Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • My only worry is where the entertainment will come from once it dies, Nemo.

    It'll be, "Yay! Kemper's released an awesome editor!", then, "Oh no... what'll we do now?".

    Play guitar I guess... :whistling:

  • Toast ME v1.28 is out! => Damian is a Beast!

    What's new?

    • Added 'dual' Slots Buttons:

      • On/Off states reflecting the KPA 'white' buttons
      • Added FX color and name matched labels with 'one click action' to jump straight to the selected fx slot!
    • Added Next Rig/Previous rig buttons
    • Added Input Section:

      • Input Source Selection droplist
      • Cleans Sens, Distortion Sens, Reamp Sens and Input Noise Gate ;) dials
    • Added Output Section: Main Volume, Headphone Volume, Monitor Volume, SPDIF Volume & Diredt Volume dials
    • Added System Section: Looper volume and Looper placement
    • Added Profile Section: Listen button

    For people with larger screens, multiple monitors:
    You can now open multiple instances of the editor which enables you to select different FX Slots in each instance (!just connect one! the others will respond just fine without them being connected).

    Download and info:

  • I got around this frustration by purchasing a reamp box, or I suppose you could do it via SPDIF? I need a continuous sound source and both hands free to do my tweaking :) I also use a FX8 unit, so the reamp box is a very useful addition for sound design. I just need a Kemper software editor now and I am all set ;)

    Toast ME v1.28 is out!

    What's new?

    • Added 'dual' Slots Buttons:

      • On/Off states reflecting the KPA 'white' buttons
      • Added FX color and name matched labels with 'one click action' to jump straight to the selected fx slot!
    • Added Next Rig/Previous rig buttons
    • Added Input Section:

      • Input Source Selection droplist
      • Cleans Sens, Distortion Sens, Reamp Sens and Input Noise Gate ;) dials
    • Added Output Section: Main Volume, Headphone Volume, Monitor Volume, SPDIF Volume & Diredt Volume dials
    • Added System Section: Looper volume and Looper placement
    • Added Profile Section: Listen button

    For people with larger screens, multiple monitors:
    You can now open multiple instances of the editor which enables select different FX Slots in each instance (!just connect one! the others will respond just fine without them being connected).

    Download and info:

  • Iv'e been watching your Youtube movies Tijl. Thanks. Great program from Damian Greda. Have not had the time to test it.

    If only Rig Manager could handle IR's better than via placing IR's on a USB stick and having to put that in the Kemper every boring time again. Your solution is a good effort. It helps. I use OSX but Windows users can use Total Commander. It handles your Kemper Backup file as a folder with subfolders. Place the cabs in the right subfolder, save the backup file and load it into your Kemper. In this way you can also delete lots of cabs in little time.
    But still...the best way would be if Rig Manager could handle IR's the same way as profiles. Maybe someone can make that happen.

  • Iv'e been watching your Youtube movies Tijl. Thanks. Great program from Damian Greda. Have not had the time to test it.

    If only Rig Manager could handle IR's better than via placing IR's on a USB stick and having to put that in the Kemper every boring time again. Your solution is a good effort. It helps. I use OSX but Windows users can use Total Commander. It handles your Kemper Backup file as a folder with subfolders. Place the cabs in the right subfolder, save the backup file and load it into your Kemper. In this way you can also delete lots of cabs in little time.
    But still...the best way would be if Rig Manager could handle IR's the same way as profiles. Maybe someone can make that happen.

    Thanks man. I am aware of the 'total commander way', i use 7-zip for that. Why don't you use WineBottler ( for running 7-zip. this way you can enjoy the same workflow as on PC.

  • If only Rig Manager could handle IR's better than via placing IR's on a USB stick and having to put that in the Kemper every boring time again.

    But still...the best way would be if Rig Manager could handle IR's the same way as profiles. Maybe someone can make that happen.

    You can also test different IR's by disabling the cab section and using a software IR loader in your DAW.

  • I'd like to believe CK recognises Damian's tremendous and tiring efforts in providing an editor for the KPA.

    This will no doubt assist in further KPA sales for those where not having an editor is a total deal breaker.

    I know this is stating the glaring obvious but WHY is Damian not contracted by CK to actually build the official editor?
    He clearly has passion and an intimate working knowledge of the product. Even if CK has another vision of the finished product surely Damian
    can be involved to make it a reality sooner rather than later.

    I don't know Damian but clearly he has initiative and a great work ethic along with skills so I'm dumbfounded as to why he isn't in the KPA circle pushing things forward.

    I'd like to add that a USB interface would be far more convenient and more universal than a midi interface but I'm sure there's a reason that I ignorantly don't know about.

    Great work Damian and I'm very grateful to you.

    Edited once, last by Man_With_Gas (April 22, 2018 at 7:46 PM).

  • As intuitive as your solution sounds I don't think Ck will consider something like that for various reasons.

    1. Damian is not associated with Kemper, so if Ck where to adapt his work he would have to pay him. All sorts of complication might occur. How much work (quantity) did Damian invest in his programming? What would be price per hour. And so on.
    2. CK would have to invest a considerable amount of time in checking if the code was ok. This is a thing that affects both parties of this deal. Because if, for any reason, the software might get corrupted and one or multiple KPAs would suffer damage, it would be CKs responsibility. So he has to take that responsibility for a work that neither he nor his team has done, which is a very dangerous thing company wise.
    3. Damians solution is a workaround. He uses midi to change whatever the KPA allows to be changed via midi. If Ck would adapt this immediatly there would be requests to implement all the other features into the editor that are not midichangeable. So the proper solution from Kemper would be something fully integrated (and via USB). And I don't think you can transform damians Editor into "the real deal".

    Now here are two things I see might result from Damians work:
    - Kemper offers him a job and he is part of the development team inside Kemper. (Which would honor his knowledge and dedication to the product)
    - Ck sees how well an unofficial editor resonates with the community and decides to pull the trigger on their own development.

  • here's my walkthru Damian's Toast Me KPA Editor v1.20 new version coming soon!!

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  • Toast ME v1.32 is out!

    !Be aware that if you switch "Listen" button on Profiler tab to "AMP" this will mute KPA!

    MAC OSX IMAGE:…/Toast%20ME_1_32.dmg…

    Whats new?:

    • Added Input and Output parameters (now they are rosponding to KPA settings)
    • Fixed input buffer bug. Be aware that if you switch "Listen" button on Profiler tab to "AMP" this will mute KPA.
    • Added experimental MAC OSX image.

    Facebook Page:

    [Blocked Image:]
    [Blocked Image:]

    Please consider donating to Damian! This editor is just great. Video and manual coming up!

  • Can this connect via usb midi ? Bluetooth midi btw did not work with previous versions?


    The Toast ME software is based on the Ctrlr software which allow a user to create software based, custom midi control interfaces for all midi controllable devices .
    You can use a USB to Midi cable but make sure you are getting a quality branded cable that can transfer FULL SYSEX data.
    Mostly these cheap cables can handle basic mid pretty well, but the Toast ME editor works with SYSEX messages.

    Interfaces that will work with sysex messages:

    • M-Audio Uno
    • M-Audio Profire 2626
    • M-Audio MIDISport 2X2 USB Bundle
    • Yamaha UX 16 USB/MIDI interface
    • Roland Um-One
    • ESI Midimate EX
    • ESI Midimate II
    • AVID/M-Audio Fast Track Pro (latest drivers from AVID)
    • Motu 823 mk3
    • Miditech MIDIface 4x4
    • Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 2gen
    • RME FireFace UC

    Interfaces that will not work:

    • LogiLink® Adapter USB to Midi In-Out
    • Proster 6Ft 2M USB to MIDI Interface Cable Adapter

    Hope this helps...