Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • I think when it comes out, it's going to have been worth the wait. Consider that a couple years ago, the Kemper folks hinted that they wanted to expand midi capabilities. Many of us have been begging for the ability to send messages without leaving the current rig. Also, they supposedly had plans, at least at one time, of doing something with aliases. That is, having multiple rigs share copies of a particular element, such as the amp block from another rig. then when you adjust the original, all the rigs that have the alias of that change with it. Supposedly, they were anyway. Plus with the hinting at new Reverbs, perhaps there's a bunch of details they want to get all hammered out in an editor that take into account these and perhaps other changes. No sense in rolling out an editor that would need major overhaul when or if they plan on rolling out these particular changes.

  • I think when it comes out, it's going to have been worth the wait. Consider that a couple years ago, the Kemper folks hinted that they wanted to expand midi capabilities. Many of us have been begging for the ability to send messages without leaving the current rig. Also, they supposedly had plans, at least at one time, of doing something with aliases. That is, having multiple rigs share copies of a particular element, such as the amp block from another rig. then when you adjust the original, all the rigs that have the alias of that change with it. Supposedly, they were anyway. Plus with the hinting at new Reverbs, perhaps there's a bunch of details they want to get all hammered out in an editor that take into account these and perhaps other changes. No sense in rolling out an editor that would need major overhaul when or if they plan on rolling out these particular changes.

    companies have had editors day one for other products. It's not a huge task to make an editor. It's just what a company feels like putting out. Given so many other products thes last few years almost have an editor standard, it is a mystery why kemper didn't as well. I mean even foot pedals have editors. Hopefully they will get this together soon, just like the main unit, bugs are worked out by usage and feedback.

  • companies have had editors day one for other products. It's not a huge task to make an editor. It's just what a company feels like putting out. Given so many other products thes last few years almost have an editor standard, it is a mystery why kemper didn't as well. I mean even foot pedals have editors. Hopefully they will get this together soon, just like the main unit, bugs are worked out by usage and feedback.

    my thought was that once you add an editor, you need to continuously update the editor each time you make changes to the firmware. thus it takes longer to release new firmware updates, as now you also have to offer an updated editor that works with the new firmware. Thus to me, it seems to me that if they have any major upgrades to the firmware planned in the near future, it would make sense to roll out the editor with or after those upgrades.

  • my thought was that once you add an editor, you need to continuously update the editor each time you make changes to the firmware. thus it takes longer to release new firmware updates, as now you also have to offer an updated editor that works with the new firmware. Thus to me, it seems to me that if they have any major upgrades to the firmware planned in the near future, it would make sense to roll out the editor with or after those upgrades.

    Since most companies have an editor from the start, that would mean it was intended from the beginning and part of the overall design/scheme. Updates always happen for everything.

  • Since most companies have an editor from the start, that would mean it was intended from the beginning and part of the overall design/scheme. Updates always happen for everything.

    True, I'm not making excuses, just pointing out that if there are major structural changes you want to implement through firmware, it might be quite an overhaul of the editor, and if they've waited this long, it's worth getting any major structural things in order first. Given the size of the Kemper company, my guess is that they didn't role out an editor from the beginning because they needed to get a product to market and didn't have the financial resources to worry about an editor. Consider that when the KPA came out, the performance mode wasn't even developed yet, despite it being one of the obvious modes on the on off switch. A small company that sells one other product can't sit around paying employees for month or years while not having a product to sell. There's a small handful of things that should be done to make Kemper the perfect solution for just about everything. one would be an editor. another would be the ability to send midi messages without changing rigs. the reason being that if you use other gear, you're end up with a needlessly complex set up which I won't go in to here. The third would be aliases of blocks. That is, you dial in a particular amp for a light crunch and want to use that sound on a dozen different song specific rigs, you can tweak it on the fly and have all the other rigs that have an alias of that amp change with it.

  • Fantastic, dude! That's the spirit! I can't afford that much, but Mr CK has to recognise that we are all willing to pay for an editor.

    We have already payed Big Money for (maybe) upcoming editor - about 2000$.

    Every update released through these 5 years was free - making editor for even 30E would harm company's reputation.

    Is there anybody on the market charging for editor to their device?

  • My thoughts exactly, Brother Skocz.

    I mean, if you want to distinguish yourself as a company, the last way you'd want to achieve this is by being known as the tight-assed, suck-your-wallet-dry option, charging for things that your direct competitors provide for free.

  • Certainly, just pointing out it's not completely unprecedented. It is, however, something consumers expect at a minimum in 2017.