Jaco Patorius Sound (Acoustic-360 Amp)

  • The best result i have is to tweak a little the "Oranje Bass 3" preset from Uwe Bossert. I'd changed the cabinet to
    "Custom Made 2 * 15" from D. Petersen and pushed up the mids of the amp.
    But it is still far away...
    So i hope someone will profile his Acoustic-360-Amp in future. Are there so few bass players with Kemper arround?

  • I would love that as well, just listen to these sounds by Bobby Vega...

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    I guess we should send him a profiler and let him do it. :D

    If anybody knows someone with this amp in or around Berlin I will pack my mics and go to there with my Rack.

  • I've logged about 50 hours or so on a 360 that was at an old rehearsal space and in my experience it doesn't have much of a signature sound, other than the fuzz circuit that was awesomely nasty. To me, Jaco's main sound was a fretless J on the bridge pickup with a punchy eq dialed in on a solid state amp. Play close to the bridge and add some deep chorus to taste. Even in the Bobby Vega video, I just hear Jazz bass stank, not Acoustic stank. I just sold an original '62 Jazz that sounded exactly like that through my Roland Cube bass amp. And FWIW, that old J sounded nothing like any other J I have played. It had this real dry woody thing none of the others had.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • So listen to that and we all can see and hear (after minute 20) that 80 % of the sound is coming from Jaco.

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    Because here he is playing no Jazz Bass and no fretless and no Acoustic 360 but
    a Peavey Amp.

  • OK, I can't hear the clip on my Mac speaker 'cause it's so low in volume and bass is non-existent on the stock speaker anyway, however:

    It's very hard to tell, but is he using a Peavey Mk IV head and 1810 bin? If so that's exactly the rig I gigged with for years! Incredible; it was the only "serious" rig I bought. I absolutely hated it, always wishing for a GK 800RB head and JBL cab, hankering after the sweet, round, punchy slap-and-pop tones it offered. To my ears, and with my Ibanez bass (sold shortly after injury put an end to my playing), it sounded harsh at the best of times. The 18" speaker provided plenty of welly, but it had a "tacked-on-sub" feel about it, as if it was disconnected from the bass' tone itself.

    Enter stage left: Jaco. As I said, I can't hear the video, but I'm guessing he must've been able to coax something useful out of it.

    My other observation, which I meant to mention earlier when I suggested there's a lot of mid-range punch to his sound, is that playing at the bridge-pickup position is the major contributor to this. I started playing that way after I heard Pino Palladino's work for Paul Young in the '80s. It not only adds a heap of mid-range punch, but it allows one to play more-percussively, and effectively so.

    If it's a Jaco-like tone you're chasing, hal, I'd definitely not underestimate the near-bridge-fingering factor.

  • I've got a mate with a few acoustic amps. I don't think he has a 360 but I'll be profiling his 370 soon. It's such a great sounding amp. I'm trying to get a bunch of bass players to bring amps and do a big session. I have a reeves c225 and a hiwatt I will profile too.

    There are hardly any boutique or vintage bass profiles around. It's quite frustrating really.

  • Hal, You nailed it man! Old Muddy has played just about every Bass rig there is. All 3 of these profiles are beauties.These will remain at the ready. Thank you sir.
    I found 2 great PJB Phil Jones rigs by Jason M. LeFebvre. Keep up the brilliant work my esteemed colleagues. The big SWR and Trace Elliott rigs I don't miss traveling with would be nice to feed to the FOH through the Kemper. I'm looking for Walter Woods as well. Keep it on four wheels, Muddy :thumbup: