Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • Here's an attempt at mixing historical facts with humor :/ , "English is a West Germanic language that originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain in the mid 5th to 7th centuries AD by Germanic invaders and settlers from what is now northwest Germany"
    So effectively a big portion of the world is already speaking German anyway, including US in the the U.S LOL.. Please give us an editor soon :D

    Good luck using Old English in modern day Germany. ;)

  • ...Anyway, to get back to my original point, I don't think it's senseless to express continued interest in an editor.

    That's what this thread is all about and the company is clearly encouraging this by keeping this thread alive.

    But to beat a dead horse, there are those who believe the kemper is fine without an editor and they shouldn't be attacked and called names because they want to voice their opinion. Calling them fan boys in a derogatory manner is not productive to say the least.

    Many Kemper owners are in tonal bliss and could give a rat's A$$ about an editor or whether the Kemper has slight shortcomings even if some consider these slight shortcomings to be significant, this shouldn't be offensive to anyone if voiced by an owner. Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion if this board is going to be civil. No wonder why moderators are needed,. in these forums. The immaturity and inexperience keeps striking to derail their own threads.

    Those who want an editor shouldn't feel more important than those who want the Kemper to work on reverb or other effects first, this is not directed at you. Good luck, I wish Kemper will release an editor soon but it seems certain that immaturity is bound to strike again. Kids can afford expensive toys nowadays :D

  • That's what this thread is all about and the company is clearly encouraging this by keeping this thread alive.
    But to beat a dead horse, there are those who believe the kemper is fine without an editor and they shouldn't be attacked and called names because they want to voice their opinion. Calling them fan boys in a derogatory manner is not productive to say the least.

    Many Kemper owners are in tonal bliss and could give a rat's A$$ about an editor or whether the Kemper has slight shortcomings even if some consider these slight shortcomings to be significant, this shouldn't be offensive to anyone if voiced by an owner. Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion if this board is going to be civil. No wonder why moderators are needed,. in these forums. The immaturity and inexperience keeps striking to derail their own threads.

    Those who want an editor shouldn't feel more important than those who want the Kemper to work on reverb or other effects first, this is not directed at you. Good luck, I wish Kemper will release an editor soon but it seems certain that immaturity is bound to strike again. Kids can afford expensive toys nowadays :D

    If some users couldn't care less about an editor, that's fine. No one's forcing them to use one. If some users think it's pointless to continue talking about an editor, that's fine too. No one's twisting anyone's arm to participate in threads they deem pointless.

  • To get back to topic, you can't call someone who thinks they're satisfied without an edtior a Fan boy.

    I didn't call them fan boys. In fact, I defended people who think the above, too. Of course it's fine to be happy without an editor.

    I just referred to the general fanboyism that can and does often creep in to thread A or B.

    It's clear to outsiders, just like it's clear when it happens on Axe Fx forum.

    But anyway it does not matter.

  • nearly an entire page passes by without a single, relevant on-topic post. gentlemen, this stops here - pretty please. because i do prefer to leave this thread open.

    i'll issue warnings (which possibly and ultimately might result in bans) to those who believe that they cannot follow this simple request. and i'll issue instant warnings to anybody who needs to sidetrack this thread even further by quoting _this_ to leave a comment.

    thank you.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • nearly an entire page passes by without a single, relevant on-topic post. gentlemen, this stops here - pretty please. because i do prefer to leave this thread open.

    i'll issue warnings (which possibly and ultimately might result in bans) to those who believe that they cannot follow this simple request. and i'll issue instant warnings to anybody who needs to sidetrack this thread even further by quoting _this_ to leave a comment.

    thank you.

    What are the chances we can get (or buy, as i myself am willing to) an editor for our Kempers within the next year?
    Would be great with more response from you guys, letting us know a little more!


  • What are the chances we can get (or buy, as i myself am willing to) an editor for our Kempers within the next year?
    Would be great with more response from you guys, letting us know a little more!

    it is our policy to leave feature requests uncommented. we read your posts but we take the liberty to keep our thoughts to ourselves.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Something on the feature side instead of beating around the bush with endless discussions ...

    An editor would give additional possibilities, for a more detailed graphical EQ for example. Furthermore, it should be a live / realtime / online editor, e.g. use morphing etc. with it: press button on remote, change parameters in editor, release remote button.

    Settings should be covered as well as input / output. Maybe some initial setup procedure assistants (Clean / Distortion Sense Wizard, Quick Start Guide, ...)