John Scofield style with TAF profile

  • In my search for new tones, I wanted to see if I could get close to John Scofield's super expressive and dynamic sound.

    I think Sco's amp of choice is an AC 30, but I settled for the AFF2-63Prince Clean4 from the "fentastic" pack. I used both a lead booster and treble booster with the -5 ducking value.

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    (start from 00:10 to hear the lead sound in action)

    To be honest I am not sure how close I am sound wise, but my main goal was to find a sound that would inspire me to [try to] emulate his playing style.

    Thanks for watching!

  • very melodic! - I dig this a lot, bits of Knofler in also, nice to not hear the Pentatonic for a change :)

    Mixolidyn? (or however its spelt)

    hehe it's funny you say this - because my approach here was to think pentatonics, but try to avoid those notes.

    So throughout the solo I am trying to play everything but pentatonics (and thereby playing mixolydian tonality as you said, among others). Of course when things start to go out of hand I gravitate back towards the safe notes. But I think this is a cool approach if you don't want to be learning new scales, but still try some "out" sounding licks.

    Thanks for the great comment Andy!

    Edited once, last by KD (May 21, 2015 at 5:32 PM).

  • Yes it's very close to the original tone, well done & also in the play ( mostlty pickless if I hear well ?)

    Yes that's right, even though I believe Sco plays with a pick most of the time - I completely skipped it for this track. I did it because I find that if I play with a pick, I will easily fall back into my memorized patterns and this makes the improvisation kinda boring. I have to say though that towards the end of the video I fell into that trap anyway...


    It´s a minor mode: Aeolian, mixed up with some chromatics...

    Nice ;)

    You are right, the minor scale is my favorite. Thanks!

    I like the way you play! Bravo!

    Thanks for the awesome comment Rothko! :D