Noise issue (not Kempers fault)

  • Likely RFI, we have an issue at my local music venue. You can filter all you like, use filters on the power, DI the guitar, use hum eliminators - it's still there. We know it's radio borne, the guitar picks it up using the strings as an antenna and pumps it in with the signal. In our case it's an appliance that switches on and off randomly like a refrigerator, chiller or glass washer. We got a guy who is interested in Amateur Radio going to try and hunt out the culprit this week. Halogen light starters and Fluorescent starters can be a bitch for doing this, but that's easy to trace, turn the lights off, if it stops - it's one of them :)



  • That's fine but the issue is ONLY with the Kemper. Not with traditional amps played in the same location.

    I did try another outlet. Did not help the issue.

    I don't have a usable battery backup to try at the moment. So at the moment I can't try that.

  • That's fine but the issue is ONLY with the Kemper. Not with traditional amps played in the same location.

    I did try another outlet. Did not help the issue.

    I don't have a usable battery backup to try at the moment. So at the moment I can't try that.

    That's fine but the issue is ONLY with the Kemper. Not with traditional amps played in the same location.

    I did try another outlet. Did not help the issue.

    I don't have a usable battery backup to try at the moment. So at the moment I can't try that.

    I thought you said it did happen with traditional amp but to lesser degree? Trouble is Kemper will accept and output a far wider range of frequencies than a traditional amp. Most guitar amps are deaf below about 80Hz and above 8kHz and the guitar amp speaker is limited in the frequencies it will play. Same issue at my local venue, valve amps do it but you cant hear it when playing, Kemper is worse - picks up and transmits the annoying harmonics on the interference straight through to full range speakers and it's audible all the time.



  • I understand now what you are saying. Hmm...that changes things a bit huh...

    Yup - easy way to see is take an am portable radio in and tune around off channel and see if you can hear it on that. You may even be able to figure it out if it's RFI and present by switching things off until it goes.


  • I found this thread:…tar-pickup.html

    Dimmer switches are DEFINITELY part of my problem. My house is filled with the damn dimmer switches. I hate them for many other reasons - all associated with my wife's obsession with using them to dim rooms to the point of 'what's the point?'.

    Without actually having to go through having an electrician analyze the situation I would be a year's salary that if I could fix this, 99% of my noise issues would go away.

  • I'm pretty sure that it's the dimmer switch at this point but I'm going to try some things tonight to verify.

    That would do it - damned things should be banned! I wish it were that simple here, all pointing to a beer chiller for us, trying to persuade the brewery to replace it but they aren't playing. May have to resort to sabotage ;)


  • In my case its completely confirmed it is the dimmer switch/halogen lights.

    I don't understand why only the Kemper suffers from them. The keyboard and Roland electric drum kit are fine.

    Do they emit EMI that the guitar picks up?

  • In my case its completely confirmed it is the dimmer switch/halogen lights.

    I don't understand why only the Kemper suffers from them. The keyboard and Roland electric drum kit are fine.

    Do they emit EMI that the guitar picks up?

    Well, that's exactly the point.Our keyboards and drum kit don't have any pickups!

  • It does seem like the Kemper picks up more than other amps do - at least more than my Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue. The noise is there but no where near as prominent as with the Kemper. But I guess I see that as a plus since I get a lot more of the tonal nuances from my guitars with that added sensitivity.

    Must make it a bitch to record with in the studio though - I'd like to try some home recording but not sure I can do it at my house! :(

  • Unfortunately, I think I'm restricted to using an amp there at this point. The noise issue is too bad until they change something. Guess the plus is... I can leave the Kemper at home and have it always set up and ready to rock!

  • Faraday cage?

    Chickenwire all over where you play in an earthed cage. Include the floor. RF et al. can´t get through. It really works. You can even get wallpaper made to do the job. Any females involved in life might not like the aesthetics, but that´s tough S**t... :D
