offers. If a MK 2 Kemper is released later, I'm sure it will be great, but I have more then I need in the original toaster. :)

  • We all should be happy that Kemper sticks with the same profiler and hopefully keep this up for a long time to come.
    This thing can do everything you want, There are no "hardware" wishes for me at all and what ever I wanted to chance or adjust, whas build in allready.
    When I bought my KPA two years ago, a lot forums told me, the vallue would degrease within' a year and the prices for a new Kemper would do the same, I should stick to my tube amps.
    They were wrong, the prices that went down where those of my "real" tube amps. :P

    Edited 4 times, last by Dorrus (July 28, 2015 at 11:12 AM).

  • You know, the company wouldn't look silly if it released a larger remote called, well, the Big Remote™, IMHO.

    That way, LCD strips could be included and other enhancements made without necessarily rendering the original remote redundant; it could still be a current model alongside the BR.

    One can easily imagine that, depending upon an individual's needs, he / she would choose the appropriate model. Heck, even foot size could come into it - those with Hobbit feet could go for the BR.

  • You know, the company wouldn't look silly if it released a larger remote called, well, the Big Remote™, IMHO.

    That way, LCD strips could be included and other enhancements made without necessarily rendering the original remote redundant; it could still be a current model alongside the BR.

    One can easily imagine that, depending upon an individual's needs, he / she would choose the appropriate model. Heck, even foot size could come into it - those with Hobbit feet could go for the BR.

    EGG..............XACTLY! Mon frere ! Just charge a little extra for it for those who want it (or even better a little less for the original remote ;)) - just like LiquidFoot have different ranges

    (FLOOR) Kemper Remote w/ Mission exp + EB VP
    (RACK) Kemper PowerRack

  • Furthermore, if EACH switch was given an LCD screen of its' own and you could program each switch to perform what features you choose (like a lot of MIDI controllers...) the possibilities would be endless...!

    Perfect integration with the Kemper AND the versatility of performing functions of your choice with a colour-changing LCD screen for each switch telling you what is what... Ultimate.

    (FLOOR) Kemper Remote w/ Mission exp + EB VP
    (RACK) Kemper PowerRack

  • Put a version in a stompbox that can hold 20 profiles and has the footswitches for the effects. Let it have effects loop in/out for other pedals and a monitor out and main out. Then you carry a guitar and small pedal train mini board. Use the toaster at home to trial and tweak, then load by bluetooth to the pedal.

  • Furthermore, if EACH switch was given an LCD screen of its' own and you could program each switch to perform what features you choose (like a lot of MIDI controllers...) the possibilities would be endless...!

    Perfect integration with the Kemper AND the versatility of performing functions of your choice with a colour-changing LCD screen for each switch telling you what is what... Ultimate.

    Now this is what I'm talking about, It would need to have strong MIdi control for other gear as well.
    I'm having a lot of trouble making the remote work for me, but haven't givin up yet

  • Furthermore, if EACH switch was given an LCD screen of its' own and you could program each switch to perform what features you choose (like a lot of MIDI controllers...) the possibilities would be endless...!

    Perfect integration with the Kemper AND the versatility of performing functions of your choice with a colour-changing LCD screen for each switch telling you what is what... Ultimate.

    Soo... an RJM Mastermind GT?

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • Nope. Kemper remote mkii ... PERFECT integration with the Kemper ie. No MIDI or programming - just network cable like the existing Remote; just better! All you'd have to do is pick what switch does what and titles/colours....

    Would also be be nice if the switches had (matching colour) 'halo' rings around them (kinda like Line6 Helix...)

    EDIT: but yes, that kind of design/appearance ... But a LOT cheaper ideally!

    (FLOOR) Kemper Remote w/ Mission exp + EB VP
    (RACK) Kemper PowerRack

    Edited 4 times, last by nEVH5150 (July 30, 2015 at 12:44 PM).

  • I don.t need a lot more pretty colors ( then the current remote) but much more flexibility and a much larger and higher contrast screen

    Get the Tablet with camera and some tripod, Mount tablet over the remote screen on the tripod :D
    Or something like this :
    [Blocked Image:]

  • I haven't been here for a while now... I was waiting for the rack version, then I didn't have the budget, and then I had it but a lots of other priorities, yada yada yada... you know, just life.

    But lately I've been looking again at the Kemper Rack but I was wondering if a new version wouldn't come anytime soon?

    I'm not looking for a "better" sound, I'm plenty satisfy with what I heard with the Kemper at the studio, but I was wondering if we will ever had the possibility to run two parallel signal? I don't care about what Axe-FX or Helix can do, I'm coming from a Tube Amps point of view... I often use more than one Amp in the same time to get the sound I want.

    I understand that virtually we could potentially "merge" two amp profile... but what about twice as much as Pre-Effects, Post-Effects, Cabs, etc...?

    My other concern (which might not be true anymore, so please inform me if I'm wrong), but the Kemper was very slow to boot when it was loaded with few hundreds profiles. But now, there's thousands of really good and high-end profiles we can purchase and if I'm using a Kemper and go that path, I'd definitely love to get them all in the box to have all the sounds I could possibly get when I'm going in studio to my friends and such... So is that still true or is it perfectly fine now to have, let' say, 5,000 Profiles loaded ready to be used?

    Because if it's not, it would be a second good reason for me for a newer and more powerful Kemper. When the first Toaster came out, it was around 1,200 Euros, and then the price jump to 1,500... So maybe few months/years from now, it could get down to 1,100-1,200 again for a "mono amp" model, and we could get a new "Dual Amp" model for let say 1,800-1,900... It wouldn't change much the value of the current users, but would allow other to have a complete dual path...

    Of course, if the current unit already more than enough DSP power, I'd simply prefer a software update to provide this feature.

    My 2¢

    PS: If you have any info about that... I'm listening ;)

  • I disagree... 2 Kempers isn't the best solution (from a routing point of view all alone).
    I would definitely prefer to have a Kemper with twice the power, even if in the end, the price will be close to 2 Kempers.

    So 30 seconds for 300-400 Profiles... that's what I knew so far, but how long now with 3,000-4,000 Profiles?