Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • No problems here.

    Download the CTRLR program, download the panel below, open and install the CTRLR program, go to File, find the panel and open. Now connect Kemper to interface via MIDI, interface to Macbook, have fun.

    If this doesn't work send Damian a message, I'm sure he could answer your questions.

    Edited once, last by PhilUK84 (November 8, 2015 at 2:59 PM).

  • The main problem is still to synchronize editor with KPA - it is doable. Editor without synchronization is half solution:/
    I have some knowledge about how to sync but i have a lack of time for this
    I hope the KPA team is working on USB editor solution . Logically this is only solution to do this:
    1. Fast connection
    2. MIDI is free for your midi gear
    3. Ethernet is free for your remote
    4. USB MIDI is now implemented in KPA FW - there is only lack of MIDI driver for KPA
    5. The framework API that was used for driver for KPA have implementation of MIDI device

    So in my opinion there is only one thing to consider - do the KPA team want to do this or not. They have all the tools ready.

  • I'm pretty sure they do want to release an Editor , but the encoding writing code should be secure...

    There is some encoding on some sys ex messages. But i think it is only for transmit error corrections.
    What will you do with those messages? The heat of the KPA is in DSP algo, not in the parametric input files.
    Besides - the MIDI in KPA has powerful implementation . You cannot achieve the same with remote in my opinion.
    Why ? MIDI is open format. You can do what you want with it (with your midi floorboard controller).
    For example:
    Try to control tone pot of TS in slot B with expression pedal. You cannot do this with remote.
    But with midi you can do this with programmable floorboard.

    for example you cannot do freeze effect with the remote you have to wait for implementation in FW .

    But with midi :

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  • Well I guess dpavel meant securing the source code, but

    1) if we get VST/standalone Kemper editor it will be binary, I wonder anyone would do the reverse engineering because
    2) even if you reverse engineer the source code of VST/standalone Kemper editor, how would you use it without the Kemper?

    It's not gonna be VST/app version of Kemper, it will be (if will be :D ) the VST/app ti control The Kemper, it is just useless without Kemper.

  • Well I guess dpavel meant securing the source code, but

    1) if we get VST/standalone Kemper editor it will be binary, I wonder anyone would do the reverse engineering because
    2) even if you reverse engineer the source code of VST/standalone Kemper editor, how would you use it without the Kemper?

    It's not gonna be VST/app version of Kemper, it will be (if will be :D ) the VST/app ti control The Kemper, it is just useless without Kemper.

    Exactly - nothing to hide - it is only some MIDI commands to control the KPA.

  • Thats the point , having a editor that only works with the Kemper plugged ....should be more easily released by KPA team...I hope ...soon...maybe....

    This could be easly acconplished by VID and PID USB device.

    But still is the same ''easy" job as without device identification.
    This is only the control messages not the DSP firmware sended over the midi(usb or din5 midi).

  • This could be easly acconplished by VID and PID USB device.

    But still is the same ''easy" job as without device identification.
    This is only the control messages not the DSP firmware sended over the midi(usb or din5 midi).

    But why would you need VID/PID USB stick for software that is useless without Kemper?

  • I strongly urge the KPA team to produce a full functioning editor. I am a former owner of the KPA from 2012 / 2013 (can't remember exactly ) and I have recently purchased the bundle with Remote.

    But I am amazed there is no editor. There is a librarian, yes, but no editor. Two years later and I am dumb struck at this as almost every device out there has one. From 100 dollar units on up to the most expensive. Even some that have factory editors have third party editors as well (gt100 as example )

    I dont understand the resistance to this feature, or at least not having one implemented by now.

    its very dissapointing, and maybe I am in the minority in wanting this ?

    I have heard all the aurguments about its easy from from the front panel, and all that.

    But there is nothing like using Todays technology, and low tech at that To have an editor .

    And there doesn't seem to be one in the works as I can't find any information being published by the Kemper team. Or did I miss this somewhere ?

    For or the price of the KPA and remote , I think this should be an automatic feature ready to go out of the box with a simple download from the KPA site.

    sorry to be the grump in all this, but it bothers me as you can tell :D

    Edited once, last by Jerryratpack (November 25, 2015 at 11:32 AM).

  • I strongly urge the KPA team to produce a full functioning editor. I am a former owner of the KPA from 2012 / 2013 (can't remember exactly ) and I have recently purchased the bundle with Remote.

    But I am amazed there is no editor. There is a librarian, yes, but no editor. Two years later and I am dumb struck at this as almost every device out there has one. From 100 dollar units on up to the most expensive. Even some that have factory editors have third party editors as well (gt100 as example )

    I dont understand the resistance to this feature, or at least not having one implemented by now.

    its very dissapointing, and maybe I am in the minority in wanting this ?

    Don't think so, seems to be the most requested feature...