Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • I assume, that they don't want to say yes, because a large number of people on this forum would be asking "when will it be finished" every two minutes, then speculating how it will look, then, how they want it to look, then, will it have this, will it have that!

    Some members of this forum, have shown time and again, that they are a pain in the ass! Acting like children on the back seat of the car, "are we there yet?"

    Even the way some people post in the future request forum is ridiculous!
    Acting like their needs have to be met every time they have a stupid idea.

    I don't blame Kemper hq one bit for staying silent.

  • Even the way some people post in the future request forum is ridiculous!
    Acting like their needs have to be met every time they have a stupid idea.

    Principle I agree. The crying for an editor now is boring. !

    But in each stupid thought can be the same for a good thought. :)
    Maybe we should not be so strict for requests ;) .

  • it's not the editor request that I was referring to.
    It's more like,

    " I just bought a kemper, and I can't believe that it doesn't have an outboard motor so I can hook it up to my boat!"

    "When are we going to get a DAW, Interface, monitors, mic pre's, mic's, drums, keys, and a plumber in the Kemper?
    I don't want to buy it all, because I'm not that serious about music, and given that the Kemper has combined amps, cabs and effect's, I naturally assume that it should have everything else.
    Oh, and I want it all for free, cos' you should have built it all in to start with.
    And I did no research before I bought it, so I'm very angry at Kemper!"

    You get the idea.

  • " I just bought a kemper, and I can't believe that it doesn't have an outboard motor so I can hook it up to my boat!"

    There's no need for hyperbole to artificially negate other users concerns.

    And based on what I've seen personally, I don't find peoples requests all that irrational or poorly delivered. Usually the only people I see get sensitive about the suggestion that the KPA isn't perfect are those who think the KPA can do no wrong. I may love my Kemper, but I'm not religious about it.

    But consider that I shared an editor was coming per a discussion at NAMM, and after the initial "great!" reaction from forum users, things were very quiet until @Monkey_Man told a new user that one is coming. I don't think your suggestion that people would be like children in the backseat whining is totally accurate. I think people are willing to wait, but they would like to know it's on the horizon.

    Not too long ago someone created a thread saying they are shelving their KPA until an editor arrives, and on another thread an Axe user thinking about switching to Kemper was clearly concerned over the lack of an editor. This isn't a nothing issue, nor is it the result of spoiled children. There's no need to exaggerate the irrationality of this request or the reaction of those it's important to.

  • I did not mention the editor thread! Accept to point out that, if Kemper HQ admitted that they are working on an editor, the floodgates would open and a shitfight would ensue.
    Not because, we don't need an editor, we do, and if you look further back in the thread you can see that I have posted my support for the idea.
    The remote debacle has obviously given hq pause when thinking of announcing anything new before it's ready to roll.

  • the floodgates would open and a shitfight would ensue.

    My crux is I'm not so sure about this. Then again, I wasn't around for the "remote debacle". For me, it's worse to say nothing than to tell people it's coming but to show patience as it's being developed.

  • I think the thing to note is that Kemper Amps usually confirms upcoming features or soundpacks, or at least that was the case till recently. Usually a video, or a post by one of the mods.

    In the case of some of the things we've been hearing of late, it's just wild speculation and conjecture. I find it less helpful, since it creates an impression that said features are in the pipeline when we have no kind of timeframe of anything.

    Sure, something maybe coming. But do we have to wait weeks? Months? Years?

    I'd rather not feed the rumour mills till I get a definitive confirmation from Kemper themselves. Otherwise it's just setting up myself and other users for disappointment.

    Do note that when Access came out with the Virus, they touted the computer editor feature as "Total Integration". Since Kemper have not even given us a hint, and I've never seen a post by the admins or mods about something like an editor, I find myself sceptical to the thought that we're going to get one anytime soon.

    Definitely worth a feature request. But a feature request that goes on for 27 pages where everyone is touting the virtues or drawbacks of an editor and then gets into heated debates where everyone shares their opinion as fact?

    Seriously, a +1 on the OP would suffice, in my opinion to get the company's attention.

  • I did not mention the editor thread! Accept to point out that, if Kemper HQ admitted that they are working on an editor, the floodgates would open and a shitfight would ensue.

    When the upcoming editor was (accidentally) confirmed in the NAMM threads over a month ago the floodgates did not open at all. Everyone was happy and all were looking forward to the editor, no shitfights in sight. The ranting started again when Kemper moved this topic back into uncertainty. So your point is moot.

    If Kemper answers 'no' to the question then the community will entirely take over and create a full fledged editor at some point. I have no doubt about that. If they say 'yes' then Kemper will release an editor eventually and we will have to show patience. And I believe that people will have the patience because everything that Kemper delivers is great in the end - it just takes time.

    Currently Kemper says nothing and absolutely nothing happens (at least it looks like this from outside). That's why people are ranting about it over and over again.

    The topic of this thread is a simple 'yes' or 'no' question:

    [_] Yes
    [_] No

  • Were you around for the Michael Wagner rig pack debacle, or the delay update debacle?

    Admittedly, I was not. Perhaps I didn't see it but I was here before the new delays were released and I didn't notice any delay shitstorm outside of some people occasionally asking when new delays were coming.

    When the upcoming editor was (accidentally) confirmed in the NAMM threads over a month ago the floodgates did not open at all. Everyone was happy and all were looking forward to the editor, no shitfights in sight. The ranting started again when Kemper moved this topic back into uncertainty. So your point is moot.

    [x] Yes
    [_] No

  • When the upcoming editor was (accidentally) confirmed in the NAMM threads over a month ago the floodgates did not open at all. Everyone was happy and all were looking forward to the editor, no shitfights in sight. The ranting started again when Kemper moved this topic back into uncertainty. So your point is moot.

    If Kemper answers 'no' to the question then the community will entirely take over and create a full fledged editor at some point. I have no doubt about that. If they say 'yes' then Kemper will release an editor eventually and we will have to show patience. And I believe that people will have the patience because everything that Kemper delivers is great in the end - it just takes time.

    Currently Kemper says nothing and absolutely nothing happens (at least it looks like this from outside). That's why people are ranting about it over and over again.

    The topic of this thread is a simple 'yes' or 'no' question:

    [_] Yes
    [_] No

    kemper did not announce an editor! And for this reason, a whirlwind of crap was averted.

    Therefore, my point remains, and I stand by it

  • When the upcoming editor was (accidentally) confirmed in the NAMM threads over a month ago the floodgates did not open at all. Everyone was happy and all were looking forward to the editor, no shitfights in sight. The ranting started again when Kemper moved this topic back into uncertainty. So your point is moot.

    If you had given it 4-5 months you'd have seen something :D

  • Nah Nicky, you were being helpful and optimistic to a newcomer. I only brought you up because the admin responded to your post.

  • If not said before: An App for tablets would be appriciated (both OS please:). I'd love to place my tablet to a mic stand and switch the KPA via the tablet. Good to know K-Team is on :thumbup:

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...