So many Profiles/Rigs.. so little time..

  • Hi,

    Fairly new into the world at is Kemper but loving every minute :) Greetings from the UK!

    I know that tone is clearly subjective, but thought that it would perhaps be nice if people could chip in with what they think is the definitively best profile/rig for different categories/guitars.

    I play a 1995 LP standard with stock PUPs and would love to hear what people consider to be the best marshall/Vox/Fender/ /13/ ..... etc for a similar guitar.

    I know I sound lazy but when you work 2 jobs, gig at weekends, jazz jam week days and are in the middle of home improvements - It leaves very little precious time to try and get my performance slots on the Kemper sounding the best they can be! - The little time i do get is spent playing with a smile on my face when i am supposed to be auditioning rigs and trying to settle on that killer setup :)

    I have bought MBritt pack no.2 which is great , so I am not averse to paying for good high quality rigs - but if this kind of quality can be found on the RE then even better.

    Many thanks,

    Matt B

  • No matter what profiles folks say are the best you will like some and hate others, it's all subjective and these are your ears, nobody else's.Plus many profiles have different mics used, different guitars, PUPs, cab, a lot of the same amps sound nothing like each other. I'd search the forums for the most popular profiles (your question has already been asked a lot and responded to), muddle through them and find a few that pop out at you, narrow it to one of each amp type, tweak them a bit and go for it. You'll end up fine tuning them on stage for a few months anyways so don't worry about perfection at first.

  • Matt, I hear you. The amount of fantastic tones out their, in the form of KPA profiles, is mind-boggling and almost scary. It is like going to a restaurant that has a gazillion different entrees on the menu, and most of them appeal to you. Sometimes having too many choices can be a distraction.

    I am coming up on my first month with my Power Rack. I spent the first 2 weeks getting to know the unit, and I deliberately limited myself to 5 basic rigs, which I tweaked and made into Favorites. I believe three of them started as Factory Rigs (included in the Firmware) and 2 came from the Rig Exchange. In any event, I am glad I decided to force myself to hold off on purchasing any Commercial Profiles until I spent at least 15 days working with the KPA, and getting to know and learn everything I could.

    It was only this past week that I took the plunge and purchased 4 Commercial Rig Packs. I decided to spread the love, and purchased one each from:

    TAF (The Amp Factory) -- Hiwatt DR103 (Gilmour) rig pack

    Michael Britt -- Kemper Rig Pack #3

    TopJimi -- Marshall Pack

    Till Schleicher (TillS) -- Till´s Cablab

    Now, I am well and truly f*#@ked :P
    I have approx. 400 individual profiles that I need to work through and audition.

    I have made a quick calculation. If I don't sleep, and take only the minimum necessary breaks for meals and bathroom trips...I should complete the auditioning and down-selecting process before the Earth completes one full orbit.

  • Hi, I have exactly the same guitar - 1995 les paul standard with stock pickups.
    Impossible to say which profiles are the best, You should try them by Yourself... but I can give an idea of the one I liked more.
    For Marshall sounds my holy grail is the JTM45 from TAF, together with their JCM 800 profiles.
    As to VOX sounds one of my favourite is the profiled called "69" which is a factory profile.
    Among the latest i loved the free SPLAWN profile from Michael Wagener and and the Workshop Rig Pack from Thomas Dill that You can download from Kemper web page.
    But that's just the beginning! Choice is very hard...

  • Well my all time favourite pack I ever brought was the Marshall pack from TAF the 800 in this pack is just on another level, but this is my own opinion :) I'm a massive fan of Andys work and just brought the Victory pack which if you like Marshall tone is definitely one to buy. The V100 is just like the 800 but has a bit more clarity. Like you mention tone is subjective and what some people like others will hate and vice versa. My advice is you need to find the tones that you like others can recommend and point you in the right direction but in the end only you can decide. I have always stuck with Andys profiles because I know what I'm going to get. When I first got my kemper I brought a few other sellers but wasn't very happy so I've stuck with what I know. :)

    I hope you find the tones your after :)

  • Can I offer this advice too? Get someone else to play your set up once you think it's right or even when auditioning rigs. I recently had a friend come over who was very interested in the kemper and it was only when hearing him play that I realised how good many of the rigs are I already had but had kind of written off. This wasn't coz he was a better player than me and made them sound good, but simply coz I was able to focus on the sounds alone and not playing.

  • If you like mesa boogies try thumas and djemass boogie rigs.

    I second that! :thumbup:

    Some great classic Santana tones in there. Sustain for days. Plus, if classic rock tones are your thing...the Mesa MkIIC+ and MkIII profiles can be easily tweaked to get some fantastic uber gain, heavy metal tones.

  • This is KPA's first-world kinda 'problem'. IMO there's no shortcut, but just take the plunge and go through profiles from several vendors. Then you will learn what kinda profiles work for you and maybe find some favourite profile vendors whose "signature" appeals to you. Godd news is that this profile evaluation process gets faster as the knowledge increases.