Looper playback level adjustment?

  • @Ingolf

    Bei allem Respekt.. :)

    Looper with no loop level control is like a mesa rectifier or a 5150 without the "Gain"-button/control...did I read the manual to be sure that the rectifier would have this feature;To be honest..no..I did not.I would not say that I was "sure about it"..it was more like this whole thing would have made no sense without..just out of any serious question..

    Right no I use the looper with presets that have lower output-level while I play my improvisations on the loops with another preset which has more output.Do I have a problem with this;Yes I have..it confuses me more often than not.. ;(

    I am a big fan of the KPA and sure as **** we dont need to "um den heißen Brei herumreden"..Kemper likes to offer this looper.Add the damn loop level control and end this needless discussion! ;)

  • Hi Nikos! ;)
    I don't disagree. Having no control of the loop level is an annoying shortcoming.
    I never said anything in contrary and have seconded every feature request demanding it.

  • Ofcourse my friend..

    Lets hope this feature is as simple to be added as I believe it is..but then again..I am completly alien to all these programming stuff.I have no clue about it.I just hope the KPA-tean finds the time to fix this.


  • Hi Nikos, I use the looper in the same way like you. This is the only way that makes sence, otherwise its absolutely useless in live situation.
    Dont know how difficult it is to give the looper a separate volume control .
    There must be a special thought behind it why there isnt this main feature of a looper.

  • Hi my friend..The logic is that most people do not need any looper while recording..by all means the looper is a live-gig-tool.

    Hope you´re fine..greetings..

    Thank you Nikos - I am fine :)
    The posting had to do less with my statements and picked only one point out from the context.
    I have confined myself to list the positive qualities and did not expect a disagreement from this side.
    What a looper is and should be, I learned in my almost 50 years as a hobby musician. ;)
    For me the Kemper is definitly not a substitute for a professional looper. I admire anyone who can use this looper life reasonable. :!:
    Its more than the missing volume control. No synchronisation to tap-tempo, no mute and continue without loosing tempo, no possibilty to ask for a stop at loops end, difficult handling to change sounds, only one loop possible and., and, . and,...

    Let the KPA be as it is - a great amplifier with good effect, For what I like this feature I have described.

    Hope you also feel well.

  • Quote

    Dont know how difficult it is to give the looper a separate volume control .There must be a special thought behind it why there isnt this main feature of a looper.

    Well..I guess it may be a lots of programming work;Maybe the KPA team will not only add the level-control but also a ew other things to the looper and all this takes indeed some time;In any case I have no doubt that this will be solved sooner or later.


    I agree absolutely with you.There is not only the level control but also some other things (tap etc) which are missing..but all these "other things" can be replaced by "practicing" the tool as it is.And you have to practice a lot even with the best dedicated looper out there..it is just a difficult thing to use a looper(or me one of the most diicult effects) and I needed many months to learn it many years back when I used a dedicted looper.So..missing for example tap-tempo is ffor me personally "a minor problem".Adjusting the loop-level is something I cant "practice",I cant compensate with "**ck it..I will make it work somehow"..you know what I mean.. ;)

    Btw..the tap-button on the remote is already in place(for the delay-tool).I guess when ever the KPA team finds the time to itensify the work on the looper-tool they will not just give the level-adjustment but also tap and a few other things.No doubt.

    Maybe this is the reason why there is still no level-control.The KPA team wants to "finish" the whole tool as perfect as any other dedicated looper on the market.

    So..patience..I am very positive about the outcome.

  • So..patience..I am very positive about the outcome.

    I have no reason to loose patience :)
    For me the looper is not an essential application.
    I am satisfied with the looper as it is. I do not intend to use it for life performance.
    Its a very practical gadget I use very often for tweaking and profile testing.
    For practising I make backings with Band in the box.

  • I have no reason to loose patience :)
    For me the looper is not an essential application.
    I am satisfied with the looper as it is. I do not intend to use it for life performance.
    Its a very practical gadget I use very often for tweaking and profile testing.
    For practising I make backings with Band in the box.

    A gadget, that nails it.
    same gadget as morphing.
    I need no gadgets, i need delays and reverbs for playing guitar.

  • Just tried to solo along with a loop I created. No good. Need to be able to adjust the level of the recorded loop to be able to hear what you are playing. Please add my name to the (so far, ignored) list of users who want this flexibility, and who can't understand why Kemper is stonewalling on this feature...