Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • I really don't see how one can be "offended" if people would like a KPA editor.

    Not "offended" by people requesting a KPA editor. I want one after they've added new delays, things became a bit convoluted, nothing too bad tho - matter of convenience.

    What I don't like (again not offended). because it pollutes the forum and makes it an awkward place.

    • Incoherent, self centered drivel
    • Tantrums
    • Passively threatening Kemper team and the company
    • Indirectly insulting CK himself
    • Claiming that Kemper as a company does nothing for the "community" (or that Earth is flat)
    • Wannabe marketing and business experts
    • Random blokes speaking for whole community

    Here, I made a list.

    TL;DR - "Can we have an editor for our computers, it would be very helpful" is sufficient, IMO. No need to throw a tantrum and funny threats/insults.

    While I am at it, I demand a red Kemper or else..

  • I think Soapmak3rs viewpoints come from someone who has invested plenty into the Kemper but obviously, same as myself, have little invested into the forum as some of you users do. I see his viewpoints as simply being honest and defending a standpoint of opinion that an editor would be very useful, not only for him for him but for many users. Whether or not his views have validity to those who read this thread varies greatly from user to user, hence, YMMV.

    Is it potentially inflammatory to bash? yeah, that will likely be an unpopular standpoint, but again, from my perspective, he doesn't have alot invested into a presence here, but does have a significant amount invested into a product that all is being asked for is support and development of a feature that's a reasonable request, from many users, for many years.
    Simply, one who has little invested into the forum is going to point out, "why is that?" Is it a viewpoint of the minority or the majority. Soapmak3rs viewpoint was that it was a viewpoint of the majority...on facebook.

    And, the others who do have a good deal of time and viewpoints supporting the product, stand on its own merit as it is.
    Many of you who have been here and have time invested into this forum, have overcome and come to reason with the lack of an editor or X, and you're ok with that. You certainly are entitled to your own opinions as well.

    Anyways, I'm not going to go down this rabbit hole anymore as I'll be rambling fuel to the fire.
    Being a new user, I can relate to Soapmak3rs viewpoints.
    Is the lack of an editor going to stop me from enjoying and using the Kemper? Hopefully not.

  • I don't think you have to be a new user to "relate" to at least one of his viewpoints, as I suspect you'd agree, Charvelguy. That is, the view that an editor would be great.

    It's some of the accusations and assumptions he made, however, that are ill-founded, untruthful low blows that many here would feel offended by. I won't quote them all as there are a few, but here's one:

    Clearly, Kemper do not care about you, or the needs of the community, so you are technically in an abusive relationship with one-sided 'love'... Stockholm syndrome comes to mind.

  • I don't think you have to be a new user to "relate" to at least one of his viewpoints, as I suspect you'd agree, Charvelguy. That is, the view that an editor would be great.

    It's some of the accusations and assumptions he made, however, that are ill-founded, untruthful low blows that many here would feel offended by. I won't quote them all as there are a few, but here's one:

    I was being facetious in response to someone saying that they 'love' Kemper as a company, and insisting that I must too, because I bought and enjoy their device.
    This is an idea that I find completely irrational and kind of perverse. Why would anyone 'love' a corporate entity or be under the illusion that that company loves them back, or cares about them at all? You really are a peculiar bunch.

  • As most of you may know I rarely post on the forum however, I do view it daily for any positive input I may happen upon.

    The reason I post today is this continual Editor request is poisonous to all as we can ALL clearly see.

    Those who want it are correct and those who don't care are correct. It's so obvious isn't it when simply stated and yet the arguing continues.

    I am loathe to state the obvious as I highly respect CK and his team for the invention of the KPA and it's further updates however, I can't support CK's position
    of total silence on a subject that aggressively divides his buyers & supporters.

    CK should 100% post his position on whether he is going to provide an editor or not and that will 100% clear up these arguments once and for all.

    CK's open & honest communication to all will not cause him an issue with his competitors as an Editor is common within the Digital world of amplification today.

    Now before anyone defends CK's silence saying he owes us nothing I want to state that CK owns this forum and therefore he is responsible for its civility by way of its Mods PLUS his
    honesty by clearly communicating with those he invites in. He has been asked directly & indirectly so many times yet he remains silent. I believe he should exercise his manners on this subject and post his intentions one way or the other. CK by way of his silence expects your blind faith but as far as I know Blind Faith is reserved for the big book only.
    This section of the forum exists because CK wants YOUR ideas to go forward, You've requested/asked therefore so he should respond as it's the civil thing to do. If his position hasn't changed that he won't provide an editor a one line comm from him can restate his position with very little effort and settle the forum once and for all on this continual request.

    CK, if you're reading this will you please finally put this community out of its misery once and for all for the sake of 'your' forum community.

    If you do respond you may want to also put the spring reverb requesters out of their misery too as their pain & arguing continues on.

  • Let see, what was the topic here?

    Feature requests.

    An editor would be a feature most welcome. Once in a while, new people see this topic and agree, thus this topic lives.

    For the static product crowd and topic bombers, I can see them as those back in time, like the owners of the first personal computers, like a Mits Altair 8800.. If there was a forum back then, I can see them arguing with others: "Why would you want a screen?!? You have all the switches right on the front panel, you don't need to look at a screen! You knew what you bought! Just write down the program and hit the right switches! You must not have read the manual... "

    Like it or not, editors are the norm in the world today. it simply makes sense. At the end of the day, the fastest easiest most convenient way to make music wins.

  • First off, Would I like to have an editor.......Yes I would. But, is it as high on the list as a company that has the same hardware since 2012 or 11 and is still making new firmware and features for their customers (for free!!).. No it is not, since this to me is the best sounding digital amp I have ever heard or worked with. It's a feature that I would like to have but would not send me elsewhere even it it wasn't going to make the cut. Fanboy, maybe, since I'm very pleased with the investment I made and the return I get every time I turn it on and play.

    They could easily make a KPA2 with new reverbs and an editor and stop upgrades to version 1 to make more profits if they didn't care. Oh yeah and say it sounds even more realistic with more horsepower added under the hood. ;) Enjoy the great kit we have and hope for an editor some day, for free :D

  • Do any companies that currently make modelers charge for firmware updates?

    Do any modeler companies that make modelers still have the same hardware from six or seven years ago that are still support them with advancements? I'm just saying I'm very happy with my ROI, I think it's one of the best if not the best in the business. How many has Boss had since then, which I left.. Just happy with my decision is my point.

  • Do any modeler companies that make modelers still have the same hardware from six or seven years ago that are still support them with advancements? I'm just saying I'm very happy with my ROI, I think it's one of the best if not the best in the business. How many has Boss had since then, which I left.. Just happy with my decision is my point.

    I only ask because there are quite a few people on various forums that have mentioned their favorite modeling developer offering updates 'for free' which, if you think about it, is kind of the norm.

  • I only ask because there are quite a few people on various forums that have mentioned their favorite modeling developer offering updates 'for free' which, if you think about it, is kind of the norm.

    I agree for their most recent models or the previous generation but point is how many are still supporting models that are six or seven years old for the current operating systems... Very few if any.

  • Since you called me out by saying so many "need" one, which is your opinion, that simply just is not true... if you "need" to get the last word though feel free to keep insisting otherwise, or we could move on like civilized adults and agree that an editor is on everyone's "want" wishlist :thumbup:

    Some people have certain requirements, whether related to price, features or what have you. Saying some users need an editor is absolutely true, however that's not the same as saying the company is obligated to provide one, which they aren't. Wanting is different than needing as it implies a lack of necessity though needing automatically implies wanting.

  • Read my posts before blindly making assumptions and accusations - I said, many times in the past "for the record" that an editor would be helpful. It's not a necessity or a deal breaker, for me or for many, hence owning one - twice!!!

    I am absolutely not referring to any particular person / post. I just think everything regarding this is already said.