a Vox AC30 & MW cab experiment - one rig to rule them all :) w Clips

  • I managed to get some fantastic tones out of Pete's commercial AC30 rig (n°12) and M. Wagener's wizard cab (the one from the free egnater armery ). I always fount the voxes sounding too much pop for my taste, but this unusual combination is killer and gives access to queen/the who/urban dance squad/Zep & so many other tones.

    The tonal range is really large but in a 'modern vintage' twist I love : great spanky cleans , crunchy rhythm , and some heavy rhythm & leads with some tweaks of the definition clarity and gain parameter. The rig also takes FXs & lead booster in a great way. It's my goto rig now, I even use it a my main live rig.

    Another good thing with the profile is the ability to take single coils, splits and humbuckers so well while remaining their original specificity.

    I wish I had this profile hard wired in a sans amp like pedal with just a gain , clarity, definition and 3 EQ.

    Here is a song illustrating the variety of tone (even on the octaved bass), this was the only rig used on this demo. Layers stack up in such a natural way , I didn't have to EQ anything on the tracks, only some panning.

    here is the song (still WIP, drums will be redone with EZD2 and I will add some leads). I used an 12 string harm. sim on the intro and my usual FXs : lead booster,3 different harmonizers (12s , bass and harm. chords) ring modulator vibe, wah , hall verb and tape delay, feedback is a natural one

    I will try to isolate some tracks in order to display the individual tones without the sloppy drums (ten different settings of the same rig).

  • thx a lot mates :D

    I have uploaded some individual takes for you :

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    The mixed tones are much better fitting in the mix but you get the actual tones coming from my KPA , and can listen to the great FXs ( as well as the flaws !!)

    Remember all these tones come from a single RIG, it shows the KPA's tweaking range pretty well IMO.

  • I managed to get some fantastic tones out of Pete's commercial AC30 rig (n°12) and M. Wagener's wizard cab (the one from the free metros). I always fount the voxes sounding too much pop for my taste, but this unusual combination is killer and gives access to queen/the who/urban dance squad/Zep & so many other tones.

    Hi Waraba,

    What is this "Wizard cab" that you mention? I couldn't find it on the new Kemper M Wagener Merged Pack...nor could I find a mention of it on his commercial profile site (mwrokpak.com). The two Metropoulous amps in Michaels Merged Pack feature Avatar 4x12 cabs.

    Can you point me in the right direction.

    Thanks in advance,

  • hi, I think this is the one from the metro 67 or 69 from the free pack, It shows 'With Art' 4 x 12 on my rig, due to the strange naming conventions it's probably the Wizard cab I've seen on some photos.

    It's one of my 4 favorite cabs I kept in the 1st page of my cab selection.

    edit : avatars seem to use some eminence 'wizard' speakers, there is much confusion, let me check tonite ...

  • thx John you were right , the one used here is the wizard from the Eggnata Armery, an absolute killer cab & profile, btw.

    try locking this Cab and browse you usual amps 8o

  • thx John you were right , the one used here is the wizard from the Eggnata Armery, an absolute killer cab & profile, btw.

    try locking this Cab and browse you usual amps 8o

    Thanks waraba !

    I will definitely give this combination a try. I recently purchased the AC 30 profile pack from Pete's Profiles...and they are fantastic. I appreciate the feedback, and I am looking forward to trying Pete's AC 30 rigs (especially the #12 Direct profile) with the Michael Wagener Eggnata Armery cabinet...hopefully later this evening. :thumbup:

    By the way, when you dialed in Pete's AC 30 #12 profile/rig, did you end up using the Direct Amp profile, and copy/paste over the MW cabinet? Or, did you work with the Merged version, and swap the cabinets? I will try both ways, tonight. I am just curious if you also tried both ways, and happened to noticed any tone difference.


  • I checked my rig and it seems to be the direct one, but I'n not sure, it's the 12th for sure :)

    here are my edits for the heavy tone : pure booster on, gain 6, bass -2, mids +1, treble -0.7

    def 6, power sag 6,pick +0.6, clarity 2.3, ts 3.3 direct 0.1

    I locked the EGG cab and store the whole rig as a new unmerged one.

  • I checked my rig and it seems to be the direct one, but I'n not sure, it's the 12th for sure :)

    here are my edits for the heavy tone : pure booster on, gain 6, bass -2, mids +1, treble -0.7

    def 6, power sag 6,pick +0.6, clarity 2.3, ts 3.3 direct 0.1

    I locked the EGG cab and store the whole rig as a new unmerged one.

    Got it. Thanks, Waraba. :thumbup:

  • wow ! thx a lot :) I'm really pleased by your comments, and yes the kemper really helped me going further on my playing like no other gear did. I did have the tones in my head a long time ago, but not enough amps, FX, time & energy to set it up right, and one day I discovered the KPA . most of my limits were gone and I could actually concentrate on playing with all these inspiring tones. Now I really believe there is a song in each profile, waiting for being discovered.

  • I grabbed the pete's profiles vox (very nice btw) and imported them in, and then loaded the Eggnata.
    Then went back to the vox to change the cab and it wasn't on the list.
    What am I doing wrong?? Any chance of an idiot guide?

  • I grabbed the pete's profiles vox (very nice btw) and imported them in, and then loaded the Eggnata.
    Then went back to the vox to change the cab and it wasn't on the list.
    What am I doing wrong?? Any chance of an idiot guide?

    Go to the Michael Wagener rig pack with the Cab you want (in this case, the Egnater). When you have this specific profile loaded on the main menu, hit the "Cabinet" soft button. The Cabinet sub-menu will come up. As soon as this happens, simply hit the "Copy" button. After you have hit the "Copy" soft button, tap the "exit" button, and go to the Vox AC 30 profile you want, and select it (load it). Once the Pete's Profiles Vox profile appears on the main menu, hit the "Cabinet" soft button. When the cabinet sub-menu comes up...simply hit the "Paste" button...and then select "OK" at the prompt. Now, the Eganter Cabinet profile will be copied and pasted to the Vox AC 30 rig/profile.

    Assuming you approve of the resulting new profile...don't forget to hit the "Store" button, and select "Save As". Then, give it a new name, to store in your Favorites list.